Category: Main Games Role Playing Games Dragon Age: Origins Origin Downloader install.

Dragon Age: Origins

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This is the install using the Origin downloader to download and install the game, and even to launch

Application Details:

Version: Origin Downloader install.
License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 3.0-rc6-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

The game is playable, and the UI can function as well as the areas can be rendered.

What does not

I was unable to raise the graphics (32bit or 64bit) above the lowest setting without stuff going missing in areas, or the UI. Raising the graphics results in stuff dissapearing to the point it can become unplayable. There is also flickering (greenish) during some cut scenes.



WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin winecfg (turn on CSMT and ensure windows 7+)

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin winetricks corefonts d3dx9 physx vcrun2005 vcrun2008 strictdrawordering=enabled

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin wine OriginThinSetup.exe

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin wine Origin.exe (turn on 'safe-mode downloading' and turn off 'origin in game')

after downloading and installing the game, it'll tell you there's still updates for it, you can try to update it after waiting for all the add-ons if you're installing ultimate or other add-ons, but most likely it won't work. If updating no longer does anything, you can play the game without updating (although it'll be up to date and have the addons available, in game). Quit Origin launcher DONT LAUNCH THE GAME YET. 32/64bit doesn't matter for installation although the download through Origin graphically didn't crash on 32bit. Duringa 64bit installation Origin will appear to crash, but it's still downloading. You can leave it for ~2 hours to download all the content. (my rate was around 3MBytes/s)

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin wine DAOriginsConfig.exe (I turned all the graphics to the lowest settings for best in-game experience. Any settings other than the lowest graphics will cause artifacts and missing graphics in game. Save and quit.

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin wine Origin.exe

Start the game for the first time with the origin launcher to avoid errors (regarding cd-key, account authentication etc...)

After running the game once, verify your add-ons are available and the menu/music works, sign into your EA account in-game, then quit the game again.

Close origin.

you no longer require Origin to launch the game, this will run it.

WINEPREFIX=~/win64origin wine daorigins.exe

You can substitute win32 in WINEARCH and make a different WINEPREFIX to try it in 32bit mode, but both modes gave me the same results.

What was not tested

some of the DLC/add-ons as it requires more gameplay then at the time of reporting.

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Nvidia
  • Driver: proprietary

Additional Comments

This was installed with wine-staging v2.21-1

OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
Kernel: 4.14.14-1-MANJARO
DE: Xfce
Terminal: xfce4-terminal
CPU: Intel i7-5930K (12) @ 3.500GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (64bit version 1:384.111-3 and 32bit version 1:384.111-1)
Memory: 32092MiB

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentManjaro LinuxJan 20 20183.0-rc6-stagingYes Yes YesBronzekarenmcd 
ShowopenSUSE 13.2 x86_64Jun 21 20151.7.45Yes Yes NoGoldFeldspar 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64May 30 20151.7.43Yes Yes NoSilverNicole O'Connor 
ShowUbuntu 12.04 "Precise" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 31 20121.4.1Yes Yes NoGoldEmmett Hendrick 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
33362 Dragon Age Origins texture replaced by black NEW View
55981 GL applications (and d3d applications using the GL backend) are slow in new wow64 NEW View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Workaround for keyboard bug when losing focus

If you go on another desktop and then come back to Dragon Age window, you should notice keys on keyboard don't work anymore.

In fact, wine thinks the keys Crtl and Alt are still hold.

The workaround is simple : hit crtl key, then alt key with focus on Dragon Age window : the keyboard should work again

If you are affected by this bug, please warn Wine team about it on wine bugzilla :

Bug 33553

HOWTO stop the flickering / black movies

If you see black screen or flickering during the cutscenes or/and on the main screen, you will need to run winetricks strictdrawordering=enabled

If you are affected by this bug, please report it on the wine bugzilla to help Wine team to solve it : Bug 22383

For 64 bits Users

In order to install the required components for Dragon Age DLC's, you will have to create a 32 bits wineprefix and install everything there (Dragon Age Origin included).

To create your 32 bits prefix : WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/path/to/wineprefix winecfg

To start winetricks in that prefix : WINEPREFIX=/path/to/wineprefix winetricks

To run Dragon Age from this prefix : WINEPREFIX=/path/to/wineprefix wine /path/to/DragonAge/daorigins.exe


If you experiment any bug listed above, or any non listed bugs, please report it to wine bugzilla, specifying your wine version :

This will help wine team to solve them.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Regarding Origin Downloading
by Nicole O'Connor on Monday June 1st 2015, 14:16
From the email I received when submitting my test data:

"I was going to test this game the other night but I am unable to get Origin downloader to work.
How did you get it to work?"

If you're unable to get Origin to log into the service or download anything, you're affected by the decision made by ca-certificates maintainers to remove the "GTE CyberTrust Global Root" certificate. Please see bug 35828, comment 12. (