In Diablo II, return to a world of dark fantasy. As one of five distinct character types, explore the world of Diablo II -- journey across distant lands, fight new villains, discover new treasures, and uncover ancient mysteries, all in the quest to stop the Lord of Terror, once and for all...
In Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, you will return to follow the path
of Baal, the last of the Prime Evils, into the Barbarian Highlands of
the north. Traveling with hordes of demonic minions, Baal intends to
corrupt the powerful Worldstone, which protects the whole of the mortal
plane from the forces of Hell. You will face a new series of quests and
challenges to prevent the vile minions of the underworld from
destroying the world of Sanctuary.
Application Details:
Developer: | Blizzard Entertainment Inc. |
URL: | |
Super Maintainers: About Maintainership
For more details and user comments, view the versions of this application
Version | Description | Latest Rating | Latest Wine version tested | Test results | Comments |
1.04 - Demo | The demo contains the first two playable quests as the barbarian character and limits you to two Warcries: Howl and Find Potion -- 3 Combat Masteries: Sword Mastery, Axe Mastery and Mace Mastery and one Combat Skill: Bash if you complete the second quest you can get a hireling - all early areas of the game can be reached but you cannot enter "the stony plains" or beyond | Gold | 3.0.3 | 5 | 0 |
1.xx | Latest version (currently, patch 1.14b) | Platinum | 5.13-staging | 49 | 9 |
D2 MultiRes - Mod for version 1.12 & earlier | This unofficial "patch" allows you to play Diablo II in resolutions | Gold | 1.7.11 | 4 | 0 |
Diablo II resurrected | Diablo II resurrected a new version with some quality of life improvements and a new graphical overlay. | Gold | 8.2-staging | 6 | 29 |
Lord of Destruction 1.x | Retail expansion and all updates. | Platinum | 7.0 | 92 | 3 |
Median XL Ultimative XVc (Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction v1.13d) | The most popular full-conversion mod for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. | Platinum | 1.9.19 | 2 | 0 |
The Grapes Of Wrath - Mod for version 1.09 | Standalone mod for LOD, bring up a lot of new items and monsters, oriented on hardcore playing. You can convert LOD character to TGW, but not backwards. Unpatchable. | Platinum | 2.4 | 6 | 0 |