EverQuest Classic and All Expansions
Everquest, next to Ultima Online, is one of the original MMORPG's that gave inspiration to games like Everquest 2 and World of Warcraft. Fight powerful dragons, strange creatures and even the Gods themselves in one of the games that started the MMORPG craze! Originally developed by Verant, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has since taken over the project. Everquest is one of, if not THE, longest running MMO to date since it first opened its doors in 1999.
Currently, Everquest has 28 expansions (in order of release): Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power, Legacy of Ykesha, Lost Dungeons of Norrath, Gates of Discord, Omens of War, Dragons of Norrath, Depths of Darkhollow, Prophecy of Ro, The Serpent's Spine, The Buried Sea, Secrets of Faydwer, Seeds of Destruction, Underfoot, House of Thule, Veil of Alaris, Rain of Fear, Call of the Forsaken, The Darkened Sea, The Broken Mirror, Empires of Kunark, Ring of Scale, The Burning Lands, Torment of Velious, Claws of Veeshan, and Terror of Luclin (December 2021).
On February 15th 2022, the EverQuest client and servers were updated to 64 bit. This means that 64 bit Wine is now a requirement for running EverQuest.
On January 17th 2024, EverQuest was updated to use DX11.
Application Details:
Version: | EverQuest (Live) |
License: | Retail |
URL: | http://www.everquest.com |
Votes: | 18 |
Latest Rating: | Platinum |
Latest Wine Version Tested: | 9.13 |
Maintainers: About Maintainership
What works
Patcher works
What does not
Mouse Pointer always moves back to middle of Wine Screen.
You can get a little further with keyboard input but before you get to the character select screen the game freezes.
What was not tested
Hardware tested
Additional Comments
Operating system | Test date | Wine version | Installs? | Runs? | Used Workaround? | Rating | Submitter | ||
Show | Ubuntu 24.04 "Noble" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Jul 24 2024 | 9.13 | Yes | Yes | No | Platinum | Mark H | |
Show | Pop!_OS 22.04 | Jul 07 2024 | 9.12 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Mark H | |
Show | Pop!_OS 22.04 | Mar 08 2024 | 9.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Mark H | |
Show | Arch Linux x86_64 | Mar 06 2022 | 7.3 | No, but has workaround | Yes | Yes | Gold | Paul C. | |
Show | Ubuntu 20.10 "Groovy" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Feb 01 2021 | 6.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Bronze | Paul C. |
Running EQ after the DX11 upgrade is easy.
Required setup:
winetricks corefonts
There are still some textures in the game that are not rendered correctly.
It is also possible to run the game with DXVK. Performance might be maginally better than stock Wine, however there is currently a bug somewhere that causes crashes when running with DXVK. The cause seems to be player/mount/pet texture so it only happens on occasion when that texture is in the same zone.
If you are returning to EQ after a break it is recommended to start with a fresh WINEPREFIX.
Solutions to common issues
EQ is a constantly updating game. The user running the application
needs read, write and execute to the entire directory where it is
installed. Be careful when copying installations over from Windows. You
might need to
chown -R username path_to_EQ_directory
chmod 0755 -R path_to_EQ_directory.
The new patcher system is sensitive to file locations. If you have problems getting the patcher to run:
- move your EQ directory to a backup location
- download the free trial and install it into the default location (C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest)
- run the patcher and make sure it works, but don't go through the agonizingly long download
- move your EQ files to C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest (probably /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest)
- whenever you run EQ, you must "cd path_to_EQ" and then "wine EverQuest.exe"
You can skip the patcher by running "wine eqgame.exe patchme" but this will crash if there has been an update to critical EQ files.
Another way around the patch issue is to mount your Linux drive under a Windows machine and run the patcher from there. I did this over a network with samba.
In Game Options
You must change some options in eqclient.ini in order to run the game
properly. If a setting is missing, like TextureCache, just enter it
into the appropriate section. If you use the default file,
VertexShaders are already TRUE, but so is TextureCache which needs to
- You can log into any zone you have previously zoned into and also any small zone like the guild lobby. If you log into one that you have never been in before, you get fixme:d3d:IWineD3DDeviceImpl_CreateVertexBuffer Out of memory! (TextureCache)
- If your first toon on char select is a Drakkin, the animation is broken except for the primary and secondary weapons/shield move. If you select any other character at char select, the game crashes. (TextureCache)
- Game crashes at char select. (VertexShaders)
Problem with the character models not animating correctly. They will animate choppy a few frames and then just freeze up totally.
