

Treepad Business Edition 8.1

Application Details:

Version: 8.1
License: Shareware
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.6-rc4

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

The program loads fine.  Optional password protection works.  The toolbar's icons work (in Wine 1.6 rc4 -- did not work in Win 1.4).  Drag and drop a node works.  Import custom icons (as a 16x16 ico or bmp) works (same as under Windows).  Add a node and delete a node both work.  Formatting such as bold, italic, underline, strikethrough all  work.  Spelling and thesaurus work.  Special character map works.  Search functions work.  

What does not

The resolution of the text of the tree is not very good.  It's readable at least.  In some cases the resolution of the article was good quality.  In other cases it wasn't.  


What was not tested

Printing.  I do not have my Kubuntu laptop hooked up to printing yet.  

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I was using Kubuntu 13.04. There is a BIG difference between Wine 1.4 and 1.6 with this application. I used it with 1.4 before and the icons in the toolbar didn't work and the application kept freezing. Those problems are fixed with Wine 1.6-rc4. I got Wine 1.4 with the Synaptic Package Manager, then uninstalled and installed 1.6-rc4 via the command line. If you're having problems with this app, I urge you to upgrade to the latest Wine (1.6-rc4. at the time of this writing).

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 13.04 "Raring" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 08 20131.6-rc4Yes Yes NoGoldTom Owen 

Known Bugs

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HowTo / Notes

Custom Colors
The custom color feature does not work.  That's the feature where you can highight text and then change its color to something other than black.  It's also the feature that can instead let you highlight the background to yellow, orange, or whatever.  It does not work either way.  
Fix the font display problems!

An update:
I've figured out how to make sure the text for both the tree and the article shows up clearly.  In my original screenshot you can see that the tree looks distorted.  The article looks clean, but in some cases articles also look distorted.  You can fix both problems so that Treepad looks just as good under WINE 1.6 as it does under Windows.  Here's how. 


Edit: There's one important thing to do first or Treepad will not keep your setting changes and then it will load up the distorted fonts again next time you load it.  To avoid that, first set Treepad to save to an INI file instead of to the Windows registry.  In order to do that, do the following:

1. From the View Menu, choose Options.
2. In the left panel, scroll down and click on Settings
3. Click on the radio button “Store settings in an INI file” and then on OK.  That should do it for this important step.  Now on to what I originally wrote ….


1. Make sure you have the Microsoft fonts installed, the ones that include Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman, etc.  For information on how to do that, google, “install Microsoft fonts Ubuntu” (or name of your distro or just “Linux”).  These fonts are free in the sense that you don't have to pay money for them.

2. From the View menu, choose Options and then Article.
3. Click on the font button and choose one of the Microsoft fonts and sizes.  My recommendation is Arial 10 points.  I'm assuming you're using that font from here on out.
4. Click OK and then Apply and then OK to get out.
5. Now most all of your articles should have clear looking Arial 10 pt fonts.  There may be some exceptions.  If some of them are still distorted, go to step 6.  Otherwise, skip to step 8.
6. Click on the node of whichever article is still distorted.  In the article, highlight all the text.  From the toolbar above, choose Arial 10 points.
7. If that doesn't work, copy the text into LibreOffice Writer and past the text there.  Then use LO Writer to change the text to Arial 10 pt.  Delete the text in Treepad's article and then copy and past the text into it from LO Writer.


8. From the View menu choose Options.  From the pane on the left, choose Font and Color.  Click on the Font button and choose Arial 10 pt.
9. Click OK, Apply, and then OK to get out.
10. Voilà!  Now Treepad displays properly.  No more squinting to make out what it says.  


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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.