
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Application Details:

Version: Steam
License: Demo
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.7.47

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Almost everything.

What does not

The sound will not work initially. Requires the installation of directsound vi­a a patched winetricks. Details available here:

Additionally, in dungeon adventure mode, all animated 3D models are invisible. This importantly includes treasure chests and town portals. Town portals can often be found by the cutscene showing their appearance. Treasure chests are marked on the map by an X and cannot be walked through.­


What was not tested

I have not completed the game yet, but see nothing to make me believe that it would stop working if I did.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64Jul 21 20151.7.47Yes Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 12.04 "Precise" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Dec 20 20121.5.19Yes Yes NoBronzeBob 
CurrentUbuntu 10.10 "Maverick" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 27 20101.3.7Yes Yes NoSilverJayesh 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Sep 14 20101.3.2Yes Yes NoBronzean anonymous user 
ShowGentoo LinuxSep 10 20101.3.1Yes Yes NoSilverMarc Hartstein 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

How to get sound working on Recettear

Recettear uses DirectMusic for all of its in-game sounds, which was quite common for Windows games made in the late '90s, but was already deprecated by Microsoft for when the original Japanese version got released in 2007 (and essentially gone from the DirectX SDKs by 2010, when the initial English version shipped).

These are your options to get in-game sounds working - pick your poison:

  1. Use native DirectMusic DLLs. You can easily install those via winetricks - install "directmusic" instead of just "dmusic", as DirectMusic actually requires several DLLs (including DirectSound - you MUST use native DLLs for this too, and) and this verb will pick up all the needed dependencies.
    • Pros:
      • All music and sound effects will work as intended, just like in Windows.
    • Cons:
      • Sound effects will play with some lag.
      • The opening movie will BREAK (how broken? Depends on which quartz.dll implementation is being used, but no matter if native or internal, the movie will not play properly. You may delete recet_op.wmv from the game install dir if you don't care - the game will skip the movie if it doesn't exist)
      • DLL overrides may break other games in different ways, so it's strongly encouraged for the user to create app-specific overrides only for recettear.exe.
  2. Upgrade to at least Wine 8.18. Historically, Wine's DirectMusic implementation has been poor, but it finally started improving favorably in late 2023, and 8.18 is the first version where Recettear has working sound out of the box... mostly.
    • Pros:
      • No need for DLL overrides at all - you can use a completely stock prefix!
      • Opening movie (recet_op.wmv) will play correctly (install gstreamer-libav from your distro for movies to work - WMV9 runtimes or Win32 codec packs are no longer needed!)
      • Sound effects have no lag.
    • Cons:
      • Sound effects may not play sometimes - it's a relatively uncommon occurrence, but from time to time a single sound effect may skip playing.
      • Music playback is severely bugged: tracks will not loop, tracks will not stop playing when switching scenes (often ending with many different tracks playing at the same time!).
      • Sound volume controls do NOT work at all - all sounds and music will play at the default volume, and this also means you can't silence the bugged music either!

FWIW, Recettear is known to have compatiblity problems with Windows 10, and amazingly it works fine on 98SE/Me (despite the minimum requirements stating XP or later!). Such is life with quirky niche Japanese games like this one...

