
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

All 1.5 versions

Application Details:

Version: 1.5.x
License: Retail
Votes: 2
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.9.23-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installation and play. Keyboard/Mouse (Edges of the screen drops mouse to center in the menu (inventory, etc.) Rendering (Static Lighting) Audio - OpenAL (ALSA or Pulse, full or emulation)

What does not

Extended Lighting


What was not tested

Mods Play over net

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

#!/bin/bash export WINEPREFIX="/home/aslok/STALKER-ClearSky" cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/./Program Files/GSC World Publishing/С.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р. - Чистое Небо/" wine "bin/xrEngine.exe" "-nodistort -noprefetch -nointro -i" $@

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Dec 03 20161.9.23-stagingYes Yes NoGoldRob 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 24 20141.7.22N/A Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 
ShowLinux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca"Nov 03 20151.6.2Yes Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 24 20141.6.2N/A No NoGarbagean anonymous user 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Jul 25 20131.6N/A Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Test Submissions ... how avoid a rejection notice!!

These notes were last updated: 3 December 2016

Follow these guidelines to avoid embarrassment - caused by having your Test Submission immediately rejected!!

  • Put your PC specs in the Extra Comments section e.g. like your CPU and system memory.1
  • When adding test results please specify video card and driver version you are using.2
  • It's also useful to mention what desktop environment you are using (e.g. KDE, Gnome, Xfce, Unity...)
  • Specify what version of the Windows emulation you use in your Wineprefix (e.g. Windows XP, Windows 7).
  • Add a comment about what is not working for you.
  • Specify if you made any other changes to S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky e.g. installing a game "Mod", an .exe patch or details of any other modifications you made to the stock configuration files for the game.
  • Please indicate if your using Wine Staging and/or any additional patches applied - to the version of Wine you are using.
  • Please, don't submit test results like "Everything is working" or "Everything isn't working".

These guidelines ensure your submitted test results are actually relevant to other users of Wine and WineHQ.

1 The console version of the lshw utility is your friend. This command will dump your System hardware specification in a clean format. Post command and output in the Extra Comments section:

lshw -short

2 glxinfo can be used to display your OpenGL and graphics driver versions. Post the command and output in the Extra Comments section:

glxinfo | grep version

Installing (optical media source)

This guide was created - using the newer Revival S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky retail DVD (which is pre-patch to version 1.5.10). The disc was scanned for copy protection - none was detected. A no-CD/DVD crack or patch may be necessary for different copies of the retail disc, or for different locales.

Setup either a 32-bit Wineprefix or a 64-bit Wineprefix.

Although a 32-bit Wineprefix is generally recommended for maximum compatibility, a 64-bit Wineprefix might be beneficial in certain, restricted circumstances.
E.g. to support the transfer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky saved games between a native 64-bit Windows install of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and your Wine Wineprefix (see Saved Games note below).

32-bit Wineprefix:

export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚" 1
export WINEARCH=win32
wineboot -u

64-bit Wineprefix:

export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚" 1
export WINEARCH=win64
wineboot -u

Wine hooks into the Linux udisks-2 hardware manager to auto-populate system drives. Mount your optical media drive using your Desktop Environment file manager (dolphin, nautilus, caja, etc.) Locate the symbolic link / virtual Windows drive letter Wine has setup for your install media as follows:

ls -hl "${WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices"

    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 ❚❚❚❚❚❚ ❚❚❚❚ 10 Oct 11 19:31 c: -> ../drive_c
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 ❚❚❚❚❚❚ ❚❚❚❚ 25 Oct 11 19:31 d: -> /run/media/❚❚❚❚❚❚/StalkerCS
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 ❚❚❚❚❚❚ ❚❚❚❚  8 Oct 11 19:31 d:: -> /dev/sr0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 ❚❚❚❚❚❚ ❚❚❚❚  1 Oct 11 19:31 z: -> /

Then proceed to install the game, using the allocated Windows drive letter of your optical drive:

wine 'D:\AutoStarter.exe' 2
winetricks d3dx9 3

The default Unix install location (change as required).