It has to do with the multicore nature of the AMD64. I remembered having this problem with an old native Linux game (UT)
because of this as well and the solution there was to force the game to just
run on the first core, so i tested it with EQ as well and it works
To run EQ directly without the patcher on just the first core, open
a terminal and cd to the install directory of EQ and type the following:
taskset -c 0 wine eqgame.exe patchme
If your running the game through the patcher is:
taskset -c 0 wine EverQuest.exe
Its the "taskset -c 0" prefix that binds the process to the first CPU/Core.
Wine Version Updates
If you update your wine version, it may be necessary to delete ~/.wine and then run winecfg to regenerate the directory. Make sure you move "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony" to a backup location and then move it back so you don't have to download everything again.
This happens only at server select. You may need to switch to windowed mode to choose a server for the first time or to change servers from the last one you picked. If you're using the same server, you can just use the tab and enter keys on the keyboard to get around. When you get to character select, this problem goes away.
Account Pages and User Agreement not shown
HTML rendering does not work correctly. Occasionally, I will see the user agreement show up and the news, but it is rare. You will have to set up a new account with a Windows box most likely and then sign into it with wine. It does not have much effect in game.
This is for 2 or more instances of EQ on the same machine with different ini files. If you just use the same ini file, it is not necessary to do this.
If you use diffrent WINEPREFIX for the diffrent installs it should work fine.
cp -R ~/.wine
cp -R ~/.wine
cp -R ~/.wine
and so on.
and then use: WINEPREFIX="~/.wine.eq-box#" wine eqgame.exe patchme
for example
note though you will need to patch each one separatly.
An even easier method would be to buy CrossOver Games 7 (and thus
supporting WINE economically) that has a graphical front-end to do this
easy called bottles.
Extremely Poor Frame Rate or Driver Warning
I always get the following message on the way to the Character selection window:
You have a Direct3D HAL video card (version 175.65...)...
...you should download driver 8185...
There's a link that sends me to NVidia website (I have a NVidia FX5200 video card) but the so said driver is impossible to find...
When I try to play, ignoring the driver update, I get the problem of half of the textures are not showing at the selection window and in the game.I only see some kind of grey frame or building.
You must use proprietary drivers for wine 3D games to work. For Nvidia users, try www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html in one of your Linux browsers (like Firefox, not running through wine) and follow the install instructions on the driver download page. If you need help, see www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=14
AUTHOR: Julio Fernandez
After speaking with wine devs, it seems it's not feasible/could make
some other applications to stop to work, if we 'hack' wine to return 4
instead 0.
For those not willing/able to build wine from source (quite
uncomfortable too, considering wine release cycle), theres another way
to apply the workaround, without having to touch wine at all:
File d3dx9_30.dll is part of DirectX dll's, typically you have
already put a copy of it in your Linux EQ game directory, if not make a
copy from your windows install partition (usually found at /system32
folder with all other DX files) on your Linux game directory and modify
the copy.
To patch the file you can use any binary editor (ghex as example -be careful, the program itself is called ghex2 instead-)
patch the file d3dx9_30.dll at offsets:
4c6f9, where there is a '83' replace it for '6a'
4c6fa, where there is a 'fe' replace it for '04'
4c6fb, where there is a '02' replace it for '5e'
save it and it's done.
As a reference the offset list from 4c6f0 before the change should read:
00 00 00 f6 45 f8 50 74 0f 83 fe 02 73 56 b8 57
And the offset list from 4c6f0 after the change should read:
00 00 00 f6 45 f8 50 74 0f 6a 04 5e 73 56 b8 57
Changing d3dx9_30.dll linux EQ local copy won't affect any other
application and keeps you from 'patching' wine sorce after each release
you want to upgrade to.
** NOTE** Make sure you put d3dx9_30.dll wherever you have Everquest.exe located. Usually in $WINPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest
Add this line:
In file:
(your wine source directory)/dlls/d3d9/directx.c
At function:
IDirect3DDevice9Impl_GetDeviceCaps(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 iface, D3DCAPS9* pCaps)
Before returning (return hrc;), line 176 (as of 0.9.55)
Build wine as usual and happy Everquestin
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.
by Evil on Saturday February 19th 2022, 21:10
What you need to do is:
1. Create the new prefix and install the corefonts + dx9: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix winetricks corefonts d3dx9 d3dx9_43
2. Install DXVK in the prefix: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix setup_dxvk.sh install --symlink
3. Open winecfg. With the application set to "Default Settings", click on the Libraries tab. Take note of the overridden libraries and remove them all. This fixes the bug with the launcher.
