
Command & Conquer: Generals

Be the Ultimate Modern Warfare General.
Command and Conquer Generals puts your trigger finger on the pulse of modern warfare. Prepare your forces, General—it's time to engage in the next generation of real-time strategy.

Application Details:

Version: 1.0x
License: Retail
URL: http://www.commandandconquer.c...
Votes: 4
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 6.0.1

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Link Homepage

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works


What does not

Launching game, it loads the boot screen and freezes


What was not tested

everything, it wouldn't run

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Aug 24 20216.0.1No, but has workaround Yes YesGoldnulll 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64Jul 26 20161.9.15Yes Yes NoPlatinumDaniel Jones 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 8.x "Jessie" x86_64Jul 24 20161.9.15Yes Yes NoPlatinumDaniel Jones 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Mar 06 20161.9.4Yes No NoGarbagean anonymous user 
ShowLinux Mint 17.3 "Rosa" x86_64Sep 14 20161.6.2Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
19433 Command & Conquer Generals network fails mid-game (mismatch in synchronization data) UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Install and configure

The game should mostly run out of the box if you install it from the CDs.

You might need a NoCD crack.

If you already have a locally installed version of the game,
be aware that General won't start without some specific registry entries.
Mandatory entries include the game path, the language and the key.

The following note is a script that automated the registration of the game.

Save it locally, make it executable and start it from a shell.

It will ask you for the installation path, the language and the keys.

You can also preset keys within the script to make it easy to deploy for LAN parties.


Graphics: sidescreen scrolling does not work in windowed mode.  You can activate
the virtual desktop in winecfg though.

You can change the game resolution to an arbirary value via the command line
parameters `-xres X -yres Y`.

To make the changes permanent after the game has been start once,
go to the "Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data" (by default in your home
directory), edit the Options.ini and set the Resolution to the desired value
(the value of the virtual desktop if you use it).

No winetricks needed, runs out of the box. If you encounter problems, install d3dx9 (winetricks d3dx9).

No-install startup script

usage () {
	cat <&2
Usage: ${0##*/} [MODE] [OPTIONS]

Setup Command & Conquer: Generals and start the game.
If started from a TTY, an X session will be automatically started.


	generals: Original game.
	zerohour: Official extension (default if found).


	-quickstart:   Disable 3D menu for faster startup.
	-xres : Horizontal resolution.
	-yres : Vertical resolution.
	-noshaders:    Improve performance on weak graphic cards.

[ -z "$GAMEROOT" ] && GAMEROOT="$HOME/games"

[ "$1" = "-h" ] && usage && exit
[ "$1" = "--" ] && shift

## Start X if needed.
# TODO: Do this first or last?
# If last, maybe errors can be caught before and printed to TTY.  Compare.
# If last, need more work on the parameters.
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
	exec xinit "$(command -v "$0")" "$@" -- :1 vt$XDG_VTNR

## Game mode.
echo "$1" | grep -q '^-' && mode="$1" && shift

## Registry functions
## On x86_64, x86-specific nodes are stored in a sub-node.
[ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && file $(command -v wine) | grep -q '64-bit' && regnode32='\\Wow6432Node'
## Return the value of the registry KEY of NODE.
## If KEY is omitted, return the default value.
regquery() # $1=node [$2=key]
	if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
		## "reg query" uses CRLF (\r\n) newlines, hence the call to 'tr'.
		# echo "QUERY: '$(wine cmd /c reg query "$1" /ve)'"
		wine cmd /c reg query "$1" /ve | tr -d '\r' | \
			awk '/(Default)/ {if($3) print substr($0, index($0, $3))}'
		wine cmd /c reg query "$1" /v "$2" | tr -d '\r' | \
			awk -v key="$2" '$0 ~ key {if($3) print substr($0, index($0, $3))}'
	## The 'awk' expression remove the first two fields and the leading whitespace.
## Set KEY of NODE to the VALUE of type TYPE.
## If KEY is omitted, set the default value.
regadd() # $1=node $2=value [$3=key] [$4=type]
	local switch="/ve"
	local type="REG_SZ"
	[ $# -ge 3 ] && switch="/v"
	[ $# -ge 4 ] && type="$4"
	wine cmd /c reg add "$1" /d "$2" $switch "$3" /t $type /f
path_win2unix() # $1=path
	printf '%s' "$1" | awk '{sub(/^Z:\\/, "/"); gsub(/\\/, "/"); print}'

## Add the registry nodes.
if [ -z "$(regquery "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Generals")" ]; then
	cat<<\EOF | regedit -
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Generals]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Generals\ergc]

if [ -z "$(regquery "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour")" ]; then
	cat<<\EOF | regedit -
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour]
"UserDataLeafName"="Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\ergc]

