
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Version 5.0, 32-bit

Application Details:

Version: 5.x (32-bit)
License: Demo
Votes: 42
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 4.15-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Free Download Download page Free Download Lightroom 5.7.1

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works


What does not

import (importing photos) function may be too slow and even it will not work anymore if you had 4.14 installed and changed to 4.15 or even used 4.15


import function fails with 4.15

What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU: Intel
  • Driver: unknown

Additional Comments

Installs fine but fails at end (doesn't matter)

you must install following
winetricks gdiplus corefonts windowscodecs ie6

and then do this: 
cp /usr/share/color/icc/colord/sRGB.icc  "~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/spool/drivers/color/sRGB Color Space Profile.icm"
otherwise, develop function may work bad without updating the changes you made

Works fine, but import may fail and get stuck, try to use with wine 4.14 insted (staging)

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 19.04 "Disco" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Sep 07 20194.15-stagingYes Yes YesBronzeFranco 
ShowArch LinuxOct 23 20183.18Yes Yes YesGoldAnnoymousWine 
ShowUbuntu 18.04 "Bionic" amd64 (+variants like Kubuntu)Jul 19 20183.12-stagingYes Yes NoSilverteepean 
ShowUbuntu 16.10 "Yakkety" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Sep 05 20161.8.4Yes Yes NoSilverMiKo 
ShowFedora 23 x86_64Jan 04 20171.9.12Yes Yes NoGoldFunkster 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
38029 Adobe Lightroom 5.x - Vertical scrollbars are wrongly set as horizontal in classic window dialogs UNCONFIRMED View
38231 Adobe Lightroom 4.4 and 5.7 - Unable to display all images in library mode NEW View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO (in progress)
Before installation set winecfg to Windows 7 mode.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

File Export location picker glitch
by Funkster on Thursday January 5th 2017, 5:56
Hmm... having just added a report that everything works well, I have noticed that the folder picker used for file export (it's a "classic style" file open type dialog, same as the one for "open catalog") has a glitch: If you highlight a folder somewhere with single-click and click "open" it's fine, the exported files go into that folder. But if you double-click it to enter that folder, then click open, you get "file doesn't exist".

I'm fairly sure that entering a folder and hitting export used to work on windows, perhaps the problem is that the name of the just-entered folder is left in the "file name" box? Clearing that box manually doesn't work though, the open button doesn't do anything then.

Not a big problem and very easy to work around once you realise what's going on, but a pain in the wossname nonetheless.
5.7.1 working with staging 1.7.50
by jthetzel on Tuesday August 25th 2015, 8:18
Note regarding Flickr plugin:
I was not able to authenticate with the Flickr OAuth API using the built-in Flickr plugin (browser fails to send token back to Lightroom). However, with the third-party Flickr plugin by Jeffrey Friedl ( ) authentication was eventually successful after a failed first attempt.
5.7 working with wine-staging 1.7.40
by Bob S on Monday April 13th 2015, 1:01
I was able to get it working with wine-staging 1.7.40 which has a patchset that partially implements threading API support. This fixes the thread error that comes up during the install of LR 5.3 and later.

I still have some weird graphical issues I did not have with 5.2, such as the menus being invisible until I click on them.

I have gdiplus, corefonts, ie7, windowscodecs, and comctl32 which I installed with winetricks. Installed under Win7 as XP is not supported and running as WinXP as that is supposed to resolve some dialog glitches (not verified).
Lightroom 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit ---- say "Thanks!" to Michael bellow
by hgpt on Wednesday March 18th 2015, 17:41
Michael, you're a genius!!!! You don't know how many things I've tried to stop Lightroom from crashing everytime I was starting it, how many versions of Lightroom/Wine, how many settings. This got it working straight on. Now I'm rocking 5.2 :D. Anyone who would like to get Lightroom 5.2 to work on even latest Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit follow this:


2. Make sure you install 5.2 32-bit.

3. If you get an error at the begining saying that you need Windows 7 to install (even though you've selected Windows 7 in Wine settings) select Windows 8 for the installation.

4. After install finishes go back to Windows 7.

5. Do what the GURU said above about "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs". Pay attention ".wine" folder is hidden in home/$USER. Let's say your username is "Spike". Go to /home/Spike. Now go to the "View" tab and select "Show Hidden Files". Now you can go in ./wine/drive_c/users/$USER/ApplicationData/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences/ and make the change mentioned above.

