
SimCity 2013

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The Version sold through Origin.

SimCity is updated automatically, so it makes no sense to maintain separate versions.

Application Details:

Version: Latest
License: Retail
Votes: 5
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 6.4

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Once installed, and igo32.dll is dealt with the everything work. The game will update properly, and the game works as it does on windows.

What does not

Initial install will not work unless you have a patch to allow Origin to download in wine, or download it elsewhere and move it over.

Will not launch unless you rename, or remove igo32.dll. If your game fails to launch it is most likely that igo32.dll is running. 


What was not tested

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

If it was not for the issues caused by Origin the game would work flawlessly. It deserves Platinum, but because it does requires workarounds that normal users should not do so I can only give it a Bronze.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 28 20216.4Yes Yes NoSilverLuciano 
ShowUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 30 20205.5-stagingYes No NoGarbageMiko?aj 
ShowUnknownSep 23 20183.0.3Yes Yes NoPlatinumUser 
ShowUbuntu 18.04 "Bionic" amd64 (+variants like Kubuntu)Sep 02 20183.0.2Yes Yes NoPlatinumAkati 
ShowFedora 28 x86_64Jul 01 20183.11-stagingYes Yes NoPlatinumDesperalaw 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
33141 Problem to start SimCity 2013 UNCONFIRMED View
38331 Graphical glitch in Simcity 2013 UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO download and install the game with Origin
  1. Download and install Origin:

    cd ~
    wine OriginSetup.exe

    ... and follow the graphical Origin installer process.

  2. Do not login, yet.

    Just click away the login window.

  3. Only for wine version 1.7.34 or older: Patch Origin's Qt5Network.dll to buffer the QTcpSocket again

    This is needed for a smooth download. Otherwise the download rate will drop to zero within a few seconds, or even hang on "Preparing ...". See bug #31438, which was fixed in wine 1.7.35.
    Use the python patch script from this bug report (first it makes a backup of the dll, then patches one byte in it, and finally shows the files' md5sum).

    cd ~
    wget -O
    chmod +x
    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Origin/

    Above commands download the python patch script to your home directory, make it executable and then execute it in the correct folder. In case the lines are wrapped on your display: the lines start with "cd", "wget", "chmod", "cd" and the last line with "~/".

    This script is quite flexible in finding the correct byte to patch, even if Origin comes with a new version of the dll. If it fails anyway check the bug report for news.

  4. Start Origin:

    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Origin
    wine Origin.exe

    ... and download & install SimCity in there.

  5. Force the installation to finish:

    If the SimCity installer gets stuck after downloading on "Installing..." for more than 5 minutes do a

    killall EAProxyInstaller.exe

    See bug #33723 (this symptom was described in its duplicate #29876).

  6. Disable Origin in Game:

    Otherwise SimCity.exe will crash shortly after starting it.

    In the Origin window go to "Origin - Application Settings - Origin In Game" and untick "Enable Origin In Game".
    (In the past it was recommended to remove IGO32.dll instead. But this doesn't work anymore.)

    See bugs #36863, #33141 and probably more (TODO).

  7. Start SimCity in Origin:

    cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Origin
    wine Origin.exe

    In Origin hover over SimCity and click "Play".


  • If SimCity freezes in fullscreen and you can't get back to your desktop hit "Control" + "Alt" + "F1", this will bring you to a text terminal. There login and type:

     killall SimCity.exe
    After that get back to your graphical session by hitting "Control" + "Alt" + "F7" (or sometimes "F8"). This might be necessary e.g. with Intel graphics and a broken driver, see bug #37475.

  • If you started the game, can hear the sounds of the intro, but the actual SimCity game is not visible, then try to bring it to the foreground by cycling through your windows with "Alt" + "Tab" several times. If this doesn't work, quit everything, start winecfg, choose the "Graphics" rider and select "Emulate a virtual desktop" (choose a resolution just a littlebit smaller than your display's resolution). Then start SimCity again.

  • If you get an error message in the login prompt of Origin that the EA servers are currently not available, enable the insecure GTE CyberTrust Global Root certificate. (See bug #35828). Note that this certificate is not secure because its key length is only 1024 bits. Check in /etc/ca-certificates.conf which certificates are installed.
    Check your distribution's help to learn how to enable this cerificate. E.g. in Debian do a

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
    ... and check the "mozilla/GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root.crt".

  • Origin is not aware of what is happening in SimCity.

    After quitting SimCity it will complain that it is still running. Further the "Last Played" is not updated. Just ignore it. Or use a patched version of wine, see bug #33723.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.