Application Details:
Version: | GOG |
License: | Retail |
URL: | |
Votes: | 1 |
Latest Rating: | Gold |
Latest Wine Version Tested: | 7.5 |
Maintainers: About Maintainership
What works
Installation via GOG Galaxy 2.0, single-player mode, OpenGL, DIrectX and Software renderers.
What does not
Can't launch the game through Galaxy client or through the provided desktop shortcuts (see bug 48308). You must to go to the game's System directory and launch DeusEx,exe manually.
When using a tiling WM (Sway), the game sometimes crashes when entering fullscreen. Enabling virtual desktop via winecfg fixes this.
Sometimes the game just refuses to start for no apparent reason (either crashes on startup or hangs). But after a few attempts, it launches properly and is very stable.
OpenGL renderer results in very "wonky" graphics: when you get too close to certain objects, their geometry starts deforming. The software renderer produces a lot of z-fighting for some reason. I recommend that you stick to the default DirectX renderer, even if the FPS is slightly lower as a result.
Virtual desktop is recommended.
What was not tested
Hardware tested
Additional Comments
Operating system | Test date | Wine version | Installs? | Runs? | Used Workaround? | Rating | Submitter | ||
Show | Arch Linux x86_64 | Apr 06 2022 | 7.5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Gold | Jordan | |
Show | Artix Linux | Feb 13 2021 | 6.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Gold | Joel H. | |
Show | Artix Linux | Jan 07 2021 | 5.22 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Gold | Joel H. | |
Current | Arch Linux x86_64 | Feb 02 2020 | 5.0-staging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | gardenapple | |
Show | Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Oct 01 2016 | 1.9.19 | Yes | Yes | No | Gold | AAAAAAAAAAAAAA |
Out-of-the box the stock OpenGL renderer will generate a segmentation fault:
This BASH script will fix the DeusEx.ini file settings to correct this. Note it is recommended to use the newer OpenGL renderer (which is significantly better)
#export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"
# Read install path for Deus Ex, from the Wine Registry.
# Note: this requires a first run, when DeusEx is installed under Steam.
wine reg query 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unreal Technology\Installed Apps\Deus Ex' /v Folder 2>/dev/null \
| awk '{ if (sub("^[[:blank:]]*Folder[[:blank:]]*REG_SZ[[:blank:]]*","")) print $0 }' \
| dos2unix
# Fallback to 'C:\DeusEx'
printf "Using DeusEx (Windows) install path: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}"
# Convert path from Windows to Unix format
DEUS_EX_PATH="$(winepath -u "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ ! -d "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" ]]; then
printf "DeusEx install path: '%s' ; does not exist\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" >&2
exit 1
# Patch settings to make the game work properly on OpenGL devices
# Uses the default DeusEx install path (for the current WINEPREFIX)
if ! sed -i -e '/FrameRateLimit=60/d' \
-e 's/^GameRenderDevice=.*$/GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice/g' \
-e '/^GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice$/a\FrameRateLimit=60' \
-e 's/FirstRun=.*$/FirstRun=1100/g' \
printf "Unable to update DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini" >&2
exit 1
printf "Successfully updated DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini"
The Kentie Launcher Deus Exe is a replacement executable for Deus Ex. It's compatible with the GOTY edition of the game, which includes the Steam version. Note: the enhanced Steam version of DeusEx appears to lose support for the high resolution/wide screen fixes, when the Kentie Launcher is installed.
The launcher:
Kentie Launcher homepage
This script will download version 8.1 of the Kentie Launcher and automatically install it, to the specified WINEPREFIX.
Update the KENTIE_VERSION variable as required.
# Install winetricks verbs: vcrun2015 7zip
if ! winetricks vcrun2015 7zip; then
printf "winetricks vcrun2015 7zip failed\\n" >&2
exit 1
# Read install path for Deus Ex, from the Wine Registry.
# Note: this requires a first run, when DeusEx is installed under Steam.
wine reg query 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unreal Technology\Installed Apps\Deus Ex' /v Folder 2>/dev/null \
| awk '{ if (sub("^[[:blank:]]*Folder[[:blank:]]*REG_SZ[[:blank:]]*","")) print $0 }' \
| dos2unix
# Fallback to 'C:\DeusEx'
printf "Using DeusEx (Windows) install path: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}"
# Convert path from Windows to Unix format
DEUS_EX_PATH="$(winepath -u "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ ! -d "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" ]]; then
printf "DeusEx install path: '%s' ; does not exist\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" >&2
exit 1
# Download Kentie Launcher
printf "Kentie Deus Ex Launcher unavailable @: '%s'\\n" "${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_URL}" >&2
exit 1
# Hack to determine path of 7-zip (32-bit or 64-bit)
PATH_7ZIP='C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe'
if ! wine "${PATH_7ZIP}" &>/dev/null; then
PATH_7ZIP='C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'
if ! cd "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System"; then
printf "cd to path: '%s' ; failed\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System" >&2
exit 1
# Extract Kentie Launcher archive (case-insensitive)
if ! wine "${PATH_7ZIP}" e -y """$(winepath -w "${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}" )"""; then
printf "Unable to extract Kentie Deus Ex Launcher: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}" >&2
exit 1
printf "Successfully extracted Kentie Deus Ex Launcher: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}"
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.
by GreatEmerald on Saturday January 11th 2014, 3:16