6. Enjoy Lightroom 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit.
Kudos to the GURU for posting the fix!!!
Recipe to run Ligthroom 5.7
by Roland Baudin on Sunday December 21st 2014, 3:32

you can find here (comment #38) a recipe to run Lightroom 5.7 with a patched wine 1.7.21.
Just follow the eight steps I provide and use wine 1.7.21.
Lightroom 5.7 works very well with this recipe.

Have a nice day,
RE: Recipe to run Ligthroom 5.7
by Roland Baudin on Sunday December 28th 2014, 3:45
I've updated the patches for wine 1.7.33.
You can get them at this address:
Working, kind of
by DJYoshaBYD on Thursday August 14th 2014, 12:25
I compiled the source for wine 1.7.11 with the patches listed earlier, and have also installed every single 32-bit library that I could. One thing that should be noted is when it crashes checking for a new version, that is because you most likely do not have libnss-mdns installed. I had that issue. That immediately fixed a HUGE amount of issues, mainly crashing upon clicking the file menu and whatnot.

Now, I have it up and running, but it will eventually just crash. Doesn't really matter what because it is random. For some reason, I still feel we are missing some Linux libs or Wine overrides to get this a little more stable.
LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by Teo on Saturday August 2nd 2014, 7:04
I made test instalation of LR 5.0 32bit on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit with Wine 1.7.22.
Everything works well. Only slideshow modul crash when you try to play slideshow. LR modules Library, Develop, Map, Print. Web module works, but this module will crash when you run it first time. Tested many tools. I didnt test Book module. Import module works, Catalogue works (i used huge 1TB catagologue for test). Export module works well. But sometimes I had a problems to select destination folder for export.
Sent to other aplication for editing from Lightroom also works. I tried LR To Photoshop and back.

LR settings: Switch off "check for updates". Always crash during checking new version.
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by Jaris Aizprua B. on Tuesday September 9th 2014, 22:49
Hello, why did you use LR_32bits on UB_64bits? Did you test LR_64bits?
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by Teo on Thursday September 11th 2014, 3:02
My 64bits LR version crashed always during instalation.
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by joaquin on Wednesday December 3rd 2014, 12:43
Hey! How did you get to switch off updates? I got mine to work but it crashes at beginning because default behavior is to check for updates...
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by rocko on Friday December 5th 2014, 4:38
I found that it doesn't always check for updates when it runs, so I kept running it until it didn't crash. It took several goes, though. (I also turned off internet access but I don't know if this is necessary.)

Then when it finally runs without crashing, the setting is in Edit / Preferences / General.
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by Michael on Sunday December 21st 2014, 5:36
Create a file "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs" in folder

$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/Application\ Data/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences/

and insert

prefs = {
noAutomaticallyCheckUpdates = true

in that file.
RE: LR 5.0 works well on Ubuntu 14.04
by hgpt on Wednesday March 18th 2015, 17:39
OMG, you're a genius!!!! You don't know how many things I've tried to stop Lightroom from crashing everytime I was starting it, how many versions of Lightroom/Wine, how many settings. This got it working straight on. Now I'm rocking 5.2 :D. Anyone who would like to get Lightroom 5.2 to work on even latest Ubuntu 14.10 64 bit follow this:


2. Make sure you install 5.2 32-bit.

3. If you get an error at the begining saying that you need Windows 7 to install (even though you've selected Windows 7 in Wine settings) select Windows 8 for the installation.

4. After install finishes go back to Windows 7.

5. Do what the GURU said above about "Lightroom 5 Preferences.agprefs". Pay attention ".wine" folder is hidden in home/$USER. Let's say your username is "Spike". Go to /home/Spike. Now go to the "View" tab and select "Show Hidden Files". Now you can go in ./wine/drive_c/users/$USER/ApplicationData/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences/ and make the change mentioned above.

6. Enjoy Lightroom 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit.
Kudos to the GURU for posting the fix!!!
Problem during install
by gmm on Sunday June 22nd 2014, 15:32
I have Ubuntu 12.04 and tried installing Lightroom 5.4 (32bit) using Wine 1.7.18
During the installation a message pops up that says: "The program lightroom.exe has encountered a serious issue and needs to close"

The details show: "Unhandled exception: unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.CreateThreadpool called in 32-bit code (0x7bc546e0).
Register dump:" and it goes on..

Any ideas?? thanks!
wine 1.7.20 = LR 5.4
by karol on Tuesday June 17th 2014, 15:10
I install LR 5.4 withe wine 1.7.20 , winetricks 20140302; Ubuntu 12.04.04...
but i can not run it;
in terminal i've got :
-Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" (
- menubuilder:convert_to_native_icon error
- unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.CreateThreadpool

how can i solved it?
Color profile
by Ben M. on Tuesday April 22nd 2014, 14:07
If Lightroom executes, but is unusable because the images don't display/refresh, then it may be due to the lack of a color profile.

