

Steam version

Application Details:

Version: Steam
License: Retail
Votes: 3
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.9.10

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Test Results

Old test results
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Selected Test Results

What works

  • Installation (via Steam).
  • Launching the game via Steam or command line in both windowed and fullscreen mode.

What does not

  • Clicking directly on the buttons ingame as their input area is offset to the left. (See extra comments)
  • The mouse exits the game screen/hits barriers if I don't use the xinput2 patch from #6971.
  • Text fields (known bug) for logging in and signing up for a new account.


What was not tested

  • Logging in.
  • Songs from Audiosurf Radio.
  • Graphics on max settings (Premium and full resolution).

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Some of the issues described above could be solved with workarounds, but at the time of this entry I had not tried them all. However, I've discovered that as a workaround to the warped appearance in windowed mode, modify the resolutionWidth and resolutionHeight lines in the config.ini file so they are set at 800x600. In game, set the resolution to 1024x768 and choose "use reference rasterizer" and click "Windowed." This seems to get something closer to 800x600, but all of the controls can be clicked directly as the display window is no longer stretched. I haven't tried other resolutions. Additionally, with the xinput2 patch in place, the window manager can manage the game window without issues. I was going to give this a bronze rating prior to taking into the account of things I hadn't done to get it working properly, and now that I have re-read the definition of a gold rating, I believe it is fitting.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64May 26 20161.9.10Yes Yes NoPlatinumAsh Carvin 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Sep 25 20141.7.22Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
ShowSlackware64 -currentJan 26 20141.7.11Yes Yes NoGoldDanny Schmarsel 
ShowLinux Mint 17.1 "Rebecca" x86-64Jan 09 20151.6.2Yes Yes NoBronzePaul Arvin 
ShowUbuntu 12.04 "Precise" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jun 14 20121.5.5Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
32342 Multiple applications and games using 'Webkit', 'Blink' or 'CEF' (libcef) web browser engine crash on startup ('Arial' and 'Times New Roman' font face name validation) STAGED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


Corrupted Login

Some users will find junk or "invisible" when attempting to log into the game for online score sharing, achievements, etc.

For those capable of logging in to Audiosurf on another system, the details of this login are stored in the file


Simply make a copy of this file, and move it to the Steam folder you wish to use.

Not the best solution, but gets you logged in.

Questhelper Error

Use the Wine Configuration tool (winecfg or Application -> Wine -> Configure Wine). Use the button “Add application…” to add QuestViewer.exe to the list (NOT audiosurf.exe). QuestViewer.exe is locatied in the engine folder, by default this is ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/audiosurf/engine/QuestViewer.exe

Make sure the QuestViewer.exe entry is selected and open the Libraries tab. Enter usp10 in the “New override for library” field and click Add.  The file usp10.dll is also part of the "Microsoft Installer 2.0" package, which can be installed via winetricks.

Window Alignment Glitch

A common problem, where the mouse does not seem to click on the locations it indicates.

This issue in most cases does not exist in full-screen mode. To access this, go to the following file:


And change the line "runfullscreen: false" to "runfullscreen: true", or if there is no line of "runfullscreen", simply paste in "runfullscreen: true".

This will start the game automatically in full-screen mode.

It should be noted that validating the game files through the steam client will reset the config.ini file (it will show as a file corruption).

Mouse Leaves Window, Then Gets Stuck

"Allow DirectX apps to stop the mouse leaving their window" seems to be the cause of this issue.  Unchecking this and "Allow the window manager to control the windows" fixes this issue.  Both are found in the Wine configuration, under the "Graphics" tab.

Large Music Folders Cause Lockup

Some systems may seem to "lock up" while opening music folders.  It is not freezing, simply taking an exceedingly long time.  Once loaded, the music folder suffers no latency for the rest of that session - if you've sat through the opening once, you don't have to sit through it again until next time you play.

For some users, creating a symbolic link to your music folder of choice, and naming it "My Music", in the folder ~/.wine/drive_c/users/{Username}/ will cause the slowdown to diminish.

Thanks to:

Brian Vaughan
Mathew Larsen


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.