
Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

This game is available in two versions:

The information in this page was originally provided for the Steam version of the game, but it should apply for the GOG version as well. These two versions are not compatible for multiplayer games (Steam players and GOG players cannot play together).

Steam users may want to try the game in the native Steam client for Linux using Proton, for more details please check the game entry in ProtonDB (and the now deprecated HWRC Proton Launcher should the game launcher not work properly).

Useful links:

Application Details:

Version: Current
License: Retail
URL: http://www.homeworldremastered...
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.19

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

the games(if you manually launch them)

Homeworld 1: '-dlccampaign HW1Campaign.big -campaign HomeworldClassic -moviepath DataHW1Campaign -mod compatibility.big'
Homeworld 2: '-dlccampaign HW2Campaign.big -campaign Ascension -moviepath DataHW2Campaign -mod compatibility.big'

What does not

the launcher, like original HW2 shadows aren't working


What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowFedora 39 x86_64Dec 16 20238.19Yes Yes YesGoldc0vrt 
ShowFedora 38 x86_64Aug 14 20238.13-stagingYes Yes YesBronzeLinards 
ShowUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 23 20226.0.4Yes Yes NoSilverDidi Kohen 
ShowFedora 31 x86_64May 23 20205.7Yes Yes YesSilverYura 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Jun 01 20194.9Yes Yes YesGoldIsmo Toijala 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
55442 Homeworld Remastered Collection (GOG): Access Voilation error when clicking Homeworld 1/2 Remastered icon in Launcher NEEDINFO View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Software Requirements

Last update: 2021-04-17

HW:RC requires the following software:

  • Steam, only for the Steam version of the game (users may want to use the native Linux client instead, see information at the top of the page)
  • .NET Framework 4.0 (required by the game launcher)
  • LittleCMS 2 library (liblcms2-2 in Debian and Ubuntu)
  • PNG library (libpng16-16 in Debian and Ubuntu)

Please refer to the AppDB entries of Steam and .NET Framework 4.0 for detailed installation instructions.

The LittleCMS 2 and the PNG libraries are provided in Debian and Ubuntu by the liblcms2-2 and the libpng16-16 packages respectively.

How to launch the games from the command line

Last update: 2021-04-18

The following shell commands can be used to directly launch one of the games in the collection, bypassing the HW:RC launcher.

Set the path to your Wine prefix, the path to the Steam folder (only for the Steam version of the game), and the path to the main game folder. For example:

export WINEPREFIX="${HOME}/.wine/homeworld"
export steam_path="${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Steam"
export game_path="${steam_path}/steamapps/common/Homeworld"

If using the Steam version of the game, launch Steam first, otherwise the following commands will not work. To launch Steam in background:

wine "$steam_path"/Steam.exe -silent

To launch Homeworld 1 Classic

wine "$game_path"/Homeworld1Classic/exe/Homeworld.exe

However most users may want to use the arguments (in the form /argument or -argument) /noglddraw and /window (see notes in the Troubleshooting section):

wine "$game_path"/Homeworld1Classic/exe/Homeworld.exe /noglddraw /window

To launch Homeworld 2 Classic

wine "$game_path"/Homeworld2Classic/Bin/Release/Homeworld2.exe

To launch Homeworld 1 Remastered

wine "$game_path"/HomeworldRM/Bin/Release/HomeworldRM.exe \
-dlccampaign HW1Campaign.big -campaign HomeworldClassic \
-moviepath DataHW1Campaign

To launch Homeworld 2 Remastered

wine "$game_path"/HomeworldRM/Bin/Release/HomeworldRM.exe \
-dlccampaign HW2Campaign.big -campaign Ascension \
-moviepath DataHW2Campaign

To launch Homeworld Remastered Multiplayer

wine "$game_path"/HomeworldRM/Bin/Release/HomeworldRM.exe


Last update: 2021-04-18

Issues with Mesa drivers - OpenGL 3.3 Compatibility Profile required
This is a known issues that causes the remastered versions of the games to not work with the Mesa drivers. It is discussed in the bug report 41551.
The games require the OpenGL 3.3 Compatibility Profile that should be supported by the Mesa drivers starting from version 18.2.0. Please check if the compatibility profile is supported by your setup with the command glxinfo | grep version. If so, then set/export the environment variable MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3COMPAT before launching the games.

Please note that:

  • this issue does not occur when using NVIDIA and AMD proprietary display drivers;
  • the classic versions of the games are not affected by this issue.

Homeworld 1 Classic crashes at startup
Homeworld 1 Classic crashes at startup with the message Fatal Error - couldn't initialize default rendering system. To solve this issue, launch the game with the argument /noglddraw.
The argument can be set as described in the section How to launch the games from the command line, or as an argument for the HW:RC launcher. For the latter, if using Steam, the argument can be set in the Steam game launch options as %command% /noglddraw.