## Game settings.
gamepath() # $1=node
	## We _need_ a global here so that we can get the return value after we've
	## called this function.
	path=$(regquery "$1" InstallPath)
	[ -n "$path" ] && return
	echo "Working directory: $(pwd)"
	echo -n "Path to game folder: "
	read path
	## TODO: Support drive letter dynamically.
	## WARNING: realpath is mandatory here, but it's not portable.
	path="Z:$(realpath "$path" | sed 's@/@\\@g')"
	## Trailing backslash required.
	regadd "$1" "$path\\" InstallPath

gameserial() # $1=node $2=serial_list
	## We _need_ a global here so that we can get the return value after we've
	## called this function.
	serial=$(regquery "$1")
	[ -n "$serial" ] && return
	cat <
$(echo "$2" | awk '{print NR, $0}')
	echo -n "Select an entry: "
	read choice
	if [ "$choice" -eq 0 ]; then
		echo -n "Enter serial: "
		read serial
		serial=$(echo "$2" | awk "NR == $choice {print; exit}")
	regadd "$1" "$serial"

gamelang() # $1=node
	## We _need_ a global here so that we can get the return value after we've
	## called this function.
	lang=$(regquery "$1" Language)
	[ -n "$lang" ] && return
	while [ "$lang" != "english" ] && \
					[ "$lang" != "french" ] && \
					[ "$lang" != "german" ] ; do
		echo -n "Language (english, french, german): "
		read lang
		lang=$(echo "$lang" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
	regadd "$1" "$lang" Language

## Register game.
echo "==> Generals"
gamepath "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Generals"
path_generals=$(path_win2unix "$path")
gameserial "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Generals\\ergc" "$serial_list_generals"
gamelang "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Generals"

printf "Path: '%s'\n" "$path_generals"
echo "Serial: $serial_generals"
echo "Language: $lang_generals"

echo "==> Zero Hour"
gamepath "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour"
path_zerohour=$(path_win2unix "$path")
if [ -f "$path_zerohour"/generals.exe ]; then
	gameserial "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\\ergc" "$serial_list_zerohour"
	gamelang "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software$regnode32\\Electronic Arts\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour"

	printf "Path: '%s'\n" "$path_zerohour"
	echo "Serial: $serial_zerohour"
	echo "Language: $lang_zerohour"

	[ "$mode" != "generals" ] && path="$path_zerohour"
	echo "Zero Hour not found."

## Keyboard settings.
## Some in-game shortcuts are bound to the key symbol while others are bound to the key code.
## For instance, in the French version with an AZERTY layout "a" builds a tank
## while "q" selects all unit; with a QWERTY layout "q" becomes "a" and shadows
## the tank binding.
layout=$(setxkbmap -query -v 6 | awk '/^layout/ {printf " -layout " $2} /^variant/ {printf " -variant " $2} /^options/ {printf " -option " $2} END {printf "\n"}')
if [ "$mode" = "zerohour" ]; then
case "$lang" in
	setxkbmap fr ;;
	setxkbmap de ;;

## Video settings.
# display=$(xrandr | awk '/ connected / {print $1; exit}')
res=$(xrandr | awk '/\*/ {print $1;exit}')
resx=$(echo "$res" | cut -dx -f1)
resy=$(echo "$res" | cut -dx -f2)

## Start game.
cd "$path"
wine generals.exe -xres $resx -yres $resy -quickstart "$@"
cd "$OLDPWD"

## Restore settings
setxkbmap $layout

Notes by Ambro

by Ambro on (May 1st 2007)
I also experienced the bug where the game failed to start after putting my options.ini file to "~/Command and Conquer Generals Data". However, I was able to bypass this bug by installing the game using the loki installer.

To get this game working:
- Copy msvcirt.dll to "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32"
- Install the game using the loki installer (
- Modify the "generals" script so it will only call wine
- Create the file "~/Command and Conquer Generals Data/options.ini" and put the following inside (adjust the resolution) (this bypassed the splash screen freeze for me):

AntiAliasing = 4
BuildingOcclusion = yes
CampaignDifficulty = 0
DynamicLOD = yes
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = Low
LanguageFilter = false
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MusicVolume = 76
Resolution = 1024 768
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 70

- Run winecfg and in the Audio tab, select OSS, and in "Hardware Acceleration", select "Emulation"
- Start the game by running "/generals -quickstart" (quickstart will bypass the problem with sound blocking the second movie)


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Command and Conquer Generals reports DirectX 8.1 error
by Bobby Yu on Saturday December 24th 2022, 2:40
I recently wiped my hard drive and installed Mint 21 OS onto it.

When I installed Wine 7.01 and placed Command and Conquer Generals original, the game installed by putting data files from both CDs 1 and 2 and ran the installer. No problems there.

