Category: Main Games 1st Person Shooter Left 4 Dead Full (Steam)

Left 4 Dead

Set in the immediate aftermath of the zombie apocalypse, L4D's survival co-op mode lets you blast a path through the infected in four unique “movies,” guiding your survivors across the rooftops of an abandoned metropolis, through rural ghost towns and pitch-black forests in your quest to escape a devastated Ground Zero crawling with infected enemies. Each "movie" is comprised of five large maps, and can be played by one to four human players, with an emphasis on team-based strategy and objectives.

Application Details:

Version: Full (Steam)
License: Retail
Votes: 81
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 3.0

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Everything works perfect.

What does not



What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

MBD - Asus Z87PRO CPU - Intel i7 4770k RAM - 32 GB RAM SSD - Samsung 840 PRO VID - Nvidia 440 GT (310.xx) OS Mode - Windows 7 Prefix works better on 32-Bit, so for 64-Bit users please do the following: rm -fr ~/.wine export WINEARCH=win32 export WINEPREFIX="/home/USER/.wine" winecfg If it helps, this is my complete winetrick component list that applies for most applications. It saves the time and trouble of any issues or needed DLLs. d3dx10 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_39 d3dx9_42 d3dx9_43 d3dx9 directx9 dotnet20sp1 dotnet20 dotnet30sp1 dotnet35 dotnet40 gdiplus gdiplus_winxp gfw mfc40 mfc42 msxml3 msxml4 msxml6 physx quartz vb6run vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun6sp6 vcrun6 wmp10 wsh56vb wsh57 xact_jun2010 xact xinput xna40

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowSlackware 14.1 64-bit multilibFeb 11 20183.0N/A Yes YesGoldManoa 
ShowUbuntu 16.04 "Xenial" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Mar 03 20172.2Yes Yes NoPlatinumWayne 
ShowFedora 21 x86_64Mar 29 20151.7.38Yes Yes NoPlatinumbrnns 
ShowMac OS X 10.10 "Yosemite"Dec 14 20141.7.33Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
CurrentUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Aug 03 20141.7.22Yes Yes NoGoldLuis Alvarado 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
5159 Microphone xmit in Half Life and HL:S games very harsh and goes in and out of "focus" REOPENED View
24684 Multiple Source engine based games (Steam): out-of-order rendering, bloom effect and lights are visible through walls when multicore rendering is enabled NEW View
29354 Multiple Microsoft product installers fail due to ProductID being set during client side "ValidateProductID" standard action (Microsoft Virtual PC 2004, 2007, Visual Studio 2008) NEW View
37158 Left 4 Dead (Steam) crashes in libcef after pressing 'tab' key in-game (display multiplayer scores) NEW View
38749 Left 4 Dead: text in terminal is unreadable UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Startup Settings

To change startup settings, right-click on the game in Steam, select "Properties, then "Set launch options...". You can add any of the following options, seperated by a space.

  • -novid - Prevent the startup video from running. Not necessary, but gets you to the menu faster.

If you have multiple screens, you'll probably find that the game tries to stretch over all screens, instead of just one. In this case, you'll need these options:

  • -height - Sets the window height. For example, "-height 900".
  • -width - Sets the window width. For example, "-width 1440".
  • -windowed - Not necessary, but starts the game in a window. Nice for if you want to move it to a different screen.
L4D does not recognise -dxlevel 81 - it only uses dx9, using this option will make zero difference.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.