
GameMaker: Studio

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Application Details:

Version: 1.4
License: Free to use
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 6.7

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

1. Almost everything in functionality works, including extensions and GMGreen theme that was broken on all previous tests.

2. Exporting project to Windows and HTML5.


What does not

1. Non-Steam version.
2. RSS Feed is broken on the first launch. 
3. Testing on debug mode (memory access violation error)
4. Testing games on HTML5 mode using built-in web server.
5. Exporting to all other platforms beside of Windows and HTML5.



1. Only use 64-bit.

2. (Recommened) Create a new WinePrefix for the program.

3. Always use virtual desktop, or the program will mess up with your desktop manager.

3. Install 'dotnet35sp1' with Winetricks with '--force' option.

4. Install Steam.

5. Create a shell script to launch GM:S with supported parameters, including -no-dwrite -no browser

For example: WINEPREFIX=/LOCATION/OF/YOUR/WINEPREFIX wine "/LOCATION/OF/YOUR/STEAM/FOLDER/steam.exe" -no-dwrite -no-browser -applaunch


6. (Recommended) Also create a shell script to kill the program when it hangs or stop working.


What was not tested

1. Exporting to all other platforms, since they are deprecated so no point to test anyway.

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Intel
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

1. Non-Steam version never passes the installation stage.
2. On the launch there will be .NET Framework installation error, but the program works anyway.
3. Every time on the launch, you should swap target platform option between two platforms to make sure GMAssetCompiler is set properly (sometimes it will be broken because of parser bug on .NET with Wine)
3. Sometimes there will be some memory access violation, which is also happen on Windows but Wine does occur more often. Don't panic, just save your work, quit the program and relaunch again.
4. Encoding on Wine is very broken on every version of Wine with .NET Framework, so every time you upgrade version of Wine, make sure you have exported the package to .gmz to prevent broken code saving diaster.
5. This does not apply to any other forked Wine projects, including Proton, so don't take this measure if you are in.


selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentManjaro LinuxMay 11 20216.7Yes Yes YesSilverNate 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Jan 13 20205.0-rc4Yes Yes YesGarbageScott Blacklock 
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Sep 04 20172.14Yes No NoGarbageJazz 
ShowSlackware64 14.2 multilibJan 01 20172.0-rc3Yes No NoGarbageShin Coldfire 
ShowUbuntu 14.04 "Trusty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 12 20151.6.2Yes Yes NoGoldan anonymous user 

Known Bugs

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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.