
Watchtower Library

Watchtower Library™ is a collection of Bibles and publications of Jehovah's Witnesses. It includes the Bible encyclopedia "Insight on the Scriptures", books, brochures, tracts, and magazines. It also includes helpful research tools, such as the "Watchtower Publications Index" and "Research Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses". You can search for a word, phrase, or scripture citation in any of these publications.

The ISO file can be downloaded directly from the Official Jehovah's witnesses Web Site JW.ORG® and burned to a DVD or USB/Thumb Drive to install on your Computer.
It will also require an update to the reference material to be downloaded.

Application Details:

Version: 2017 #19
License: Free to use
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 4.17-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Link Official Web Site for Jehovah's Witnesses Free Download Link to the ISO file for the JW Library File

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Library search, navigation, tooltips, sounds, maps, favorites, synchronization (English and Swedish), pronounciation, printing ,copy paste (also with caption),text size, best fit,update ... 

Video from Meeting Workbooks:   Bible Book Introductions

What does not

New Word Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)/Introduction to Matthew (and Mark)/Video Introduction to the Book of Matthew (Mark)

Bug: 42372



What was not tested

Nothing I know about.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

The videoproblem seems to be only in the Study Edition which is not the standard Bible, the (nwt) is our main Bible. The nwtsty Bible contains only two Bible Books. In normal use this version of Wiine "Works excellently for normal use" that's why silver rating.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowManjaro Linux 18.1.0Oct 17 20194.17-stagingYes Yes NoSilverDave Carlson 
ShowLinux Mint 19.1 "Tessa"Jul 24 20194.0.1Yes Yes NoSilverDave Carlson 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 9.x "Stretch" x86_64Feb 24 20183.0Yes Yes YesSilverSamuel 
CurrentLinux Mint 18.1Mar 11 20172.3Yes Yes NoSilverNils-Eric Wilkman 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

How to: Qu�ick guide on Watchtower Library installation

Common problems

Tooltip shadows stay after tooltips disappeared

This issue appears on some video cards with Compiz enabled. The workaround is in disabling fade animation for wine tooltips. To do this:

  1. install Compiz configuration tool. In most distributions it is in package named compizconfig-settings-manager.
  2. After you install it, run it (executable file named ccsm).
  3. Then go to Animations, open Close animations tab and double-click line that starts with Fade.
  4. Click plus sign in pop-up window,
  5. In new window select Window Class as Type, enter Wine as Value, select And as Relation and check Invert.
  6. Click Add button and you're done.

Black blocks in interface and text on Intel video cards

If you use Intel graphics and experience blacked out text and interface items in Watchtower Library, (that is, experience bug 24998), you can fix it with following steps:

  1. Run wine regedit
  2. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/X11 Driver. Create it if it does not exist
  3. Create new String value (using context menu on right part of interface) named ClientSideWithRender and set its value to N
  4. Close (restart) all wine applications

Broken fonts

If you see squares instead of text in Watchtower Library on the first run, go to settings (press f2) and change font settings, choosing any font you like. If you see broken characters in interface, you may need to install MS truetype core fonts for web package. To do this

  • Install msttcorefonts package using your packaging system. If it fails:
  • Install it using winetricks (this will affect your wine installation only, fonts won't be available for non-wine applications):
    winetricks corefonts

Problems with XFCE, LXDE, Enlightenment and others

XFCE and some other DE ignore path parameter for desktop and menu launchers. As result, Watchtower Library prior to 2011 does not start when you click these. The simple solution is to change "Command" parameter in launcher to

wine start wtlibrary.exe

Watchtower Library for Mac OS X 10.7.3 "Lion"

There are some initial issues with using the Watchtower Library in Mac. The first issue is

Installing WINE

Simple solution:

Or, you could follow the guide in the WINE wiki about installing Macports (MacOSX Installation). It is recommended that once you have installed MacPorts you need to configure it (How to install & configure Macports)

Do not install WINE but rather install wine-devel sudo ports install wine-devel for the latest WINE version.