In Ubuntu, this is extremely easy to fix. Go to "System Settings..." -> "Color" and then select your monitor. Choose "Add profile" and select some profile. Restart Lightroom, and then it should hopefully work.
RE: Color profile
by Janhouse on Monday May 5th 2014, 9:53
Thank you!

I tested this in cinnamon (fork of gnome3) and it works there with configured color profile.

I then went back to openbox and it didn't.

I managed to get it running in openbox by launching the cinnamon-settings-daemon before launching Lightroom itself.

It works now but still has some problems when compared to how it runs in cinnamon.
For example - in cinnamon the image doesn't go dark when adjusting the brightness (before releasing the mouse), in openbox it does.

Also, it is kind of lame that wine requires colord to be running. Not all DE's support it. Sholdn't this be reported as a bug?
by Rene on Saturday March 8th 2014, 5:58
...and don't forget msxml3 to install. Installer will cancel install if missing

by Janhouse on Friday January 31st 2014, 7:19
Oh, and this is version 5.3.

I managed to run it after compiling wine with the patches provided here:
by DJYoshaBYD on Wednesday August 13th 2014, 13:56
I have compiled with those patches on multiple version of Wine, including the one that you had mentioned, and it still fails with Lightroom 5.3 or higher.

Does ANYONE have a definitive way to get this running? Patches or not, it does not matter to me. But I simply cannot even get it to start without crashing.
Runs but unusable
by Janhouse on Friday January 31st 2014, 6:03
It installs and runs with Wine 1.7.11 but it's not really usable. Not sure what I'm missing.

Here is a video:
RE: Runs but unusable
by Janhouse on Friday January 31st 2014, 7:17
I managed to get most of those visual glitches fixed by doing this:

winetricks win7
winetricks gdiplus corefonts ie7 windowscodecs

But there still are some problems like live image previews not updating (though the thumbnails do update).

Also zooming in in development mode doesn't load higher quality image. Zooming works properly in library mode.

Here is the video so you could get the idea:

It is still unusable as a development tool but you can at least browse through the images.
RE: Runs but unusable
by ttwiub on Wednesday February 5th 2014, 13:41
Well, just to tell you that I have come to the same result.
The images are not updated in the development mode but they are in the library mode.

Could it be connected to the graphic card ? I have a NVIDIA gtx 260
RE: Runs but unusable
by Andrea Bellitto on Saturday February 22nd 2014, 4:40
Before i read your post i have unusable Lightroom too, but after i runned your two commands with winetricks to add libraries posted by you NOW i have a full functional Lightroom even on development mode! It will make realtime modification to all parameters and zoom is working as it should!

I have Ubuntu 14.04 daily build and wine 1.7.12 from ubuntu official repo. The only thing i have done before is to install pipelight, i don't know if this can help (maybe it installed some other libraries that make my lightroom work well), anyway these are all the library i have installed:
RE: Runs but unusable
by Darren Lachambre on Monday June 2nd 2014, 20:40
If you are still having trouble with this, have you tried enabling StrictDrawOrdering? I had a similar looking problem in a game and that fixed it, with a bit of a performance hit. Early versions of wine seem to have had it enabled by default but it seems to be now disabled.
This is the link to enable it...
Hangs at splash screen
by Alexander Sergeev on Friday January 31st 2014, 2:07
Hello, all.
I've installed lightroom 5.0 into new WINEPREFIX with no overrides, installation was fine, but afer all Lightroom launches but hangs at splashscreen with 1 CPU loaded at 100%

I have no clue what to do. Wine is 1.7.11
RE: Hangs at splash screen
by Roman Galeev on Friday February 14th 2014, 17:14
It's locale. Try wipe .wine, then export LANG=C, then do setup Ligthroom again.
RE: Hangs at splash screen
by Sergey Khoroshavin on Monday June 2nd 2014, 15:29
Doesn't work for me. Ubuntu 14.04 x64, Wine 1.7.19, Lightroom 5.2. Could you elaborate how did you come to conclusion that it could bt locale problem?
RE: Hangs at splash screen
by monte on Saturday August 9th 2014, 19:20
LC_ALL=C wine lightroom.exe
RE: Hangs at splash screen
by bada on Thursday October 30th 2014, 14:57
start without internet, then turn off auto-update in the program