
EVE Online

EVE Online | The #1 Free Space MMORPG | Current expansion is: Havoc

The game is free to download, install, and play with limitations. Full game potential can be unlocked by paying a monthly subscription fee either through in-game currency or real-world currency.

Application Details:

Version: Current
License: Free to use
Votes: 228
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.21-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

What does not


What was not tested

DirectX 11

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Works fine in directx 9. Haven't figured out what I need to do to test directx 11. I have the d3dx11_36 enabled just like the d3dx9_36 but Eve is still showing its using directx 9.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64Jan 22 20248.21-stagingYes Yes YesGoldArlar Illat 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Apr 19 20238.5Yes Yes YesGoldNightoo 
ShowEndeavourOSApr 01 20238.4-stagingYes Yes NoGarbageelabbas 
ShowopenSUSE Leap 15.2Dec 08 20216.23Yes Yes YesGoldBoredTester 
ShowUbuntu 21.10 "Impish" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 21 20216.20-stagingYes Yes YesSilverJohn C. McCabe-Dansted 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
31209 Feature Request - Kernel Samepage Merging UNCONFIRMED View
32342 Multiple applications and games using 'Webkit', 'Blink' or 'CEF' (libcef) web browser engine crash on startup ('Arial' and 'Times New Roman' font face name validation) STAGED View
37948 EVE Online launcher crashes when importing/exporting patches UNCONFIRMED View
42011 Eve Online Launcher doesn't display correctly UNCONFIRMED View
42473 Eve Online Launcher is completely white (no content displayed) UNCONFIRMED View
42492 EVE Online cannot be started NEEDINFO View
42610 EVE-Online crashes NEEDINFO View
42721 EVE Online crashes after long periods of play NEEDINFO View
45460 Running EVE Online keeps locking up after a few hours NEEDINFO View
45873 EVE Online: Starting a client sometimes errors UNCONFIRMED View
56007 Eve online installer needs unimplemented function msdelta.dll.ApplyDeltaW UNCONFIRMED View
56505 Multiple apps/games need user32.dll.EnableNonClientDpiScaling implementation (EVE Online, AvizoToGo) REOPENED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO - Eve Online install on Linux

You will need to disable Direct3D v11 support
Run winecfg and select -> Libraries -> [New override for library: ] d3d11 -> Add -> Edit... -> Disable

You will need to install a number of required libraries with winetricks.

  •  "winetricks corefonts d3dx9_36 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010" if this does not work try:
    • wget
    • chmod +x winetricks
    •  "./winetricks corefonts d3dx9_36 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010"
  • wine msiexec /i EVE_Online_Installer_*.msi

Virtual Desktops

Most testers report that Eve runs best in full screen mode in a virtual desktop, however as of wine 1.5 many users report that windowed mode is stable.  If you are using wine 1.4 you can set the virtual desktop mode via winecfg or create a script to run Eve.  Most people put the script in ~/bin/eve.bash or /usr/local/bin/eve.bash.  Note that 1920x1080 should be your desired resolution.



$WINE explorer /desktop=eveA,1920x1080 "c:\program files\ccp\eve\eve.exe"

Then run;

  • winecfg
  • Make changes to winecfg according to other HOWTO to get game running
  • chmod +x /~/bin/eve.bash
  • eve.bash to play

If you are running wine 1.5 you may find it simpler to use  windowed mode.  If you wish to run multiple clients with wine 1.4 it's recommend that you create additional script for each instance, and change "desktop=eveA" to "desktop=eveB"...  You will also need to change the settings eve launcher settings so that it does not relaunch itself.

Creating a new wine prefix

If you need/want to use wine different instances of "windows" for Eve.  (Important if you have a lot of games with various installed dlls, and overrides that conflict.)  Creating a new prefix is simple create the directory and add the WINEPREFIX to all wine and winetricks commands.

  • mkdir ~/wine_games
  • add "WINEPREFIX=~/wine_games/wine-eve" to all wine and winetricks commands.