You should also update X11, the default version is 2.3.2 which doesn't display all of the images in the Watchtower Library. The website XQuartz MacOS Forge contains the latest XQuartz (2.6.2). Once XQuartz has been updated you can run the Watchtower Library out-of-the-box with no issues.

To set up an application to run the Watchtower Library from the dock, go to Applications -> Utilities -> AppleScript Editor

Once in the editor copy & paste the following script:

tell application "Terminal"
    do script "/opt/local/bin/wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\\ Files/Watchtower/Watchtower\\ Library\\ 2010/E/WTLibrary.exe"
end tell

Click on run to make sure it works and then click on compile if successful and then save the script as an application filetype (Leave startup screen unchecked). Once saved as an application drag it into the dock.

Missing DLL File Errors

WINE in Mac doesn't seem to look for the DLL files in the same way it normally does. The DLL files it is referring to (Such as uresearch21u.dll) are located in the "MEPS Platform 2.3" folder in the Watc­htower directory. However WINE searches for them in the /drive_c/windows/system32 directory. Just copy and paste the contents of the "MEPS Platform 2.3" folder to the "system32" folder to resolve the issue.

Broken "Fetch from clipboard" function

If you copy multiline-text and a reference happens to be divided between two lines, the results can be a bit odd. This seems to be by design; wtlib seems to read the clipboard contents line by line. For example, if an article reads:

hechos recientes son más que los de antes" (Rev. 2:
19, 20).

Then wtlib will extract Revelation chapter 2, the entire chapter. This is due to wtlib reading just one line at a time. Now, in linux you can install xclip and run this command after having copied, say for example an entire article:

xclip -o | tr "\n" " " | xclip -selection clipboard -i

The command translates \newlines to spaces. If you do that before going Edit - Fetch from clipboard in wtlib, the correct references are extracted :D (Just Rev. 2:19, 20 in the example above).

You could even stick the command in a script and launch that from a button on your panel, or something.

I don't know how to do this in windows, but could be AutoIt would be a start...

What should I include when I submit a new test result?

Whether the install process went fine, or if not, what went wrong

Whether the program starts without any tweaks/modifications, or if not, what needs fixing/tweaking.

If the program runs, does the following work, or if not, what has to be done to fix/tweak it?

  • Search and navigation through the library
  • Tooltips (rest the mouse over a link)
  • Special characters like in Hebrew, and the */M signs in the Bible
  • Toolbar buttons just above the publications tree on the left, do they look good/ do they work?
  • Print (you obviously need to have a working printer setup in Linux first, wine will pick up CUPS printers at least. You can add cups-PDF printer if you have no physical printer)
  • Maps/graphics
  • Word list box
  • Add Favourites
  • Open Favourites
  • Settings
  • pronunciation (if you have a sound card and language version you are testing have this feature)
  • Synchronisation (if you have multiple languages installed)

did I forget something? just edit this note.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Fix issue of 2016
by Rolando Ramos on Saturday July 15th 2017, 11:49
Dear Friends:

Just wanted to say the suggestion was great. Since I used two languages, I had to install it twice, one for each language. It worked wonderfully.

Thanks again for your support.

WT Library 2016 won't update past 90% fix
by Brad Pramberg on Thursday May 25th 2017, 11:20
If you have installed WT Lib on your Mac using Play on Mac:
1) Go to Launchpad...double click on the Play on Mac Icon
2) When it on Configure
3) Click on the WT Library icon
4) Under the General tab go to Wine on the + button
5) On the left menu side, click on 2.5, then click on the arrow button to move it over to the right menu side
6) New screen will pop on Next...should start downloading (will start downloading two things, may pause for a bit between downloads)
7) After download, close the window, close configuration window, close the Play on Mac program
8) Open WT YES to install latest updates
Update was stuck at 90%
by Jennifer Bryck on Wednesday May 24th 2017, 11:17
Thank you, Brother Van Nijen!

I was able to properly install the WT Library update using your instructions. Yay!!