When it is time to run Generals, the game keeps reporting a "DirectX 8.1 or higher needed" error or words to that effect.

I tried to install 8.1, 9.0c (using Winetricks), but the game did not run.

I also tried to use an options.ini file from the Internet and the error is still there.

So, on Wine 7.01, Command and Conquer Generals does not work due to a DirectX 8.1 error.
Wine 4.15 CD Retail Install Experiance on Manjaro Linux
by Jimmy Reed on Thursday September 26th 2019, 12:18
I am writing this since it took me ages to get this working, hopefully this will help someone.

I am using manjaro linux on a new mid range gaming rig bought in 2019. I have the original retail boxed version and installed off the discs. It took me ages to work out how to use the wine eject command as no guides come up when you web search and it doesn't seem to be in the faq. Below is the steps I had to take to get it working.

Installed wine with a clean install and all suggested plugins mono, etc.
Insert cd 1 and mount it (I used Thunar File Manager to make mounting easy)
Browse to cd folder and run setup.exe with wine
Proceed with install instructions. When it wanted the second disk. It came up as an error box with a retry button, looking different from the windows version.
Open a terminal and execute:
wine eject D:

That ejects the disc.
Insert disc2 wait for the system to detect it then mount again like you did with disc1.
Hit retry and it should install, I didn't register it.
Inserted cd1 and ran the directx8.1 "setup.exe" with wine.
Created a options.ini file with these settings:

AntiAliasing = 4
BuildingOcclusion = yes
CampaignDifficulty = 0
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = yes
ExtraAnimations = yes
FirewallBehavior = 3
FirewallNeedToRefresh = FALSE
FirewallPortAllocationDelta = 0
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 69
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 4861
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1024 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 70

Copied that file to the "Command and Conquer Generals Data" folder inside wine's "My Documents". I also had to copy this file into general's program files folder.
Insert cd 1 and mount it then run the "generals.exe" with wine from the general's program files folder.

Then finally success!!!

As a side note after I got it running, I modified the options file's Resolution setting to "1920 1080". That works fine. I've also noticed that although it will change my display resolution when it starts, it won't restore it when I exit. I have no performance issues. The safedisc DRM is no problems. I tried everything to run this in windows 10, even signing the secdrv.sys didn't work, thankfully linux to the rescue.
Getting generals past the loading screen
by Chet on Monday July 16th 2018, 1:23
In case anyone is ever nostalgic and playing this oldie but goodie -

On modern wine versions, I haven't been able to get Zero Hour to work, but a couple things I did to get vanilla going:
- Playing with desktop enabled.
- I did disable winengstreamer (but that's probably not necessary to be honest). I also added openal32 (native, builtin) - again, not sure if it had any effect.
- I modified the script that's listed above a little bit to work with modern bash (just had to comment out some of the usage - you can remove it entirely if it's giving you an error).
- I had to create an options.ini file in C:\Users\[username]\documents (if the folder doesn't exist, create it). If the loading screen just freezes, this is probably the issue.

AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = no
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = High
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1024 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume = 100

- Get out there and conquer!
I seem to be running into this error although the dll is in the game directory and system 32 directory
by JM on Wednesday July 2nd 2014, 6:22
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-ErrorHandling-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-Interlocked-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-LibraryLoader-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-Misc-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-Profile-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-SysInfo-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library API-MS-Win-Core-Synch-L1-1-0.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\MSVCIRT.dll") not found
err:module:import_dll Library MSVCIRT.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\game.dat") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\Command and Conquer Generals\\game.dat" failed, status c0000135
RE: I seem to be running into this error although the dll is in the game directory and system 32 directory
by Borislav Sabev on Thursday July 3rd 2014, 5:32
You say that "you seem to be running into this error" - is your game playable or do you just get this error in you debug output?

Also is the filename absolutely the same?? Is the file readable?

Another thing to note are the double "\\" in your paths - just noting that they look strange.

Did you install the game or copy it over from somewhere?

Ultimately try to reinstall it.

Hope this helped. Post some more information if you need more help.
I am running the game just fine
Slow game and crash-to-desktop
by Gijs on Saturday December 1st 2012, 19:25
Using Ubuntu 12.04, PlayOnLinux 4.1.8, Wine 1.4.

Having the same problem as one guy above: the game is very slow. When I try to click options, both in the main menu as in-game, the game crashes-to-desktop, leaving the resolution to 640×480 or something like that.

Further than that, the game runs fine. It's just terribly slow.
Can't install it
by Sven on Friday September 14th 2012, 0:08

I followed the how to but I fail even to start the installation.

It reports back with error:

1608: Unable to create IntsallDriver instance, Return code: -2147221164

I tried different Windows versions in the Wine configuration (98, 2000, xp) but none of them work.