4. While still in winecfg, click the "Add Application" button on the Applications tab. Select eqgame.exe as the new application.
5. *With eqgame.exe selected on the Applications tab*, click the Libraries tab and add the DirectX libraries (native, then builtin - as is the default when you add an override) you had removed from the Default Settings earlier. The adds the overrides, but only for the eqgame.exe.
6. Click okay to save your settings.
The game should now launch fine. Happy adventuring!
by Tom on Friday July 31st 2020, 3:53
Also, in order to get the installer to work, I had to execute: winetricks win7
This was on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
by Joe Terwilliger on Saturday December 23rd 2017, 22:13
I have no idea what happened, but I can only assume an EQ patch is causing this for me and my particular setup. I am running Mac OS 10.11.6 with latest patches.
Anyone having the same problem or have a suggestion?
Thanks, Jt
by Joe Terwilliger on Wednesday December 27th 2017, 23:34
by steve on Thursday April 6th 2017, 17:07
winetricks wmi d3dx9_43 corefonts
even running MQ2 with it
no problems yet
by Andrew Schott on Thursday August 10th 2017, 19:30
Again thanks -- your blurb here simplified my life immensely.
by e8hffff on Sunday February 19th 2017, 9:13
I believe the problem is to do with certificates and he webkit used in the updater.
by Mike on Monday February 20th 2017, 15:04
Ubuntu Gnome 16.04
wine-2.1 (Staging)
nVidia 970 (Closed Source driver)
by e8hffff on Sunday May 28th 2017, 13:54
by e8hffff on Thursday August 10th 2017, 11:57
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:crypt:CRYPT_VerifyChainRevocation Unable to find CRL for CA certificate
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:crypt:CRYPT_VerifyChainRevocation Unable to find CRL for CA certificate
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:wininet:urlcache_entry_get_file Trying to retrieve entry of unknown format (invalid)
fixme:crypt:CRYPT_VerifyChainRevocation Unable to find CRL for CA certificate
wine: Unhandled exception 0x80000003 in thread 48 at address 0x3866603 (thread 0048), starting debugger...
Note I have already tried native and built-in crypt32 on various windows versions. Running 32bit on Archlinux Wine Staging 2.14-1.
by Nick Hathaway on Wednesday November 2nd 2016, 23:46
by e8hffff on Friday March 18th 2016, 1:57
I'm using a Nuc5i5RHY with Intel Graphics.
by e8hffff on Sunday May 28th 2017, 13:59
by Takahiro Hirano on Tuesday May 5th 2015, 2:28
Bug with VertexShaders enabled
by Nilshar on Friday August 29th 2014, 6:52
yesterday I installed EQ again on my debian Jessie (wine 1.6.2-8).
after the usual tricks (dx9, corefonts, glsl), all went ok and I'm able to play without problem... but not really : I got some keyboard issues :(
some keys just doesn't work, the 4 key (not numpad, I'm on laptop, XPS 13), and a few others..
That's really annoying, and that's the only think left to have a perfect EQ experience on Linux.
So if anyone have a clue on that... please let met know!
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Sunday September 1st 2013, 21:13
I noticed the spells do not give me details when I hover over them or select them. Anyone else have this condition? I recall some information should display about the spell so one can tell which to select.
by Joni Larsen-Haikarainen on Monday September 2nd 2013, 6:53
You need to click and HOLD right mouse button over whatever you want to know more about.
When the window apperes you can move your mouse abit before you release the button to get the inspect window to stay open.