Some users prefer to have multiple wineprefixes for each eve client, but this is not required.

-- Edited by Silbory 2/7/12 --

Tips and Tweaks
1) Sound historically has been problematic for many posters in the past..  If you are crashing be sure to turn it off to see if it's causing issues.

2) If you are crashing during play you may find that reducing your graphic settings will help.  This is vital if you have an older card, low amounts of memory, and/or run a lot of clients.

3) DirectX11 support in Wine is potentially a long way off, so make sure your client is using DirectX9.

Note's for AMD Catalyst users
1] Catalyst is actively setting constrains on Wine [BUG =]
Is under investigation by the AMD, workaround below;

cp /usr/bin/wine /usr/bin/Emulator or something else, though please note that this under investigation and may introduce bugs that AMD may have tried to workaround with that ugly fix.

2] Seems that explosions from missiles and other effects have some corruption on the ships.
Workaround, enable Anti-Aliasing >= Low in options.

3] Rendering and GLSL errors when shaders on High
Catalyst 12.6 and older will have issues on High shaders. Later versions should have this fixed when released. [NOT FIXED in 12.8]

4] Freezes
Catalyst may freak Xorg out sometimes during login screen. SSH into the computer and killing the Wineprefix that the game was running may return the computer to usable state without the need of hard reboot. There is also a big chance that the game rendering will crash on first launch. UI works but you cant open menu's or drag ships or undock. Restart client if this happens.

Other workaround would be to have a script executed to kill the Wineprefix with a delay if not terminated.

5] Catalyst 12.9 beta2
This driver seem to have better and more stable performance, no more degrading over time nor crashing as much as it did in the ones before. However it got some drawbacks as in not rendering previews of ships, drones and gates and performance dies when running the game with HDR enabled.

Cortesy Artur O.

Added by: N3o

HOWTO - Eve Online on FreeBSD 11.x 64bit

You need to use 'root' user in all steps, later of installation you can run wine as normal user

1) Get a 32 bit copy from :

2) Mount your 32 bit DVD of FreeBSD and install the base system, related 32 bits libraries and source code, copy Xorg  (necessary to compile nVIDIA driver) packages and download NVIDIA driver 32bits:

        # mkdir -p /compat/i386
        # cd /compat/i386
        # mount -t cd9660 /dev/`mdconfig -f [freebsd_32_bit.iso file] ` /mnt
        # cd /mnt/usr/freebsd-dist
        # sh
        # export DESTDIR=/compat/i386
        # for file in base.txz src.txz; do (cat $file | tar --unlink -xpJf - -C ${DESTDIR:-/}); done

        DESTDIR variable could be different on your system, the idea here, is put the correct path to your copy of FreeBSD 32bits

3)  Mount dev directory in the i386 enviroment:

        # mount -t devfs devfs /compat/i386/dev

4) Copy your /etc/resolv.conf to /compat/i386/etc

        # cp -v /etc/resolv.conf /compat/i386/etc/

5) Copy your ports from Host's system inside 32 bit chroot's enviroment :

        # cp -vr /usr/ports /compat/i386/usr/

6) Now do a chroot on /compat/i386 (as root) and change to "sh" shell:

        # chroot /compat/i386
        # sh

7) Edit /etc/rc.d/ldconfig and add /usr/local/lib to system library:

        Before :

        if [ -x "${ldconfig_command}" ]; then
            _LDC="/lib /usr/lib "
            for i in ${ldconfig_local_dirs}; do
                    if [ -d "${i}" ]; then
                            _files=`find ${i} -type f`
                            if [ -n "${_files}" ]; then
                                    ldconfig_paths="${ldconfig_paths} `cat ${_files} | sort -u`"

         if [ -x "${ldconfig_command}" ]; then
            _LDC="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
            for i in ${ldconfig_local_dirs}; do
                    if [ -d "${i}" ]; then
                            _files=`find ${i} -type f`
                            if [ -n "${_files}" ]; then
                                    ldconfig_paths="${ldconfig_paths} `cat ${_files} | sort -u`"

