
Adobe Photoshop

Released April 12 2010

Two versions: Basic and Extended


  • Complex selections made easy
  • Content-Aware Fill
  • HDR Pro and HDR Toning
  • Puppet Warp
  • Mixer Brush and Bristle Tips


  • Easy 3D extrusions with Adobe Repoussé
  • Quick shadow creation and image-based lights
  • Rich 3D materials library
  • Motion-based content editing
  • Image analysis and measurement

- Wikipedia

Application Details:

Version: CS5 (12.0)
License: Retail
Votes: Marked as obsolete
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 6.3

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Practically everything. Sometimes Compiz in Ubuntu may crash window borders, in that case tap Alt+F2 and type "unity --replace". Rarely happens unless you have the "sync to vBlank" option enabled in CCSM which I recommend you disable immediately. Download from here should configure everything, just download and run installer via wine : <link removed by admin>

What does not

1 font looks slightly awkward.


What was not tested

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Mar 30 20216.3No, but has workaround Yes YesSilverIgor Franchuk 
ShowUbuntu 16.04 "Xenial" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Mar 08 20183.0Yes Yes NoPlatinumDan Dascalescu 
ShowUbuntu 16.04 "Xenial" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jan 22 20183.0Yes Yes NoPlatinumVlad 
ShowUbuntu 13.10 "Saucy" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 30 20141.7.17No Not installable NoGarbagean anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 13.10 "Saucy" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 29 20141.6.2No Not installable NoGarbagean anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
18517 Tablet pen pressure or eraser (wacom tablet) are not working in Photoshop CS 4/5 STAGED View
23898 Adobe Photoshop CS5 tool windows stay visible after switching to another program NEW View
41980 Photoshop CS5 loading problem UNCONFIRMED View
46390 PageFault on read access (Adobe Photoshop CS5) NEEDINFO View
46740 Photoshop CS5 crashes upon opening in Wine-4.0 RESOLVED ABANDONED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


# Copying an install from Windows:

# Note: I used a Windows 7 32-bit install. YMMV.

# in Windows:

install CS5

run regedit

navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software

export out the 'Adobe' key, to your Desktop, as adobe_cs5.reg

# back in a real OS and in a CLEAN Wine directory

$ winetricks gdiplus ie6 msxml3 vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008

# Now, copy files from Windows to Wine:

# If you're on a 64-bit version of Windows, use "Program Files (x86)" instead of "Program Files" (untested though)

# $USER refers to your username

"C:\Program Files\Adobe\" to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe"

"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe" to $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/Adobe"

"C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\Application Data\Adobe" to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/users/$USER/Applications Data/Adobe"

"C:\windows\system32\odbc32.dll" to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/odbc32.dll"

"C:\windows\system32\odbcint.dll" to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/odbcint.dll"

# Finally, import the Adobe registry entries. Using the file you made earlier, adobe_cs5.reg:

$ wine regedit adobe_cs5.reg

# Lastly, override odbc32 and odbcint as native:

$ winecfg

choose the library tab, type odbc32 in the override box, and choose add. Repeat for odbcint

# Finally, run photoshop:

$ cd "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS5"

$ wine Photoshop.exe

for me, on the first run, I got an error that the trial had expired. On the second run, it worked fine, saying I have 30 days. Each subsequent runs still has the dialog, however.

################## NOTE #################

Do not report bugs to wine with an installation done this way. Wait until the installer bugs are fixed or have patches to workaround them!

HOW TO make the Installer to run

By default, after the installer extract nothing happens.

In order to make the Adobe installer tor run you install the following dependencies, do this:

With winetricks, on terminal type this:

 sh winetricks msxml6 gdiplus gecko vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008 msxml3 atmlib

Make sure you have msvcr80.dll on your wine's system32 folder.

After checking some sources about gdiplus I also copied gdiplus.dll to system folder

This should make your Installer to boot however making the installer to complete the instalation 100% may need more tweaking

Follow the HOWTO
Posting a comment where you clearly haven't followed the HOWTO will be deleted without warning.  Follow the instructions before asking for help.  The instructions are there for a reason.
ALT-Click keybinding and Compiz

Thanks to earther for the following email:

I was having problems with the Photoshop 7 ALT-Click keybinding in a new Debian install running Compiz.  I did the standard window manager tweak but it still didn't work properly.  Then I discovered an ALT-Click keybinding in the Compiz Window Management > Move Window > Initiate Window Move settings. I changed it to 'super' like in Gnome window management and voila, it seemed to get it working again in Photoshop. You might want to add that bit of info to the clone tool info on the Photoshop 7 page.


Fix font display problem

If you happen to have display problems,

Open a terminal and type this:


Run this script using the following command


Select option 3 from the following screen




The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Crashes accessing the font tool
by Simba on Wednesday January 24th 2018, 11:37
I'm using a portable version of Photoshop CS5, and while it seems to work at first, I created a simple image and experimented with the shape and move tools, the font tool crashes the app every time. I am guessing this has something to do with loading of system fonts.. Can anyone recommend a solution?
RE: Crashes accessing the font tool
by Simba on Wednesday January 24th 2018, 11:42
This winetricks list seems to have solved the issue:

winetricks atmlib gdiplus msxml3 msxml6 vcrun2005 vcrun2005sp1 vcrun2008 ie6 fontsmooth-rgb gecko
A workaround for installation
by Storm Engineer on Tuesday October 28th 2014, 9:10
A very easy workaround for installation is using the "Portable Edition".

- No installation, works out of box
- No need to add registry entry
- No need to copy DLLs from Windows
- Completely self contained, doesn't place any configs files into the prefix, everything is neatly within the folder of the app.

Steps to set up:
1; Make a new 32 bit prefix (64 bit won't work!):
WINEPREFIX=[path to your custom prefix] WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
2; Install gdiplus, atmlib and corefonts - the rest mentioned above are not needed. Winetricks will automatically set the needed overrides as well:
WINEPREFIX=[path to your custom prefix] WINEARCH=win32 winetricks atmlib gdiplus corefonts
3; Copy the portable folder anywhere in the prefix (I used C:/photoshop_portable ) and run it. Voila!

Now, an additional step may be required, if your brush doesn't draw, but makes only a dot. To fix that you need to patch wine and compile it yourself. Don't worry, it's easy! There are only a few lines you need to comment out in the source code before compiling.

Here is the patch:

(Note: Pastebin cut off the last, empty line, which will probably be needed so makepkg doesn't cry "malformed patch")

Finally, if you are annoyed by tooltips in Photoshop sometimes persisting and not disappearing, there is another patch for that, that you need to apply:


P.s.: Patches created from the solutions found in attachments and comments on bug tickets 29871 and 18517
RE: A workaround for installation
by Storm Engineer on Tuesday October 28th 2014, 9:14
Forgot to add:

If your legally purchased and activated Photoshop still keeps reverting to Trial mode, regardless of using an authentic product code, the Portable Edition will solve this as well.