Homeworld 1 Classic, game screen not scaled and menus off screen
The game allows to choose only 4:3 screen resolutions. If the game screen is not properly scaled, then launch the game in windowed mode with the argument /window.
The argument can be set as described in the section How to launch the games from the command line, or as an argument for the HW:RC launcher. For the latter, if using Steam, the argument can be set in the Steam game launch options as %command% /window.

Homeworld 2 Classic, game screen not scaled and menus off screen
If the game screen is not properly scaled, then launch the game in windowed mode with the argument -windowed and then set a proper screen resolution.
The argument can be set as described in the section How to launch the games from the command line, or as an argument for the HW:RC launcher. For the latter, if using Steam, the argument can be set in the Steam game launch options as %command% -windowed.

Remastered games, crash when loading levels and cinematics
The problem could be caused by a memory issue with the display server, lowering the texture quality to medium (or below) should solve the problem.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

by Pedro Ekhvanossafa on Wednesday June 1st 2022, 12:43
I am clueless on how to install those LittleCMS 2 and PNG libraries. I don't know what they are, I don't know where to get them, how to get them and even if I need to install them on the Mac or inside Wine.

Can someone help?
Can not play with community patch (Access Violation)
by Ville Aakko on Monday October 7th 2019, 11:59

The community patch 2.3 (as of writing this) can not be used, as using it causes a "Access Violation" error dialog at start of campaign (any cinematics). I can load a saved game I've made previously, however I presume the game will crash at any cinematic (though I didn't test this thoroughly).

The community patch can be considered semi-essential since it patches gameplay issues still present in the latest official version. In case anyone can figure out how to run with community patch in wine, any tips are appreciated. (I've run game with additional arguments: "-workshopmod 2.3PlayersPatch.big" after placing said file in DATAWORKSHOPMODS).

Otherwise, the game runs fine with the workarounds posted here (even the launcher, though it is black and UI elements only become visible after howering mouse over them - I prefer and recommend launching manually).
RE: Can not play with community patch (Access Violation)
by /dev/fra on Monday October 7th 2019, 15:55
Check the troubleshooting discussion on Steam , comment #42. Do you mind giving the workaround there a try?
RE: Can not play with community patch (Access Violation)
by Ville Aakko on Tuesday October 8th 2019, 0:50

Thanks for your reply! I've found that thread, and tried that (after posting). That user says the crashes happen "randomly", which implies they do not happen every time. On my setup, it is impossible to start any campaign mission (well, at least 1-4, I played the first three before applying the community patch, and can not test subsequent missions). The crash happens *always* - except if loading a saved game (saved without the community patch).

I'm only assuming this is because of the cutscenes, but now that I think about it, it could also be that the community patch is not applied to the running game instance, if one loads a saved game saved before applying the patch. I couldn't find any mentions about applying the patch "on the fly" - i.e. not restarting the campaing after applying patch. With some mods in some games, one is not supposed to do that, but a restart is mandatory, to prevent weird breakage (but here: I can not restart, only load older saved games!).

FWIW I did found that thread and tried setting:
* Base Production Times,
* tried reduce graphics details (to minimum), and
* applied the 4GB patch from the recent test result here.

None of these helped with the "Access Violation" error. Those are the only workaround I've tested so far - in case there is something else I've missed, I'll be happy to try =)

Also, it's worth to note this is on the version (there is no (sub)entry for it here in the AppDB, not sure how to add one - and AFAIK these versions are practically identical, save Steam version requires a running Steam instance and has achievements and whatnot, so there could also be some subtle differences which could cause a crash on either one, but not on the other). I've also posted in the forum about this error.
RE: Can not play with community patch (Access Violation)
by Ville Aakko on Friday October 11th 2019, 12:46
Juut to clear some confusion: I'm using the term "community patch" here. What I meant was Players Patch 2.3, and while it was finished by the player community, there is a separate fan-made mod called "community patch" in Steam Workshop.

So, I mean this one: . Also and (all are the same patch). Sorry, I should have put the link(s) in the first comment!
Full-screen not working
by Linards on Thursday July 4th 2019, 2:52
As of wine-4.11 , the Fullscreen is broken and I cannot get game running in Windowed mode with any known switches or Launch Option command line strings. Last working version was 4.9
Launcher doesn't show
by Quentin Deldycke on Wednesday December 20th 2017, 2:20

The launcher does not appear, i have these errors:

fixme:dwrite:dwritefactory_CreateMonitorRenderingParams (0x1): monitor setting ignored
fixme:d3d:wined3d_check_device_format_conversion wined3d 0x21a680, adapter_idx 0, device_type WINED3D_DEVICE_TYPE_HAL, src_format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, dst_format WINED3DFMT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM stub!
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Launcher.Content.resources" [Load of them, seems to print in an infinite loop.]