32-bit Wineprefix:

"${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Deep Silver/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky"

64-bit Wineprefix:

"${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Deep Silver/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky"

1 Specify full path; folder, may pre-exist, and will be created if it does not.
2 The virtual Windows drive letter assigned to your optical drive mount path may vary from system to system.
It is necessary to override 3 specific DirectX extension dll libraries:

  • d3dx9_31
  • d3dx9_36
  • d3dx9_37
The easiest way to do this is using the winetricks script:

winetricks d3dx9

Updating Retail Game

After installing the retail game...

If required... Update S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky ­using the ­final patch revision (1.5.10):

The Revival S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky retail DVD being tested - had the 15.10 patch pre-applied.

Non-US versions might have problems with copy-protection and may require the use of a no-CD/DVD patch.

Multiplayer Support

To enable multiplayer support for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - use the following override:

winetricks directplay

Tested with Wine (Staging) 1.9.23.
Browsing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Server is supported, with a number of servers still online, and online play appears to work without any noticeable issues.

Known Issues

DirectX 10.x Support

As of Wine version 1.7.53(+) there are tests enabled to see if your graphics hardware supports DirectX 10.x... Unfortunately a significant amount of the DirectX 10.x support has still to be implemented in Wine. The symptom for this issue is that Wine will crash immediately after you launch S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

The workaround is to disable support for the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) in Wine:

wine reg.exe ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides" "/v" "dxgi" "/t" "REG_SZ" "/d" ""

Launching Retail Game

This guide was created - using the Revival S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky retail DVD.

32-bit Wineprefix:

export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"
cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Deep Silver/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky"
wine "bin/xrEngine.exe"

64-bit Wineprefix:

export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"
cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Deep Silver/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky"
wine "bin/xrEngine.exe"


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Vsync disabled
by Paul Bredbury on Saturday June 27th 2015, 17:18
Both Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat seem buggy in enabling vsync - it's always disabled, causing ugly tearing.

To force vsync on in wine 1.7.45, compile wine with this tweak:

sed -e "s:swap_interval = 0:swap_interval = 1:" -i dlls/wined3d/context.c
RE: Vsync disabled
by Rob on Saturday June 27th 2015, 17:53

Thanks for the (unusually useful) tip... I'll test this out when I next compile Wine (usually very soon - as I run Gentoo)... Definitely will add it into the wiki if it works!! Does it work back with STALKER: SOC as well??

RE: Vsync disabled
by Paul Bredbury on Saturday April 23rd 2016, 6:20
Wine 1.9.8 moved the code to swapchain.c, so use:

sed -e "s:swap_interval = 0:swap_interval = 1:" -i dlls/wined3d/{context,swapchain}.c
sharing tips
by Harry on Saturday October 6th 2012, 23:30

I'd like to share a few tips:

if you happen to press TAB or ALT+TAB and the game minimizes,
you will see in the icon the game is being rendered there!
to maximise again, open the console (~) and blindly type: vid_restart
hit enter and profit :)

if your mouse bugs (you cant turn around), press esc, go in option, click USE, it will refresh all settings including mouse, smile and profit :)
RE: sharing tips
by Harry on Saturday October 6th 2012, 23:33
oh, you may need to double click on icon to it understand it should be restored;
mouse 360 degress or something like that, is the bug named
RE: sharing tips
by Harry on Thursday October 11th 2012, 20:19
I found out that it was because I was pressing Super+2 that I bound thru JWM to issue this command that clicks for you to move a whole stack of items (windowId is the wine game window)!