Jennifer Bryck
Prince George, BC
RE: Update was stuck at 90%
by Micha Van Nijen on Monday July 3rd 2017, 11:46
Hi Jennifer,

good to hear!

enjoy it...

and remember 'Don't give up!' ;-)
WT Library 2016 update fix
by Lydiaa Whitcombe on Friday May 5th 2017, 12:12
Thanks so much for the fix. It worked first time on Mac and I am not overly computer literate, just followed the instructions! Lydiaa
Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:36
Hi brothers,

I also had the same problem, when I installed the update of WT Library 2016.

reading through the thread I came to the following solution which solved the update getting stuck at 90%.

So here it goes:

On your Mac, to to Finder --> Applications --> and right-click it.
Then choose the option: Show Package Contents. The wil open the contents of the app you've installed and you'll see a file called

Now before you do anything. Go the website: to download Wineskin Winery. Install it.
Open Wineskin Winery. You'll have a list of installed Wine Engines. If WS9Wine2.5 is there, then you can skip the next step (I'll let you know when to jump in again)

Here is what you now need to do if WS9Wine2.5 is not there.
Click on the + (New Engine(s) available) button. (the Plus sign).
Then choose in the dropdown Wine2.5 and select Download and Install. (this should only take a minute).
WS9Wine2.5 should now be in your list of installed engines.

(In case WS9Wine2.5 was already in your list or you just installed it, continue here).
You can close Wineskin winery now.

Go back to your Finder Window where you saw the content of the package.
Now open the file This will bring up the window you used to installed WTLibrary initially.
Click on Advanced.
Select the Tools tab(or button) and at the right side under Wrapper Tools, select the lowest button called 'Change Engine Used'.
In the dropdown, now select WS9Wine2.5 (Currently installed engine should say some other version) and click ok.
You'll get some small popup's saying that the application is being rebuilt.
Afterwards, the 'Currently installed engine' should now say WS9Wine2.5. That's what we need!

Now close the Advanced Window.

Open you WTLibrary app normally now and run the update when it asks you to.
You'll see that it updates flawlessly now!

We're good to go now.

Hope this helps all of you brothers to get the app installed on your Mac.

greetings from Antwerp (Belgium) congregation!

with love,

Micha Van Nijen
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:41

seems others did already post the solution as well before.

RE: Watchtower Library by Seth on Tuesday April 18th 2017, 14:24

apologies for that.

anyhow, the solution works fine for all normally.
RE: Solution found!
by Steve Huff on Saturday June 3rd 2017, 0:02
A Big Mahalo! To you my Brother Van Nijen. Really appreciate your help I spent hours in front of my computer trying to figure what to do to get the updates to the 2016 JW library. Its a 100% now

Aloha! Hilo Hawaii (Waiakea Uka Congregation)
RE: Solution found!
by adam on Sunday July 2nd 2017, 20:57
Hi Micha
Having plenty of trouble following these instructions.
First - I am a novice on Macs so if there are some pre requisites before these steps. Can you please advise what they are.

RE: On your Mac, to to Finder --> Applications --> and right-click it.
I have No in the Apps folder. How does one get this?

I did try running winebottler and created an (with the wine files embedded). This was indeed a application. But there was no in the contents package and of course it has the updating error everyone is experiencing.

can you or someone show me how to create the with the in the package contents so I can update the wine engine.

RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Monday July 3rd 2017, 11:51
Hi Adam,

was WTLibrary already installed on your Mac?
or do you still need to do that?

In case you still need to do it, please check the following website.
Here you have a download section, which will download a Wine version automatically.

then you can install WTLibrary (2017 version) and afterwards you should be able to follow my instructions.

Let me know how that goes.

with brotherly love.

Micha Van Nijen
RE: Solution found!
by adam on Monday July 3rd 2017, 17:23
Hi Micha
Many thanks for this.
No i did not have a WTLibrary installed because everything i tried failed. I just could not get things to work.

thanks for the link. and a direction forward. Now I understand what the steps mean.

I will try that this weekend.

If i have issues I will ask you for some help.

