

A very commonly used statistical analysis package.

Note: in 2009 this software was renamed ­PASW Statistics, which has its own ­AppDB entry.

Native Linux alternative:

­PSPP -It is a Free replacement for the proprietary program SPSS, and appears very similar to it with a few exceptions.


Application Details:

Developer: SPSS Inc.

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For more details and user comments, view the versions of this application

VersionDescriptionLatest RatingLatest Wine version testedTest resultsComments
10.0Version 10Bronze0.9.12.20
11.0Version 11Bronze0.9.31.30
12SPSS 12Bronze1.0.030
13.0Version 13Silver1.1.29110
14.0Release 14.0Silver1.1.42100
15Evaluation version.Platinum1.8.1100
16.0SPSS for Windows Release 16.0 (Sep. 2007)Garbage1.1.2930
17Does not work in Wine. Attempts to create its own server when launching, even XP64 will not launch the application (XP32 will).Bronze1.3.030
19IBM SPSS 19, formerly know as PASW 18, formerly know as SPSS 17 and earlier.Garbage1.3.1920
22IBM SPSS Statistics 32bitGarbage9.220
27New addition for IBM SPSS released in 16 June 2020Gold9.2010
6.0SPSS for Windows Release 6.0 (Jun 17 1993)Platinum1.1.190
8.0Version 8Bronze0.9.12.10
9.0Statistical package for Social Sciences. Widely used.Garbage1.3.3620