Category: Main Games Simulation Games Adult Artificial Girl 3 1.0x with English launcher

Artificial Girl 3

Original version plus official patches and English launcher.

Do NOT submit test results for patched versions of Wine.

Feel free to submit tests of non-patched Wine versions, but if you are like to see this fixed in the future, please vote here

Application Details:

Version: 1.0x with English launcher
License: Retail
Votes: 3
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.2

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works


What does not

Starting the executables.


What was not tested

Using the editor

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Copied working windows xp install, as described in the how-to below. Windows version set to XP, game version is 1.03

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Aug 17 20101.2Yes Yes NoBronzeCerberus 
CurrentopenSUSE 10.3Jul 06 20081.1.0N/A No NoGarbageTalas 
ShowUbuntu 8.04 "Hardy" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 21 20081.0-rc1No Yes NoBronzean anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

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HowTo / Notes


AG3 subtitles work if in winecfg both d3d9 and d3dx9_24 are set as (native then built-in).

Illusion wizard does not work even installing .Net executables with winetricks, so dont mess with them, and if you're planning to do a lot of patching consider using a Virtual Machine like VirtualBox for the task.

Frame rate are not bad, but since vertex blending is emulated in cpu (thanks to the patch) when there are several girls in a place, frame rate noticeability drops.


In order to run AG3 almost flawlessly you will need to build a custom version of wine. In a terminal with Ubuntu first step is:

sudo apt-get build-dep wine

Note: if you need help doing that in other distribution or extra aid please ask in your distribution forums/chat as I will no have the time to answer how is done.

Then do the following steps:

mkdir custombuild && cd custombuild

wget -O vertex_blend_sw-1.1.44.diff


tar -xvjf wine-1.2.tar.bz2

cd wine-1.2/

patch -p1 < ../vertex_blend_sw-1.1.44.diff

./configure --prefix=${HOME}/wine-vertexfixed

And you are ready right now to build the custom version of wine, building can last from 15 to 40 minutes so better enjoy a coffee after you write this and press enter:


If build suceeds last line of your terminal will be: Wine build complete.

If it wasn't seek for aid in your distro or wine help channel.

Last step of building will be installing the custom wine version

sudo make install

 From this you can run your AG3 game via

~/wine-vertexfixed/bin/wine AG3_Play.exe

 or if you installed in a different prefix, do like the following example

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-ag3 ~/wine-vertexfixed/bin/wine 'C:\Program Files\AG3\AG3_Play.exe'


HOWTO: Display Japanese characters

Japanese applications in general have certain Japanese words that will not display properly out of the box with Wine. In order to be able to view the Japanese characters that don't work, you must have Wine call out the Japanese locales on your computer. Go to a terminal and type in "LC_ALL=ja_JP wine" and then the path to your program. That is usually all it takes to make the Japanese characters work properly.

However, even with this method, the program may not still display the words correctly. That means that your computer probably does not have the proper locales enabled, so the result will be the same. Here are instructions on how to fix that.

In Ubuntu / Ubuntu-based Distribution:

Go to a terminal and type in "sudo nano (or your preferred text editor) /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ja". It should be a new file since there isn't a file called "ja" yet. Type in the following entries:

ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8

Please make sure to press the Enter key after typing this in to start a new line. Thanks to Jordan M. for pointing this out.

Save the file, and type in this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

In Arch Linux:

Go to your perferred terminal and login as root:

su - (enter your password when it tells you to)

Use your text editor to edit the following file:

nano (or your preferred text editor) /etc/locale.gen

Look for these two entries and uncomment them:

ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8

Save the text file, exit the editor, and then type in locale-gen in the terminal.

Try using the "LC_ALL=ja_JP wine" method. It should work this time. If it still doesn't work, you may not have the fonts that Wine needs to correctly display the Japanese characters.

Please note that this HOWTO is designed for Ubuntu, Ubuntu-based distributions, and Arch Linux. Other distribution may have slightly different methods.

HOWTO: Display Japanese characters (cont.)

NOTE - For new versions of Wine, all that you need to do to get the other Japanese characters to work is to store the Japanese fonts in your ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts directory. Use the "LC_ALL=ja_JP wine" command to run Japanese games or applications.

This HOWTO is still here for those who still can't get the characters to display properly.

If you've followed the first part of the HOWTO, you are already set to use Japanese programs that display the words properly. However, there are some applications that still have problems displaying them properly. These usually occur in a right-click menu, or when certain messages pop-up in a window. The reason for this is because some fonts need to be replaced with vaild japanese fonts in order for situations like this to work.

Here is how to fix this problem:

First, open up a text editor and save it as "ja_JP.reg". We will be creating a registry that Wine can use to determine which fonts to use when Japanese words do not work.

Next, copy and paste the following to the file:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"System"="MS Shell Dlg"
"Arial"="MS UI Gothic"
"Fixedsys"="MS Gothic"
"MS Gothic"="MS Gothic"
"MS Mincho"="MS Mincho"
"MS PGothic"="MS Gothic"
"MS PMincho"="MS Mincho"
"MS Sans Serif"="MS Gothic"
"MS Shell Dlg"="MS Gothic"
"MS Shell Dlg 2"="MS Gothic"
"MS UI Gothic"="MS UI Gothic"
"Tahoma"="MS UI Gothic"
"Terminal"="MS Gothic"

As you can see from the entry, MS Gothic, MS UI Gothic, and MS Mincho are used. Make sure that these fonts are placed in your ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts directory. If you don't have these fonts, you can use different Japanese fonts in place of these and put them in your /windows/fonts directory.

Save the file, and enter this command in the terminal:

regedit ~/ja_JP.reg

This will put all the entries in the Wine registry. Use the "LC_ALL=ja_JP wine" command to run the Japanese program in question. I have a provided a screenshot of Planetarian that has the right-click menu displayed properly. You can view it in the screenshot gallery.

HOWTO Install Artificial Girl 3

Install AG3 can be hard as you will need to play with language settings, locales setup multilanguage setup, and is not an easy task, although can be done I only suceed to do it on Ubuntu after days of criptic setups and I don recommend it.

A better approach will be install within windows or a VM like VirtualBox and then copy it over to a directory which can be accessed by wine. Following to the copy of the game files, registry must be edited manually to get the game to run.


wine regedit

 create the following key


and as string values, the following (under JS3 key):

INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\illusion\AG3\

 (or your install dir)


 and the following as dword:

VERSION = 0x00000064


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.