I have to say that I start via rightclick and then "open with wine windows program launcher" as sudo wine setup.exe reports back "/.wine is not owned by you"

Any advice?

RE: Can't install it
by Sven on Friday September 14th 2012, 1:25
Ok, I got it solved.

For the protocol:

Somehow my user settings for wine got messed up and I needed to put them back by:

sudo rm -rf ~/.wine

Afterwards I could install it without further problems.

Thanks for the great job in maintaining the wine db!


RE: Can't install it
by Sven on Saturday September 15th 2012, 1:58
One more thing:

If you want a more modern type resolution then 1024x768:

Change home\Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Data\Options.ini Resolution = [to whatever your display has]
C&C Generals is runs very Slow...
by w4ri0r on Saturday February 25th 2012, 9:55

i'm running Wine 1.4.3-rc3 on my Debian6(64bit) System.
Some System Infos:
OS: Debian 6.0.4
Kernel: 3.2.1
CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K @ 3,20GHz
primary graphic adapter: NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti
secondary graphic adapter: NVIDIA GTX 560

I've installed the original NVIDIA driver and it works fine.
I'm using xinerama with my three 23" Samsung LCD TFTs(resolution 1920x1080).

C&C Generals is installed and the Videos on startup run normal.
But the main menu is very slow... it is not playable..

I've patched Generals to version 1.7

here is my options.ini:
AntiAliasing = 2
BuildingOcclusion = no
CampaignDifficulty = 0
DrawScrollAnchor =
DynamicLOD = yes
ExtraAnimations = no
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 50
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = Low
LanguageFilter = false
MaxParticleCount = 500
MoveScrollAnchor =
MusicVolume = 76
Resolution = 1152 864
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
ScrollFactor = 50
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = no
ShowTrees = no
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 2
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = no
UseLightMap = no
UseShadowDecals = no
UseShadowVolumes = no
VoiceVolume = 97

And this is the Output from wine with enabled debugging:
trace:wgl:wglGetProcAddress func: 'glAccum'
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GL version : 4.2.0 NVIDIA 295.20.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GL renderer : GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo GLX version : 1.4.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Server GLX version : 1.4.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Server GLX vendor: : NVIDIA Corporation.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Client GLX version : 1.4.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Client GLX vendor: : NVIDIA Corporation.
trace:wgl:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering enabled: True
trace:wgl:has_opengl GLX is up and running error_base = 143
trace:wgl:register_extension_string ''
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglGetIntegerv'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglFinish'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglFlush'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_create_context'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglCreateContextAttribsARB'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_create_context_profile'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_extensions_string'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglGetExtensionsStringARB'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_make_current_read'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglGetCurrentReadDCARB'
trace:wgl:register_extension - 'wglMakeContextCurrentARB'
trace:wgl:register_extension_string 'WGL_ARB_multisample'
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
trace:wgl:wglGetCurrentContext returning 0x5335dd8
fixme:console:CONSOLE_DefaultHandler Terminating process 8 on event 0
err:mmtime:TIME_MMTimeStop Timer still active?!

Is there anything i can do to Play C&C Generals?

thanks a lot ;-)
RE: C&C Generals is runs very Slow...
by K1773R on Saturday February 25th 2012, 10:10
just set DirectDrawRenderer to opengl
RE: C&C Generals is runs very Slow...
by w4ri0r on Saturday February 25th 2012, 16:50
Thanks for your reply but in my case this registry entry has no effect.
I've also tried to start the Game with the option "-OpenGL" and install d3dx9 via "winetricks d3dx9" both dosen't work...

by ekinox2 on Sunday February 19th 2012, 18:15
pls help me I dont install generals why am I getting this error 1627 function failed plsss plss plsss help me :((
by K1773R on Sunday February 19th 2012, 21:44
because you have to install it!
When ground are white/green
by etienne on Wednesday March 30th 2011, 11:18
Hello, i have apply the REG from c&c generals zero hour (VideoPciDeviceID)




I have make with the id from my graphic card, yepee, the ground apears... but not perfectly, (can have desert blocs in grass) i have tested different model ID, nothings, i have a stupid idea,

I have replaced the value By 0 (0x0000000) and... terrain is ok and with no bug, and the best, can add all effect in the game option ("Extra Ground Lighting" is now working), and Vertex Shader Support to yes and activate "Allow Pixel Shader" on wine is fully working

My graphiccard is a 7900GS.

Enjoy and have fun.

I have not tested thios on othe graphiccards, can work or not with othe, make test
Gameplay video
by Jake ward on Monday August 9th 2010, 1:46
DRI on x86_64 system
by lirel on Friday April 9th 2010, 17:33
wine doesn't seem to correctly detect the necessary 32bit DRI-libraries generals relies on.
LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib32/dri wine generals.exe
to hint libgl/wine to 32bit versions of the libraries.