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Monday September 2nd 2013, 10:15
by sylveni on Sunday August 25th 2013, 5:52
by Tony on Saturday September 7th 2013, 16:57
For those wondering where this option is, do the following:
1. Open Winetricks and select your wine prefix, in my case this is the default wine prefix.
2. Select "Change settings" and click OK.
3. Find the option "glsl=disabled" and place a check by it, then click OK and exit back out of winetricks.
I haven't found any negative effects of this option, please post more if you do.
by Attar on Sunday September 8th 2013, 13:02
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Saturday August 10th 2013, 16:27
I tested 1.5.25 64bit and it did not work.
by jstx on Tuesday February 26th 2013, 12:28
Admittedly, this is the first time I've ever done hex editing, but those links to the pre-modified .dll file is dead, and the one available for download via "The Internet" does not seem to have those digits - 4c6f9, etc. I only see 4c6f0. email me at [email protected]
by jstx on Tuesday February 26th 2013, 12:40
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Monday August 5th 2013, 14:05
Did you get this resolved? I only see the offset you stated as well. Also, I am using a 64bit PREFIX. Should I use a 32bit PREFIX?
by Tony on Monday August 5th 2013, 14:50
The articles below are how I've performed the install with Ubuntu 10.04 up to 12.04. Recently I tried 13.04 and the patcher wouldn't even install, so I'm still working on that, but for now 13.04 is a no-go. The steps below were performed three times in the last year successfully on Ubuntu desktop 12.04 64-bit with wine v1.4 as in the default repositories.
1. Install wine-1.4, this should also install winetricks, if not also get the winetricks package (sudo apt-get wine will do the trick).
2. Launch winetricks, choose "Select the default wineprefix" and click OK. On the next screen select "Install a Windows DLL or component and click OK.
3. Scroll down and select the option "directx9 - MS DirectX 9 (Usually overkill. Try d3dx9_36 first)". Click OK and click next on through the installation. I believe it will bark once again about this being overkill or not necessary, just tell it to continue anyway.
4. Download the patcher from Everquest, install it as you would on Windows. It's going to attempt to install DirectX as well, which will bomb, but that's ok, just press on through it.
5. Allow the game to patch, it's 8Gb or so nowadays so it'll take a while. Once done, go ahead and click play.
6. Now, in my experience every single time when getting to the character select screen, no matter the card, the player character models will be missing/invisible. The point of logging in this far is that EQ will write SEVERAL new entries to eqclient.ini, one of them being the all-important VertexShaders entry that's causing the models to be invisible. Click exit to leave the game and close all the way back to desktop.
7. Edit $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Sony Online Entertainment/Installed Games/EverQuest/eqclient.ini and change the option VertexShaders=TRUE to VertexShaders=FALSE. Save the file and exit.
8. Run EQ and enjoy!
I've done this with an old machine and an nvidia 6800, a newer (2013) laptop with an Intel HD 4500 integrated graphics adapter and a 2010/2011 era laptop with an nvidia NVS 3100M adapter. The first two were using default graphics drivers from the install, the last one was using the restricted driver from nvidia via Ubuntu. All ran great, although it was really too much for the Intel to handle. I don't blame this on wine or EQ, it's just not that great of an adapter.
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Monday August 5th 2013, 15:54
Thanks for the quick response. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with GeForce 660Ti card. I am running Wine 1.6. I installed into a new PREFIX (64bits also). I have the missing character at selection screen. I logged all the way in to the game as well and all characters are missing. I have changed VertexSharders to FALSE and the characters are still invisible. Should I use wine 1.4?
by Tony on Monday August 5th 2013, 16:45
After reviewing my ini file I found that I did the TextureCache=FALSE above as well, I don't have that written in my documentation so I missed that during the writeup. You might give that a shot, otherwise I'll try 1.6 and see if it breaks my running install.
Are you running the Ubuntu restricted driver set for the nvidia card? Or just running out of the box?
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Monday August 5th 2013, 17:06
by Tony on Tuesday August 6th 2013, 10:50
That being said, I guess until we find a solution you'll want to weigh the importance of v1.6 against EQ. I'll continue to mess with it and post back if I find a solution, but the good news is this is repeatable in multiple different hardware configurations.
The only thing I haven't tried is starting from a base 1.6 install, then doing the winetricks/directx9 addition and installing from there.
by Dr. Wes Snyder V on Tuesday August 6th 2013, 13:07
by Tony on Tuesday August 6th 2013, 16:16
I used this same method on all three environments listed above. I think I'll have some time to play with 1.6 tonight, so I'll see if I can get anything moving there.
by Tomas Andershem on Friday December 7th 2012, 13:43
The game work greate in older expansions but as soon as i zone in to a VoA or RoF zone the game crashes about half way in loading the zone.
Funny thing is that VoA worked flawless before launch of ROF.
Last wine messages in console:
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x10.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x10.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x10.
