Category: Main Games Consortium 1.23 Steam Master Edition


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v1.23 fixes additional bugs and introduces a console variable that can be used to make the game playable on Wine.

Version tested is the Steam version, run through the Steam client.

Application Details:

Version: 1.23 Steam Master Edition
License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.7.38

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

Menus are navigable and functional.

The majority of gameplay works and runs well. The game is completable.

Sound works.

Regarding performance: My framerate fluctuated between fantastic and meh. Overall, it averaged to a bit lower than in Windows, but never seemed particularly unplayable to me.

What does not

Due to some more baked-in FX that can't be easily disabled, you will not be able to see during the very beginning and end of the game (when you're in "quantum limbo"). For the beginning of the game, I've provided (linked in my Extra Comments) a save file right after that opening sequence. For the end of the game, you'll have to muddle through in the dark (your games will all be different then, I can't make a save for that). However, this is fairly easy: As soon as you see the thing you're approaching at the end of the game (the Churchill Tower) come into view, remove your hand from the mouse. When you find yourself in the void, tap the D key a couple quick times (you don't spawn perfectly lined up), and then just hold W.

Other Known Issues
  • You may find if you leave the main menu open for too long, or sometimes just randomly when initially loading the game, that sound is REALLY distorted. If this happens, restarting the game SHOULD fix it. If you're more than a few seconds into playing the game and it hasn't happened, you should be good. This does not seem to apply to leaving the pause menu open.

  • Once had the movement controls get stuck after a map change. Again, restarting the game fixed it. Only happened once.

  • Immediately following a Steam update, I found the game unplayable (it loaded in an even worse distorted sound state and a stupid-low framerate). The game worked again after I rebooted. Considering this only ever happened after a Steam update, I'm currently connecting the two.

  • The moving walls in the minigame flicker ever so slightly, and it fails to hide the system cursor.

  • The signal bar likes to sit at "awaiting instructions" sometimes. But I think this might actually be tied to turning static off.


What was not tested

Due to the complexity of the game's branching logic, I can't test every possible path through the game. However, as the logic shouldn't be affected by running under Wine, I doubt this should matter.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I am Lead Tester for Consortium at iDGi. Linux support is not yet official, but I made it a personal project of mine to get it working at least this well using Wine. Any Wine-related bugs can be sent to duke+appdb [SPLAT] or reported at: Setup instructions: First: The Steam in-game overlay MUST be turned off. If this is left on, the game will crash at the first keyboard/mouse input you give it. Second: Due to issues with Wine and our shaders (specifically, the alpha channel doesn't seem to work, causing the shader layer to draw black when it isn't drawing static), the game's static FX (quantum signal distortions) must be disabled. To make this a persistent change, you can add the line r_signal_fx "0" to the file consortium/cfg/config.cfg in the game's installation directory. It's possible Steam may automatically remove the change when doing a cloud sync/maintenance. Not sure what to do about that. This setting can also be set in the in-game developer console. Just remove the quotes from around the 0. Note that setting via the console is NOT persistent. If this is not turned off, you will not be able to see most of the time. Link to save file for bypassing opening sequence:

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 15.04 "Vivid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 30 20151.7.38Yes Yes NoBronzeStephen Cohen 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
38699 Consortium Master Edition: intro scene empty/flickering CLOSED DUPLICATE View

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