
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Released 2004 - This is the original game you find on 3 CDs.

Application Details:

Version: DoW: 1.x
License: Retail
Votes: 3
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 3.2

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

It installs.

What does not

Isn't starting currently - Working on it.


What was not tested

Everything because i can't start it properly yet.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

To install I copied all 3 CD's into one folder and then ran autoplay.exe To play you must have CD1 in your CD drive or a crack. Still testing.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64Mar 02 20183.2N/A Yes NoPlatinumSinan Ozan 
ShowArch Linux x86_64May 14 20121.5.4Yes Yes NoPlatinumKarl Smith 
ShowUbuntu 11.10 "Oneiric" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 17 20121.5.2Yes Yes NoPlatinumnadeem 
ShowUbuntu 11.10 "Oneiric" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 13 20111.3.30Yes Yes NoGoldGene Ruebsamen 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Mar 31 20111.3.15No, but has workaround Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

directX 9

After you installed the game you may get a performance boost if you use the latest version of DirectX 9.

The easiest way to do so, is using winetricks:

winetricks directx9

Read more about winetricks, here:


1.0: Installer crashes with "Fatal Error 1603"

 This happens if you install from the CD version. The installer crashes when you need to enter the next CD.

The solution is to copy all contents from CD1, 2 and 3 to a folder on your disk and run wine setup.exe from there.

The installer will ask for CD1 at the end of the installation. Just press OK and everything will be fine.

Run these steps if you want to copy CD content to a "dow"-called folder in your home folder:

mkdir ~/dow

run this for all 3 CDs:

cp -r /path/to/your/mounted/cd/* ~/dow/

change to the folder and run the installer:

cd ~/dow && wine setup.exe

1.1: Installer crashes

The installer may crash for you when you attempt to install the game. If this happens, try changing your windows version. It seems that if wine reports a high windows version, more advanced, and unsupported(!) functionality is being used which causes the installer to crash.

Tests have been conducted and setting the windows version to "windows 2.0" yielded a install

1.2: Using offline patches isn't working!

Symptoms encountered: installer crashes or takes over the entire session with a dark background.

Again. Using windows version 2.0 seems to make the installers only request much needed functionality which wine already supports. This should fix the crashing. To avoid having the patch installer taking up the entire screen which can stall the patching process for some, one must run the patch within an emulated desktop.
You need not create this in your wine config, a shorter way of having an emulated desktop is to launch the patch installers like so:

wine explorer /desktop=foo,1024,768 dow-patch.exe

1.3: "DawnOfWar - InstallShield Wizard" does not close properly

This is a known bug but does not affect the installation/ gameplay. Just kill the process after installation like this:

pkill IDriver.exe

1.4: Game says my CD isn't inserted, or it's the wrong disc!

This is because wine cannot handle commercial grade copy protection, which is actually something that cedega supports, since Transgaming agreed to pay the fees required and include code which they cannot reveal to any other project.
However, this is only an issue until version 1.50 of the game. Install the offline patches and you are fine.

1.5: I didn't get asked for a serial (CD Key) and can't play online therefore, what to do?

You have to edit a registry key with wine. Open the tool "regedit" and search for this key:


There is also a key "CDKEY_WXP" for the extension "Winter Assault".

1.6: "System Initialization Failed! Errors: Could not find required data. Make sure you are running this utility from your Dawn of War directory."

The installer has a bug that occurs from time to time. This is not a wine bug, it happens under windows as well. The problem is that some directories do not get created. These are empty but neccessary.

Create them by hand in the installation path (e.g. cd to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/THQ/Dawn Of War/) like this:

mkdir -p Profile

mkdir -p Engine/Data/

mkdir -p GraphicsOptions/Data/

For Soulstorm users

If you plan to install the extension pack "Soulstorm" you should do this before applying patches to Dawn Of War.

Soulstorm is not a stand-alone and will get installed directly into your DoW folder. Patches applied by Soulstorm will downgrade your DoW installation.

Note: This is not a wine issue, the patches just suck.

General hints

1.0: How to determine version number?

Have a look in your W40k.ini which you can find at the path you installed Dawn of War.

For the lazy guys:

grep "gameVersion" W40k.ini

 1.1: How to enable anti-aliasing (this is not wine specific)?

Run GraphicsConfiguration.exe at least once. This will create a Local.ini in your DoW folder.

Open this Local.ini and change this entry:

screenantialias = 0


screenantialias = 1

Note: This is not wine specific.
Corrupted textures?

If you have problems with completely corrupted textures the problem might be that your systems lacks a library that is used for texture compression in Dawn of War.

Under Debian based system install the package "libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0" and try again.

Tweaking Graphics
Dawn of War's settings are quite careful chosen which means that you could improve the graphics a lot. Here is a guide on tweaking DoW's graphics which sums it up.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

002d:err:rundll32:wWinMain Unable to load L"\\dlltie.dll"
by Hahns on Sunday February 23rd 2020, 5:05
I had to force a 32-bit WINEPREFIX or the process would quit pretty much immediately.

If you encounter an error about something not being able to load dlltie.dll (002d:err:rundll32:wWinMain Unable to load L"\\dlltie.dll"), make sure you CD into the game directory before launching. It seems that the game is looking for files in relative paths.