Category: Main Games Online (MMORPG) Games EverQuest II 05 - The Shadow Odyssey

EverQuest II

EverQuest II is a massively
multiplayer online game with a vast online world featuring amazing graphics
and a large game world to explore.  EverQuest II's design is one graphical realism as opposed to the cartoon like feel of some other popular MMORPG's. There is no shortage of exciting content for all levels and styles of play in this game.

Application Details:

Version: 05 - The Shadow Odyssey
License: Retail
Votes: Marked as obsolete
Latest Rating: Garbage
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.2-rc3

Maintainers: About Maintainership

No maintainers. Volunteer today!

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installing, updating and loading game.

What does not

Entering game or character selection screen.


What was not tested

Game play

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

When character is being loaded into the zone client crashes with an exception, the following output is given by wine err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x7daee160 "x11drv_main.c: X11DRV_CritSection" wait timed out in thread 003b, blocked by 003c, retrying (60 sec) err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0xf10d80 "?" wait timed out in thread 003b, blocked by 003c, retrying (60 sec) NOTE: Same results are found using Cedega 5.2.10

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowMac OS X 10.5 "Leopard"Jun 19 20101.2-rc3Yes No NoGarbageJoe Terwilliger 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 6.x "Squeeze"Jun 15 20101.2-rc3Yes Yes NoGarbageColin Wetherbee 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jun 18 20101.1.42Yes Yes NoSilverJohn Beaulieu 
ShowUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 05 20091.1.30Yes Yes NoGoldJohn Beaulieu 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 6.x "Squeeze"Sep 26 20091.1.30N/A Yes NoBronzeColin Wetherbee 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
6194 Several Microsoft Installers/Updaters fail due to missing "%systemroot%\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}" folder and catalog file (Microsoft XmlLite, BITS Service 2.0, MSI 4.5 Update) NEW View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


Suggested Registry Settings:



DirectDrawRenderer -> opengl

OffScreenRenderingMode -> fbo (with newer video cards)

PixelShaderMode -> enabled

RenderTargetLockMode -> texdraw

  1. Requirements: Please make sure your system meets these specs.
    • MUST have wine > 0.9.49. Everquest 2 will not work with earlier wine versions.
    • Runs slowly, if at all with 512MB RAM. 2GB+ recommended.
    • Graphics cards that support pixel shaders 3.0 are known to work: refs:
      • GeForce series 6+
      • Intel GMA 950+
      • Radeon R520+ (X1300+)
      • Todo: test SiS Mirage 4
    • glxinfo | grep direct # should say yes. If not, check your distro's docs for setting up accelerated video drivers.
  2. Install, or copy working game folder from windows partition. If anyone can confirm that it installs ok post below.
  3. Add r_font_ft 0 to eq2.ini
  4. wine_gecko crashes the patcher screen (no BITS support in wine yet. See bug 6253) so if you want to run patcher, rename the HKCU/wine/MSHTML that should disable Gecko. or You can not install wine_gecko.
  5. Run the patcher you should be able to launch the game from the patcher

Download Locations

Download here for new players:

or here for existing players:

Updater for EQ2Map

I recommend downloading PyEQ2MAP:

If you would rather use the old perl script posted by Stefan Klein you might be able to get it working by following the next steps, but I'm not making any promises:

1) Change the $basefile = "extra_file.xml" to $basefile = "file_list.xml";
2) Add the following directories to your UI ($eq2mapdir) folder if they don't exist:
* eq2map2
* images
* images/maps
* images/icons
3) Run the script
4) If you're experiencing problems in the game you might need to delete the file 'eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml' in your UI folder.

**OLD SCRIPT by Stefan Klein on Monday December 10th 2007, 14:37
Hacked a small perl script to update EQ2MAP.
Edit $eq2mapdir to the full path of your installation, fix http in $baseurl.
use at own risk. **


use XML::Simple;

$eq2mapdir = ".. PATH TO WINEDIR .. drive_c/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest\ II/UI/EQ2MAP/";

$baseurl = "h t t p : / /";
$basefile = "extrafile_list.xml";

my $mainfile = `wget -q -O - $baseurl$basefile`;

my $ref = XMLin($mainfile, SuppressEmpty =>'');

foreach my $file (@{$ref->{'Extra'}}) {
if (-e $eq2mapdir . $file->{LocalPath} . $file->{FileName}) {
($md5, $filename) = split(/ /,`md5sum \"$eq2mapdir$file->{LocalPath}$file->{FileName}\"`);
if ("$file->{MD5}" eq "$md5" ) {

print "downloading $file->{FileName}: \t ";

`wget -q -O \"$eq2mapdir$file->{LocalPath}$file->{FileName}\" \"$baseurl$file->{ServerPath}$file->{FileName}\"`;

print " finished\n";

Please post data and questions under the correct version!
PLEASE DO NOT POST "Sentinel's Fate" test results under the "Shadow Odyssey"!
You may select the Sentinel's Fate version of EQ2 by scrolling to the top of your screen, clicking on EverQuest 2 in the game hierarchy, and then, at the next page, clicking Sentinel's Fate.

Note From Maintainer djdunn,

Remember that many of the graphical options in everquest2 even on Windows are themselves buggy.  Many of them don't work right if at all on windows.  On top of this Many of the Windows API calls are far from well designed and many of the Devs problems with this project is trying to recreate broken API calls to perform and have exactly the same bugs as the original windows API.  On top of this understand that Wine has been developed for over 15 years and you may not be able to get this game to work on your hardware.  Compared to Everquest, or WoW or even Guildwars, Everquest2 takes a lot more resources.

Please remember a few months ago this game didn't work at all.   I as a maintainer do give this game a silver rating, but also with an application so graphical and hardware intensive you have to have your Linux in really good shape.  without much clutter, without a lot of running background processes. And the processes you are running have to be configured well to do what you need and configured to not do what you dont need them to do.

My biggest suggestion is that if you don't have your linux box configured the way you like, or your not getting the performance you would like off of you linux box and you don't like the performance you get from trying to play EQ2 on Linux.  This is probably not the way to go, I would really suggest sticking with Windows.

Note From Maintainer John Beaulieu, 

Please do not edit your eq2_recent.ini. There has been some confusion over this. This file should never be edited and if you do it will be overwritten by eq2 at some point. It is not a static file. The file that you may edit is eq2.ini. If you don't have the file when you need to edit it just create it.

This version should probably be deleted. I'm fairly certain people are posting test data here that belongs on Sentinel's Fate. I'm not the only maintainer now, so I'm not going to just delete it, but that would be my inclination if I was still the only maintainer. +1 ... -cww
Download Locations
The station launcher is no longer supported by SOE. Launchpad 4 is now the default launcher. Using any other will cause it to upgrade itself to Launchpad 4. It can be downloaded directly from:
Versions of EverQuest II

The game requires you to run the newest version of the game, so nobody uses an older version. Because of this, the only "versions" we maintain are the full install client and the streaming install client. Please place all test results in the proper one.

 EverQuest II Extended has been merged with the Live game. The Steam version is a wrapper around the Full Install Client and still uses Launchpad.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.