    This is necessary because some libraries installation path is located in /usr/local/lib and later Wine' configure don't detect them

8) Inside of chroot (/compat/i386) do the following:

        # /etc/rc.d/ldconfig start
        # setenv MACHINE i386 && setenv UNAME_p i386 && setenv UNAME_m i386
        # pkg install gsm mpg123 speex xorg wget flex help2man jpeg lcms bison libGLU libXi  libXrandr libXcursor
        # cd /usr/ports/graphics/libosmesa && make install clean
        # mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/man/man1 && mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers

9)  Now we will install the NVIDIA driver 32 bits version inside Chroot current version is 390.48, your 64bits OS and the chroot environment should be the same driver version, this is very important, if you install different version, Wine won't run  :

        # cd /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-driver && make install clean
        [Important : Don't check Linux support option]

10) Now is time to build Wine :

        # cd /usr/ports/emulators/wine-devel && make install clean

11) Now we will exit from chroot :

        # exit

12) To run apps with wine we need first complete fonts apps dependency, normally Arial fonts. to do this will install in outside chroot, cabextract (as root):

        # cd /usr/ports/archivers/cabextract && make install clean
        # download Arial family letters from [to_a_folder]
        # cd [to_a_folder]
        # cabextract *

13) Move the fonts to right place :

        # mv -v Ari*  /usr/local/share/fonts/TTF/

14)  Open a terminal  and put some aliases:

        # alias winecfg="LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH=/compat/i386/usr/local/lib:/compat/i386/usr/X11R6/lib PATH=/compat/i386/usr/local/bin:$PATH /compat/i386/usr/local/bin/winecfg"

        # alias wine="LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH=/compat/i386/usr/local/lib:/compat/i386/usr/X11R6/lib PATH=/compat/i386/usr/local/bin:$PATH /compat/i386/usr/local/bin/wine"

15) Run winecfg and configure the rest as always or with your preferences.

16) Create the symlink to the new fonts  installed in step 13 in  ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts :

    #  ln -s /usr/local/share/fonts/TTF/Ari* /home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/

17) Run your win32 application as always.

17.1 To install EVE run:

wine msiexec /I (filename).msi

Edited by N3o

HOWTO - New Launcher Installation

Install Wine Staging to bypass UAC prompt. Then install the following libraries using winetricks:

winetricks msdelta vkd3d vcrun2022 dxvk2030

Wine requires some libraries to be able to run the game. A set of recommended packages for Arch Linux are listed below. Users of other distributions should install the equivalent packages:

'base-devel' 'gnutls' 'gst-plugins-base-libs' 'libldap' 'libva' 'mpg123' 'openal' 'samba' 'v4l-utils' 'lib32-alsa-lib' 'lib32-alsa-plugins' 'lib32-gnutls' 'lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs' 'lib32-libldap' 'lib32-libpulse' 'lib32-libva' 'lib32-libxml2' 'lib32-mpg123' 'lib32-openal' 'lib32-v4l-utils' 'wine-staging' 'wine-mono' 'wine-gecko' 'winetricks' 'vulkan-driver' 'lib32-vulkan-driver' 'vulkan-tools'

Then run the downloaded launcher:

wine ~/Downloads/eve-online-latest+Setup.exe

EVE Online launcher should be running at this point, let the minimum game files be downloaded until the client is ready.

After the initial run of the installer is closed, try running the game next time as follows:

wine start "C:\\users\\username\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\CCP Games\\EVE Online.lnk"

Wine-Staging can also be optionally changed to regular Wine after the initial run finishes installation.

Arlar Illat, 2024-02-01
Performance Improvement

1. Increase vm.max_map_count (Arch Wiki)

2. Set temp directory on tmpfs. (Command assumes $WINEPREFIX is set)

rm -r $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/Temp $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp
ln -s /tmp/ $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/Temp
ln -s /tmp/ $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp

3. install vkbasalt and and enable it by setting the environment variable:


4. These additional environment variables may improve performance

Arlar Illat, 2024-02-01

