This is an universal calculator with formula calculator, measures convertor, user's functions, date converter, equations solver, numeral calculator, accountant's calculator, financial calculator, programmers calculator and chemical calculator.
It knows many physical constants (press "const" button), understands pi = 3.14159... can calculate formulas in BASIC format but understands simpler formulas without parenthesis around function arguments and "*" sign before function names:
It remembers all your actions in the session so You can restore any result.
It has 5 memory cells - from memory 0 to memory 4.
It can use degree, minutes and seconds characters.
There is only one disadvantage - no english version, only russian.
For more details and user comments, view the versions of this application
Version | Description | Latest Rating | Latest Wine version tested | Test results | Comments |
3.02 | Added Mendeleev's table and other chemical functions and some enhancements. | Platinum | 1.3.32 | 2 | 0 |