Category: Main Games Role Playing Games Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition (GoG)

Neverwinter Nights

This is the Version from (Good Old Games). It includes the original Neverwinter Nights and three official expansion packs: Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark and Kingmaker.

Application Details:

Version: Diamond Edition (GoG)
License: Retail
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 5.0-rc2

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Maxed graphics settings and many audio configurations

Resolutions up to 1366x768

Ingame and intro videos

Character creation


What does not

Dialogs audio stops after one-two screens in many characters. Text screens are present so game is fully playable.


What was not tested


HiDPI resolutions

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Intel
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

Everything was tested out of the box, 64bit prefix.

Meaningles error at the end of instalation, everything looks ok.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 11.x "Bullseye" x86_64Feb 04 20205.0-rc2Yes Yes NoPlatinumSigfrodi 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 16 20183.18Yes Yes NoPlatinumadrian 
ShowSolusJun 26 20183.10Yes Yes NoPlatinumKarol 
CurrentSolusFeb 17 20183.1Yes Yes NoSilverKarol 
ShowMac OS X 10.11 "El Capitan"Nov 15 20172.20-stagingYes Yes NoSilversamuel Hungerbuehler 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
45058 Neverwinter Nights GOG installer failure NEEDINFO View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO - Find patches
IGN doesn't host the patches anymore either

They can now be found here:

(thanks to Chris!)


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

crashing errors due to graphical issues, not related to wine
by jack bean on Friday September 22nd 2017, 18:14
what i have found is that two issues may be the leading cause of crashes related to graphics in the gog install.

1) try this: download and install the full dx 9c runtime from microsoft to gain the missing dlls discovered by using the dxdaig tool. this may solve the issue for some people.

2) also: for some reason it seems that several of the mods released by mod authors may or may not have bad file names, whether it is due to the name and/or the suffix being capitalized or mixed case, or the file suffix is the wrong one (example a tga is actually named *.mdl) or the file is corrupt such as a dds or tga that will not have a thumbnail or cannot be opened to view. just delete those bas image files and rename the tga so it is no longer an mdl and the game should return to normal. sure you miuss out on some texture and model upgrades, but the game wont crash. names in upper or mixed case can be renamed to all lower and that can help. NeverWintervault now has full linux version support for most of its community patches and some mods, so those should have a linux ready equivalent that wont or should not have issues with file names. i am assuming similar problems exist in the mac version of wine install for NWN.

last but not least it may or may not help to change the wine version to 2.13 or 2.13-staging and try that since it is the last known platinum test result.
Cannot run under OS X 10.11
by Anton on Thursday June 16th 2016, 7:49
Was unable switch Graphic mode from mac to x11 due to removal. So driver isn't available and game is fully unplayable (only menus work in xquartz mode)
RE: Cannot run under OS X 10.11
by Andreas on Friday June 30th 2017, 7:45
I had the same problem, i was unable to circumvent. The chargeable version CrossOver works though (except for videos), since it brings its own X11 implementation.