Thank you so much brother.

Warm Christian Love
Your Brother
RE: Solution found!
by Graham Dodds on Monday July 3rd 2017, 13:45
Many thanks for the solution Micha - working now and installing updates perfectly...

Your Brother
Graham (Ripon Congregation Yorkshire UK)
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Monday July 3rd 2017, 14:44
Hi Graham,


Greetings from Antwerp-Wilrijk Congregation - Belgium
RE: Solution found!
by Ruben on Tuesday July 11th 2017, 9:08
Bedankt broer!

Werkt weer als een zonnetje.

Groeten uit Amsterdam
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday July 27th 2017, 3:47
Hoi Ruben,

Graag gedaan.

Ik dacht dat het 'Tulpen uit Amsterdam' was 🤣🤣
RE: Solution found!
by Paul Dimichino on Thursday July 27th 2017, 2:41
Hello Micha,
I've tried those steps you mentioned, but still my updated doesn't go past 90%. I tried both the WS9Wine2.5 engine as well as the WS9Wine2.6 version suggested by another person on the blog. I'm using mac OS Sierra 10.12.4, and also I thought it might be my wine version which is 1.8-rc4. But It seems to show that wine is updated when I try to update it. Also I'm not very computer literate. Any suggestions?

Paul Dimichino
Mbeya Tanzania
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday July 27th 2017, 3:51
Hi Paul,

was WTLibrary installed with the WTLibrary wine?

If not, please check the following website.
Here you have a download section, which will download a Wine version automatically.

then you can install WTLibrary (2017 version) and afterwards you should be able to follow my instructions.
The update which I did last week, took quite some time to get past 90% as well.

So maybe, deinstall it, use the link above to install it again and then go through the instructions provide.
At 90% give it a bit of time before concluding it is not getting past it (can take up to 15 minutes of even some more)

Let me know how that goes.

with brotherly love.

Micha Van Nijen
RE: Solution found!
by Paul Dimichino on Thursday July 27th 2017, 4:04
Thank you for your answer. I did use the WT to get it installed when I was on vacation in the US last year. A friend did it there, as I said I'm not so good with computers. Here in our assignment the internet is very slow also!
Thank you for the information on how long it takes. I assumed since it was a just a few minutes to reach 90% it was stuck. I'll try again with the 2.5 engine you suggest since it worked for so many.

Our classmates in 2007 the VanLeeputens were in the Antwerp congregation, maybe you know them?

Thank you. I'll let you know.
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday July 27th 2017, 4:11
Hi Paul,

Good give it a try!

Yes, absolutely I know Tom Van Leemputte very well, I grew up with him and we went to the same school!

Very good brother and friend!
They are very committed to Jehovah (as many of us of course)

Although we are far apart, we seem to be in a small world after all 😉👍🏻
RE: Solution found!
by Paul Dimichino on Thursday July 27th 2017, 8:29
Sad to say. I've tried again, was very optimistic when WT Library prompted me to install a 600MB+ update, (which took hours on the internet speed here!) but again when trying to install the update froze at 90 % for nearly an hour before I quit. I guess I'll try to uninstall & reinstall when I have some spare time. At least for now I access the newer publications in other ways.
Thank you for your help. Perhaps if I get stuck I can contact you for help again. Greetings to the brothers.
RE: Solution found!
by Paul Dimichino on Thursday July 27th 2017, 8:55
Aha!!! It worked. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it. & the update package was installed in seconds. It works great Thanks for your help & the Idea. I'm very excited to have the latest references at my fingertips & especially the book of Luke on my study bible!! Thank you very much. We say in Swahili, "Asante sana!"
Paul D
RE: Solution found!
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday July 27th 2017, 10:14
Hi Paul,

Good news!!

Glad to hear it worked for you as well...

You see.. you should keep this years convention theme in mind: 'never give up!'

Enjoy it!

