
Zondervan Reference Software

Version 6.0 of the Zordervan Reference Software now called Pradis.

Application Details:

Version: Pradis 6.0
License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.2-rc1

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

everything - following the HowTo - as long as you are using a stock standard 32bit version of wine. Wow64 enabled wine won't install. (See the bug)

What does not

The default mouse cursor shows up as a black square (bug 22897)


What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentFedora 12 x86_64May 27 20101.2-rc1Yes Yes NoBronzeNicholas van Oudtshoorn 
ShowFedora 12 x86_64May 19 20101.1.44No Not installable NoGarbageNicholas van Oudtshoorn 
ShowFedora 12 x86_64May 07 20101.1.43No Not installable NoGarbageNicholas van Oudtshoorn 
ShowFedora 11 x86_64Jul 29 20091.1.26Yes Yes NoSilverNicholas van Oudtshoorn 
ShowFedora 11 x86_64Jun 20 20091.1.24Yes Yes NoSilverNicholas van Oudtshoorn 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
17540 Zondervan Pradis 6.0 hangs due to ole32.dll.CoGetCurrentLogicalThreadId stub CLOSED FIXED View
22601 .NET Framework 2.0 installer displays crash dialog, fails with "function failed" error message CLOSED FIXED View
22784 Pradis installer fails with ole errors (Install Shield engine fails in 64bit WINEPREFIX) CLOSED DUPLICATE View
22897 Mouse cursor is damaged when DCOM98 (native rpcrt4) is used CLOSED FIXED View
24611 Install Shield fails on 64bit multilib wine if WINEPREFIX was created by 64bit wine CLOSED FIXED View

Show open bugs

HowTo / Notes


1. Setup a nice new WINEPREFIX:

       export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-pradis

2. Install corefonts using winetricks

       winetricks corefonts

3. Install Pradis by running the setup.exe on the CD


       wine setup.exe

4. Note, the programme should autorun, and then fail to load any resources. Only part of it crashes, so to kill it off completely, run the following command:

       wineserver -k

For some reason, I occassionaly have to kill off the server manually, by running the following commands first:

       killall -9 ZDbMon6.exe

       killall -9 winedevice.exe

       killall -9 services.exe

5. Install dcom98 using winetricks

       winetricks dcom98

6. Switch to win98 mode using winetricks

       winetricks win98

7. You can now run the programme normally. Everything will work - except for the Tree showing chapters in books. ALthough it's there, it doesn't actually display.


Update: There is a trick to get the tree to display. Click on the button which is supposed to bring it up. Then grab a hold of the splitter between the text and the left hand side bar. Drag the sidebar so that it fills ~95% of the width. Then drag it back to what it was. Voila - the chapter tree should appear! I'm still trying to get a handle on what's causing this. (Seems to be a painting message which is unsupported in Wine's GDI implementation).


1. Setup a nice new WINEPREFIX:

       export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-pradis

2. Install corefonts using winetricks

       winetricks corefonts

3. Install Pradis by running the setup.exe on the CD


       wine setup.exe

4. Note, the programme should automatically run at the end of the install, but fail to load any resources. So kill it off completely; run the following command:

       wineserver -k

5. Install dcom98 using winetricks

       winetricks dcom98

6. Switch to win98 mode using winetricks

       winetricks win98

7. You can now run the programme normally. Everything will work - except for the Tree showing chapters in books. ALthough it's there, it doesn't actually display. There is a trick to get the tree to display. Simply open two different resources, open the tree dropdown, and arrange them in tabs.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.