

Desktop publishing. The best for big books.

Application Details:

Version: 8
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 0.9.54.

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

more "testing"

it looks like the program is working but it does have some issues

works - text in frames

works - tags

works - insert pages

What does not

some problems I have

do not try to add a frame, insert a bitmap into it, and then add text, so far that chokes the programs save every time. But the file does get saved, it just stops it from going after the save.

a work around is to add the bitmap to a frame and then use another frame for the text and put that over the bitmap frame. Actually seems like a better method anyway.


printing - I don't think this works to well. But printing to a file or CUPS-pdf seems to work OK

more "testing" coming

cut and paste does not seem to work

the edit bitmap feature, it seems to want to work, it loads up the Paint program but the image doesn't load up and then it all quits. This can be handy but normally I would have the pictures all ready to insert into the document before hand or edit a copy for insertion.



What was not tested

long publications

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

looks like Corel could easily modify this run perfectly under Wine WOULDn't that be NICE! High end graphics and publishing in Linux!

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentFedora 8Feb 15 20080.9.54.Yes Yes NoSilveran anonymous user 
ShowFedora 8Feb 12 20080.9.54.Yes Yes NoSilveran anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

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Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.