Greetings for Croatia (we are on holiday :-))
Play on Mac and WTlib installation (updates stall at 90%) and installation failure
by Paul Kelly on Tuesday May 2nd 2017, 9:56
Play on Mac would not install WTlib 2016 for me from the CDROM on my Macbook Pro. (Superdrive).
I copied the CDROM contents to my desktop and Play on Mac then let me select the correct installation binary (WTLSetup.exe) and then installed perfectly.
After downloading and changing the Wine version to 2.5 it then updates successfully.

The fonts are goofy after I closed it and reopened it. I had to find different fonts that look ok but other than that it's working perfectly.
So the process works.
update hangs at 90%
by Bryan S Caldwell on Saturday April 29th 2017, 17:48
Same as others here.
macOS 10.12.4
Wine 2.6.1

Update hanging at 90%..
RE: update hangs at 90%
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:37
Hi Bryan,

check the solution I've written.
This should do the trick.

Kind regards,

Watchtower Library
by Mick on Monday March 27th 2017, 13:56
Hi can you help please WTL gets stuck at 90% when trying to update


RE: Watchtower Library
by Seth on Tuesday April 18th 2017, 14:24
Here's what I did to fix the problem.
First I downloaded the Wineskin Winery 1.7 from this site
Open it and by "New engines available" click the + sign
Choose the 2.6 version
Once it's downloaded right click WT Lib wineskin and under options, show in finder
Right click WT Lib wineskin in finder and choose "Show package contents"
Double click "wineskin"
Click "advanced"
Click "tools"
Under "Wrapper tools" click "Change engine used"
Choose WS9Wine2.6 and click "ok"
Once it stops downloading you should be able to open your WT Library and update
RE: Watchtower Library
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:37
Hi Mick,

check the solution I've written.
This should do the trick.

Kind regards,

Watchtower Library
by Mick on Monday March 27th 2017, 13:56
Hi can you help please WTL gets stuck at 90% when trying to update


Incomplete update
by david dinero on Friday March 24th 2017, 9:50
My iMac running Sierra V. 10.12.3 also steps update process at 90%
Looking for a solution too!
RE: Incomplete update
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:39
Hi David,

check the solution I've written.
This should do the trick.

Kind regards,

WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Heather on Thursday March 23rd 2017, 16:58
I have the same problem
Recommend running under 32-bit Wine
by Wayne Sherman on Thursday March 9th 2017, 0:25
Ubuntu 16.04, Wine 2.1 64-bit had problems. But with Wine 2.1 32-bit, basically everything works, including updates.
If only we had something for easily "managing wine versions".
RE: Recommend running under 32-bit Wine
by Tuomas Jaakola on Monday March 27th 2017, 11:05
Have you tried PlayOnLinux? With it you can easily manage multiple Wine versions.
WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Joel Wagner on Monday March 6th 2017, 13:52
When I apply the downloaded WT Library update, it gets stuck at 90% and never finishes. So I can't update the program.
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Brad on Tuesday March 14th 2017, 4:24
Same here.
MacOS 10.12.3
Wineskin: 2.6.1
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Asa Bowes on Friday April 14th 2017, 4:42
Updating works fine with wine 2.5
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Marco on Wednesday April 19th 2017, 8:41
I use PlayOnMac to install and use WT Library 2016.
You can install Watchtower Library from the site of PlayOnMac, Supported Software, Education.
After downloading PlayOnMac and installing Watchtower Library go to Tools, Wine Versions and install Wine version 2.5.
Then go to the box of PlayOnMac and go to Configure, select WTLibrary2016.
Then select Wine version 2.5 instead of System.
Now the updating to 100% should work.
Good luck.
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Joel Wagner on Wednesday April 19th 2017, 15:40
Playonmac doesn't work for me, I get an error message.
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 0:39
Hi Bryan,

check the solution I've written.
This should do the trick.

Kind regards,

RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Joel Wagner on Thursday May 4th 2017, 7:45
Thanks but my name's not Brian! :D haha
RE: WT Library 2016 using Wine on Mac OS 10.11.6
by Micha Van Nijen on Thursday May 4th 2017, 8:57
haha, sorry Joel