
Baan Client

The client needed to connect to the Baan IV through Infor ERP LN 6 erp system screensize >= 1024x768 is needed. Fonts tuning is also needed. Functionality works great. 

Application Details:

Developer: Baan

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For more details and user comments, view the versions of this application

VersionDescriptionLatest RatingLatest Wine version testedTest resultsComments
8.4alatest version on 08 October 2007Bronze0.9.48.10
8.4c.3Latest version released July 2008Gold1.1.510
B40c.79Baan Client to connect to Baan ERP serverGold0.9.46.10
B40c.90Latest version of the Baan IV windows client (Baan Windows). Released 8-Apr-2008.Bronze0.9.59.10
Infor_BW_8.5a03_7List of changes for portingset: 8.5a.03Platinum1.1.3310
Worktop 2.5.2The latest version of the Baan Worktop client application.  Released 30 Jan 2008. To be used with Baan Windows.Garbage0.9.59.10