Category: Main Games Card, Puzzle and Board Games and yet it moves

and yet it moves

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"And Yet It Moves" is basically a mixture between a jump and run and a puzzle game, with the extra ability to rotate the world. The player can run left, right and jump, but can also turn the world clockwise and counterclockwise by 90 degrees. When this happens physics works the following way: as soon as rotation starts all objects get frozen and after rotation objects continue to move with their velocities (direction and speed) they had before. With this ability you can move objects and yourself but also need to keep orientation and watch out for dangerous situations. Don't worry though, you' re made out of paper so you can die as often as you want to.

The overall goal is to get through this collage of ripped paper. And if you are quick - and don't die too often - you might get into the highscore list.

This is a gameconcept for a mediainformatics course held by the igw at Vienna University of Technology. We made two levels that show different aspects of how actual gameplay could be like. The first level - the cave - is more jump and run style and is an easy one where you can practice and improve your rotation skills. The second one - the jungle - is an advanced level with more sophisticated puzzles. To solve them you have to apply the physical consequences of rotating the world to the player and other objects simultaneously.

Application Details:

Developer: Torque Game Builder

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For more details and user comments, view the versions of this application

VersionDescriptionLatest RatingLatest Wine version testedTest resultsComments
1.1.1This is the version that came with the Humble Indie Bundle #3, though it the current version also available on the web site.Gold1.3.2110
SteamPlaying And Yet It Moves on SteamPlatinum1.3.2730