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:d3d:wined3d_swapchain_set_gamma_ramp Ignoring flags 0x1.
Using wine version 1.5.17 on Fedora 17 64bit
using Nividia 570 with nvidia drivers from rpmfusion:
Anyone have any idea or can help about the problem?
by MisterBubbles on Wednesday October 10th 2012, 10:17
See, in the Planes of Knowledge it works fine: i.imgur.com/ci9fV.jpg
But then in Blightfire Moor I get: i.imgur.com/s9MGr.jpg
Any ideas on how I can fix this? I have winetricks directx9 and otherwise a clean wine prefix, have changed the Vertex Shaders.
Also on a side note, anyone know why the patcher gets a fatal error repeatedly from time to time?
by Thom on Thursday October 18th 2012, 1:03
Is it safe to assume that no matter which direction you turn in Blightfire Moors the graphics are more or less blank? Or do they flicker in and out?
My patcher doesn't give me any fatal errors, can you elaborate there? If you aren't already, perhaps launch the game from a console so you can see the Wine debugging output - not a windows style error (if that's what you meant).
Are you using the stable 1.4.1 or a later version of wine?
by e8hffff call on Monday September 3rd 2012, 18:45
I've removed the AMD DX dll fix. Here are the errors return in a cli. Duplicates removed1
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
fixme:time:GetSystemTimes (0x33f4bc,0x33f4ac,0x33f4b4): Stub!
fixme:time:GetSystemTimes (0x33f144,0x33f134,0x33f13c): Stub!
fixme:browseui:ProgressDialog_SetAnimation (0x1673b0, 0xf7250000, 161) - stub
fixme:browseui:ProgressDialog_StartProgressDialog Flags PROGDLG_AUTOTIME not supported
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x4ffe7cc, overlapped 0x495e9a0): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:gdi:GdiInitializeLanguagePack stub
fixme:secur32:schan_imp_create_session Using hardcoded "NORMAL" priority
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x6e7a2d8,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:file:ReplaceFileW Ignoring flags 2
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fixme:time:GetSystemTimes (0x168fd10,0x168fd00,0x168fd08): Stub!
fixme:advapi:SetSecurityInfo stub
fixme:time:GetSystemTimes (0x168fa9c,0x168fa8c,0x168fa94): Stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x168eb50,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x168eeb4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x168ee94,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_swapchain_set_gamma_ramp Ignoring flags 0x1.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
[ERROR] - Mouse Wheel supported = TRUE
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_buffer_preload Too many declaration changes or converting dynamic buffer, stopping converting
fixme:file:ReplaceFileW Ignoring flags 2
fixme:iphlpapi:CancelIPChangeNotify (overlapped 0x495e9a0): stub
by e8hffff call on Tuesday September 4th 2012, 6:01
* d3dx9_30.dll had to have modified version to see all graphics
* backup your eqclient so that you can strip out any customised keyboard commands, etc.
by Thom on Saturday March 17th 2012, 1:19
I don't remember everything I did unfortunately but I recall having to build wine with 'gnutls' USE flag, and of course had to have gnutls package installed. Else the newest Launcher was giving me an Error page, like a 404, but specifically told me the problem was on their end!
There was a second error in the console as I was troubleshooting that problem, it may have been safe to ignore but in case it's not I also had to build samba with the winbind USE flag and ultimately I added samba to the USE flags for wine and recompiled wine again.
I know I also used 'winetricks d3d9x' on the eq prefix I created
Lastly after whatever else I did I was able to play the game and it ran great the little bit I goofed around but I had no animations - character creation was blank, in the world characters were just floating names etc. which is apparently a bug around for ages. After a lot of searching and no success I finally went into eqclient.ini and set VertexShaders=False and started the game again. I have animations!
by Evil on Friday March 16th 2012, 9:13
I installed IE6 and Flash without issue (though the location has changed from the instructions linked in the messages below).
My issue was that, IE 6 kept complaining that it couldn't run ActiveX controls on the page even though I adjusted all the security settings to make it totally insecure and even added the SOE site to the trusted list. I verified that all of these settings were retained and even restarted IE6 many times.
My attempt with IE8 was even worse, as it explodes after loading the page. :(
by Barrett on Tuesday December 13th 2011, 16:07
by Barrett on Tuesday December 13th 2011, 16:09
by Magnus on Sunday July 24th 2011, 21:36