BitComet Version 1.07 (Stable). Released December 3rd, 2008.
1.07 Changes:
GUI Improved: add tags to task by context menu (support multi-selection)
GUI Improved: filter tasks by tag from favorites list
GUI Improved: new option in task setting panel of option dialog: add tag to new task by download file type
GUI Improved: display task tags and public date for BT task in summary pane
GUI Improved: display task tags for HTTP task in summary pane
GUI Improved: add "Apply" button to option dialog
GUI Improved: new option in Web Interface setting panel of option dialog: display prompt window for web interface operation
GUI Improved: show prompt window when open a torrent file that already existed in torrent archive list
GUI Improved: when modify the save path of an existed BT/HTTP task,
show a prompt to choose whether to move downloaded files to new save
GUI Improved: when modify BT/HTTP task save path, show the path auto-complete drop list
GUI Improved: when the width of file list in BT task properties dialog
is not enough for file name, try to display the head and tail part of
the filename, with the middle part as ellipsis
GUI Improved: when switch task lists, task tags or torrent share list
from favorites list, remember the scroll bar position and task
selections before switch
GUI Improved: add context menu to BitComet passport and DHT area in main status bar
GUI Improved: when click comment or snapshot icon in task list, display them below task list, instead of open a browser window
GUI Improved: add support for 10 new languages
GUI Bugfix: program crash when display task delete confirm dialog under Win98/2K
Core Improved: Web Interface support create new task from BC link
Core Improved: When create a task that already existed, Web Interface will displays an webpage link to the existed task
Core Improved: eMule plugin can download file boundary data for BT task, where one piece containing multi files
Core Improved: create bak file when save task list to downloads.xml
Core Bugfix: error data received in file boundary piece makes task download can not finish
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