
Deus Ex

Application Details:

Version: GOG
License: Retail
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 7.5

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Everything that was tested. Played through the whole game without any issues that I could notice (once set up properly).

What does not

Nothing that was tested, but it needed peculiar setup in order to not mess up the screen. By default it is set to an extremely low resolution, and changing it is difficult. It also used to crash a lot on first tries to launch the game, but using DeusExe seems to have fixed it, since I never had any crashes after that.


What was not tested

Network games.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I used DeusExe so I could launch the game properly (note that you must *not* select the "Disable mouse acceleration" checkbox in DeusExe, or else the input is completely screwed up). My setup was OpenGL rendering (from CWDohnal's page), native screen resolution, fullscreen on, 100 FPS limit, DirectSound enabled. The odd thing is that I have virtual desktop enabled in winecfg, but the game does run in fullscreen. I also used New Vision S3TC textures and the latest unofficial Deus Ex patches (Maps patch 10 and Deus Ex V2). My setup is GeForce GTX 660 with NVIDIA binary drivers.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64Apr 06 20227.5Yes Yes YesGoldJordan 
ShowArtix LinuxFeb 13 20216.1Yes Yes YesGoldJoel H. 
ShowArtix LinuxJan 07 20215.22Yes Yes YesGoldJoel H. 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Feb 02 20205.0-stagingYes Yes YesSilvergardenapple 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 01 20161.9.19Yes Yes NoGoldAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
52602 Deus Ex GOTY: black screen on XWayland UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Using the Stock OpenGL Renderer

Out-of-the box the stock OpenGL renderer will generate a segmentation fault:

double free or corruption (!prev)

This BASH script will fix the DeusEx.ini file settings to correct this. Note it is recommended to use the newer OpenGL renderer (which is significantly better)

  1. Create this script (credit to Morgawr, his original script was used as a basis for this):
  2. #!/bin/bash

    #export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"

    export DEUS_EX_PATH

    # Read install path for Deus Ex, from the Wine Registry.
    # Note: this requires a first run, when DeusEx is installed under Steam.

         wine reg query 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unreal Technology\Installed Apps\Deus Ex' /v Folder 2>/dev/null \
            | awk '{ if (sub("^[[:blank:]]*Folder[[:blank:]]*REG_SZ[[:blank:]]*","")) print $0 }' \
            | dos2unix

    # Fallback to 'C:\DeusEx'


    printf "Using DeusEx (Windows) install path: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}"

    # Convert path from Windows to Unix format

    DEUS_EX_PATH="$(winepath -u "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" 2>/dev/null)"

    if [[ ! -d "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" ]]; then
         printf "DeusEx install path: '%s' ; does not exist\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" >&2
         exit 1

    # Patch settings to make the game work properly on OpenGL devices
    # Uses the default DeusEx install path (for the current WINEPREFIX)
    if ! sed -i -e '/FrameRateLimit=60/d' \
                  -e 's/^GameRenderDevice=.*$/GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice/g' \
                  -e '/^GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice$/a\FrameRateLimit=60' \
                  -e 's/FirstRun=.*$/FirstRun=1100/g' \
         printf "Unable to update DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini" >&2
    exit 1

    printf "Successfully updated DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini"

  3. Make the script executable & run it:
    chmod +x
    (ensure your WINEPREFIX env variable is set)
Install Kentie Launcher

The Kentie Launcher Deus Exe is a replacement executable for Deus Ex. It's compatible with the GOTY edition of the game, which includes the Steam version. Note: the enhanced Steam version of DeusEx appears to lose support for the high resolution/wide screen fixes, when the Kentie Launcher is installed.

The launcher:

  • fixes various issues running the game on modern computers
  • helps you configure the game
  • includes a mod manager

Kentie Launcher homepage

This script will download version 8.1 of the Kentie Launcher and automatically install it, to the specified WINEPREFIX.

Update the KENTIE_VERSION variable as required.


export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"



# Install winetricks verbs: vcrun2015 7zip

if ! winetricks vcrun2015 7zip; then
     printf "winetricks vcrun2015 7zip failed\\n" >&2
     exit 1

# Read install path for Deus Ex, from the Wine Registry.
# Note: this requires a first run, when DeusEx is installed under Steam.

     wine reg query 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unreal Technology\Installed Apps\Deus Ex' /v Folder 2>/dev/null \
         | awk '{ if (sub("^[[:blank:]]*Folder[[:blank:]]*REG_SZ[[:blank:]]*","")) print $0 }' \
         | dos2unix

# Fallback to 'C:\DeusEx'


printf "Using DeusEx (Windows) install path: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}"

# Convert path from Windows to Unix format

DEUS_EX_PATH="$(winepath -u "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" 2>/dev/null)"

if [[ ! -d "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" ]]; then
     printf "DeusEx install path: '%s' ; does not exist\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" >&2
     exit 1

# Download Kentie Launcher
     printf "Kentie Deus Ex Launcher unavailable @: '%s'\\n" "${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_URL}" >&2
     exit 1

# Hack to determine path of 7-zip (32-bit or 64-bit)

PATH_7ZIP='C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe'

if ! wine "${PATH_7ZIP}" &>/dev/null; then
     PATH_7ZIP='C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'

if ! cd "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System"; then
     printf "cd to path: '%s' ; failed\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System" >&2
     exit 1

# Extract Kentie Launcher archive (case-insensitive)
if ! wine "${PATH_7ZIP}" e -y """$(winepath -w "${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}" )"""; then
     printf "Unable to extract Kentie Deus Ex Launcher: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}" >&2
     exit 1

printf "Successfully extracted Kentie Deus Ex Launcher: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/${KENTIE_LAUNCHER_ARCHIVE}"


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Locale issue
by GreatEmerald on Saturday January 11th 2014, 3:16
The game needs to have LANG=C set, if you are using a non-standard locale, in order not to crash on startup.