echo '(SayText "click 50 times")' |festival --pipe
xdotool click --repeat 50 --delay 50 --window $windowId 1
echo '(SayText "done")' |festival --pipe

but after I type it, something happens to the focus, I guess because of JWM behaviour, and the mouse bugs, to get it working again, I just press like Super+3 (another JWM bind I did, that executes nothing)!
dx10 wet surfaces
by Harry on Friday October 5th 2012, 19:43

how can I set wine to let stalkerCS know my gfx card supports dx10?
have I to do regedit?

according to this:
I have already set to windows vista, but nothing changed, I still cant set wet surfaces :(
RE: dx10 wet surfaces
by Rob on Saturday October 6th 2012, 3:51
Problem is the StalkerCS may support DirectX 10.0/10.1 ... But Wine only knows about DirectX 9.0c and is still playing catch up to even support all of those features... All the DirectX 10.x feature translation code is currently just stubs - waiting for someone to develop them!!
RE: dx10 wet surfaces
by Harry on Saturday October 6th 2012, 11:05
hi @Bob_Wya

"support the features" you mean builtin dx9? but in this case, I am using winetricks to install the native dlls, and so for dx10 too; so I thought it could, with some registry change, allow/force the detection;

I think if I get the reg changes from a windows installation, and copy them, it may work?

also my gfx card is geforce 250 gts, and it is detected as geforce 9800, I thought that could be part of the detection problem?
RE: dx10 wet surfaces
by Rob on Saturday October 6th 2012, 11:40

The problem is that the "fake .dll's" that Wine provide do the heavy lifting. In otherwords the conversion of DirectX calls to OpenGL. Linux does not talk "DirectX"!! The problem isn't going to be solved by adding in more native Windows libraries (which will probably start breaking stuff). The base Windows .dll's that support the core of DirectX 10.0 will try and talk to a low driver/Operating System that doesn't exist!

You could have a DirectX 11.0 capable card... It's still only going to support what calls Wine knows how to convert to DirectX. Currently this only DirectX 9.0c (which is almost completely supported I believe)...

Remember if you want to support the "cause" you can always make a donation to the Wine team/Codeweavers... :-)

RE: dx10 wet surfaces
by Harry on Saturday October 6th 2012, 23:24
xD ok I got it! I was thinking in a way to fake the requirements detection so the executable could use dx10.. but I think thats too much for wet surfaces, I will see on youtube how cool it is anyway heh..
mouse bug/patch
by Alexander on Monday May 30th 2011, 4:26
I tried the game with a git version of wine and the mouse bug is fixed. The info can be found in the change logs of wine 1.3.21.

Not sure if new xorg with xinput-2 is a requirement.
by Zhenya on Thursday September 24th 2009, 4:42
My keyboard doesn't work for me! I can't skip first video, can't move plauer. Keyboard works in menu only.
I saw it in Windows system when I had not many RAM with old CPU. Now it works in Windows, but not in Linux.
Some time ago I played from Linux. I don't remember any problems. But I can't remember Wine release without keyboard trouble.
RE: Keyboard
by Wel3s on Sunday January 17th 2010, 9:00
Use default settings in keyboard options.
RE: Keyboard
by Matt on Sunday May 23rd 2010, 21:20
Who patched the .dll that is posted for download from Rapidshare. I would like a copy of the patch so I can apply it to source. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated. My keyboard "broke" when I applied the patch posted above but now the mouse works stated in the submission that the .dll was patched in wine1.1.35 and was necessary for the keyboard to work...where did you obtain this info...please help me persue this patch!
RE: Keyboard
by Matt on Sunday May 23rd 2010, 21:33
The default keyboard thing worked...I've only started this once....hopefully the defaults saved and it won't have to be done all the time.
I can't start game now
by Zhenya on Friday August 28th 2009, 3:03
With newest Wine 1.1.28 and openSuSE 10.2 I can't start game now. I see red screen when video playing, black screen on video. Can't watch anything, only up and down. I can't move. In older Wine I haven't troubles, but can't move.
RE: I can't start game now
by Zhenya on Saturday November 21st 2009, 23:31
Now I'm using newest Wine. Trouble dissappear

