Transformers: War for Cybertron is a third person shooter that takes place prior to the Transformers: Prime animated series, when the Transformers still lived on the fictional machine planet Cybertron. The game has two distinct campaigns, one for each faction. The story of the Decepticon campaign is a prelude to the Autobot campaign's story. Both campaigns can be played in single-player or cooperatively via online multiplayer, and can drop in or out of the game at any time. Each campaign level features three playable Transformers. If fewer than three players are present, the game's AI controls the remaining playable characters.
Application Details:
Developer: | high moon studios |
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Version | Description | Latest Rating | Latest Wine version tested | Test results | Comments |
Steam | Steam | Gold | 1.5.22 | 3 | 0 |
v1.0 | Retail | Silver | 1.5.31 | 4 | 0 |