by LukasKnappstein on Tuesday August 25th 2009, 2:04
From where i've to put the dx-dlls into the gamedirectory?
by Zhenya on Tuesday August 25th 2009, 3:35
by LukasKnappstein on Thursday August 27th 2009, 8:16
can i install it, like i did before too, or should i extract ist manuel and put it into the dir?
dynamic lightning
by M.P. on Monday June 22nd 2009, 14:57
There are four types of lightning, I experienced rendering errors (objects too near to game character are rendered very dark) in the last two lightning modes (full dynamic and enhanced full dynamic) even on Windows (64bit XP, NV8800GT, 186.18 nvidia drivers). Could be a bug in the game...

Under wine, it seems to work fine (a bit slow, but thats not so unexpected with such old hardware) with static lightning on NV6800GT, 64bit debian sid, wine 1.1.23, 180.44 nvidia drivers (I had to use the -i parameter and replace bundled openAL with openAL soft)
360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Monday January 19th 2009, 18:07
I cant rotate even with the patch and "-i" option. What else could i do to make game playable?
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Wednesday January 28th 2009, 1:32
I enter "input_exclusive_mode 1" in the game's console, while launching the game also with -i option. The patching of mouse.c, as mentioned above, is needed. Without -i parameter the mouse cursor is limited to a small rectangular area in the top left corner of the screen.
Don't know how this "input_exclusive_mode 1" can be automated.
By me now mouse works excellent both in game and in menu, and even in inventory view.
RE: 360 rotation
by Zhenya on Thursday January 29th 2009, 11:42
Ustanovi razreshenie ekrana 800x600 ili 1024x768 i obratno.
Set screen resolution as 800x600 or 1024x768 and to default.
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Thursday January 29th 2009, 11:57
Well, I've tried this - as a result the overall performance reduced dramatically, don't know why.
I've even written "input_exclusive_mode 1" into my user.ltx file - it appeared to be also useless.
My default screen resolution is 1680x1050.
The game crashes occasionally after 5-10 minutes of playing.
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Thursday January 29th 2009, 15:33
Still can't rotate, even with all this magic.
У мну не работает... :'(
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Thursday January 29th 2009, 23:03
Did you apply the patch for mouse.c from wine (I use the wine-1.1.12)?
Патч для применил?
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Friday January 30th 2009, 15:23
Yes, on the yesterday git.
Да, на вчерашний git.
RE: 360 rotation
by Zhenya on Saturday February 28th 2009, 22:43
Try to patch old Wine and put old dinput into new Wine.
lol, ребята... Развеселили!
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Sunday March 1st 2009, 17:10
Хм... Файл dinput.dll не появляется в старой версии.
Can you post your working dinput?
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Monday March 2nd 2009, 13:50
Hm, I don't see any way to attach here a file.
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Wednesday March 4th 2009, 12:08
Put it somewhere else, please, and post link here. Если не сложно, конечно.
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Wednesday March 4th 2009, 13:44
Sorry, I don't have any host or any other storage for this. Мне неизвестен ни один из серверов, куда бы я мог положить файл.
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Thursday March 5th 2009, 13:14
RE: 360 rotation
by Igor Gorbounov on Thursday March 5th 2009, 13:49 - file from wine-1.1.12 (tested and usable now with wine-1.1.14) - file from wine-1.1.14 (not tested yet).
Good luck!
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Friday March 6th 2009, 10:33
Doesn't work even with the top one. Seems that problem not related with the dinput library.
RE: 360 rotation
by Zhenya on Sunday March 8th 2009, 3:30
Try my dinput.dll file - watch link in in HOWTO.
RE: 360 rotation
by Alexander Varnin on Sunday March 8th 2009, 13:21
Still the same. As I've already said, the problem doesn't seems to be related to dinput.