

All versions of the retail version (1.0 - 1.09).

Application Details:

Version: 1.0x
License: Retail
Votes: 16
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 7.0

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Link Updater to 1.09 (Spawn) Link Updater to 1.09 (Retail) Link Diablo Spawn (Demo)

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installing Diablo and viewing the opening movie.

What does not

As soon as the opening video is over the game just closes. You don't even get to see the title screen.


What was not tested

Not applicable.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Hope this game is playable with a later release.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Feb 08 20227.0Yes Yes NoSilverJeff D. Hanson 
ShowVoid LinuxNov 10 20194.19Yes Yes NoSilverLyn 
ShowopenSUSE Leap 42.3 x86_64Feb 08 20183.0Yes Yes YesSilverRoland Bach 
ShowNixOsNov 27 20172.21Yes Yes YesSilverYana Luna-Terra 
ShowRosa Desktop Fresh R6 (2014.1)Jan 26 20172.0Yes Yes NoSilverGiovanni Mariani 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
2082 DirectDraw games only showing black screen NEW View
2467 starcraft doesn't display menus correctly NEW View
34633 When the Diablo installer (autorun.exe) starts it doesn't play a Diablo laugh sound NEW View
38875 DirectDraw: blitting from Offscreen Plain surface to Primary Surface displays black instead UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

DirectDraw Mode

You must have DirectDrawRenderer in the registry set to "gdi" (which is the default) for Diablo to work. If you have changed it to "opengl" at any point then the game will crash after the Blizzard logos.

 for your convenience here is a reg file that will change it for you:

-------------start DDrawRender.reg-------------

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\AppDefaults\Diablo.exe\Direct3D] "DirectDrawRenderer"="gdi"

--------------end DDrawRender.reg--------------

just copy the date NOT including the dashed lines to DDrawRender.reg and then use

wine regedit DDrawRender.reg

to add it to the registry


the earliest version of diablo that will connect to is 1.07 most cd releases are 1.00/1.01

you will need to manually update to 1.07 to connect to

as will update you to the latest version anyway it makes sense to manually update to 1.09

this also applies to the spawned version

HOWTO: IPX Multiplayer
To get ipx network support, IPX will have to be enabled in the kernel, and you need some userspace utilities, usually called ipx-utils; and IPX must be started (there should be an initscript).

 *ubuntu users can use the commands:

sudo apt-get install ipx

sudo modprobe ipx

sudo ipx_interface add -p eth0 802.2 0x12345678

(change eth0 for the name of your ethernet/wireless card)

The frame type (802.2) needs to be equal for everyone. It is recommended to use ethernet II instead of 802.2. If playing with computers with Windows, make sure their frame type is set to what you have, and not 'automatic'. It may cause issues if you forget it.

to use ipx multiplayer in this game it MUST be run as root

HOWTO: Use Diablo without the CD.

First, put the CD in!
If you've already installed it, great. If not, go do that.
Then, do this on the command line:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/Diablo.iso

To mount this image of the CD:

sudo mkdir /media/iso0

sudo mount -o loop ~/Diablo.iso /media/iso0

Using winecfg, add a new drive that points to /media/iso0, and give it the type CD-ROM.
Finally, run Diablo.exe in your program files and you're done!
Whenever you want to mount it again, just do:

sudo mount -o loop ~/Diablo.iso /media/iso0

When you're done and don't feel like keeping it mounted, just do:

sudo umount /media/iso0

If you have any issues still with Diablo complaining about no CD being inserted,
make sure the iso mount point you made is configured as a CD-ROM device in winecfg,
and make sure you have already mounted it

~/wine/dosdevices should contain:

(D being the drive letter of the iso image)

d\: (link to /media/iso0)

d\:\: (link to ~/Diablo.iso)

HOWTO: Fixing blank menus

Follow the instruction which is available at:


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

openal files
by G on Saturday November 7th 2020, 13:35
Find openal files at: openal binary from In case the method for acquiring that file above doesn't work. (It didn't work for me.)
Remembering Diablo-1.
by Hary on Thursday October 22nd 2020, 4:28
Remembering Diablo-1. An old game which I cannot even get to complete the installation of, under Linux with Wine.. Ubuntu (The Main Culprit) gives a message about d3d Access Violation, and presents a Black screen rather than allowing the first (Start of game selection menu) to appear. - The original DOOM game series is much older (1993) and still installs and plays fine in Windows 10 64 Bit under the GzDoom port. (SO WHY ISN'T THERE SUCH AN 'OFF LINE' (SINGLE PLAYER) PORT FOR THIS?)
- IN AS BRIEF A DESCRIPTION AS POSSIBLE, DEFINE WHAT ARE 'TECH ASSHOLES.": 'They intentionally destroyed any possibility of our Installing and Playing our Purchased Diablo-1 CD-ROM games in SINGLE PLAYER - OFF LINE MODE ever again!!' (To do this, should NEVER require an Online (subscription fee only) mode from any 'service', EVER!!! (NO ONE should EVER BE FORCED to have to 'go online' for any SINGLE PLAYER mode computer game).
Still have the problem
by Malik on Tuesday January 14th 2020, 12:46
At first the game didn't launch at all. Once I went through all these steps it works perfectly in all regards except for the sounds. The music plays well, the opening intro plays well with sound. But when I try to talk to people, the dialogues are simply unclickable. When I enter the church, I click on the dying man and he just dies without saying anything. Then I try to pick up gold and I finally realise there's no SFX. I dunno what I did wrong. I have no DLL overrides in my wine cfg. I installed and copied all the files that were described in the thread. Help please!
RE: Still have the problem
by Malik on Tuesday January 14th 2020, 12:48
Apologies, I wanted to post this under the Diablo HD comments about OpenAL problems. Can't delete it now...
Can't create a new game in Tchernobog
by Sel on Thursday March 1st 2018, 2:34
I have a problem with Tchernobog mod. The game starts, intro and menu work fine but when I try to create a new game (single or multiplayer) there is an error message:

"Attempt to set up new game on server has failed. Server busy or requires game restart"
Menu doesn't show but listen to keyboard commands
by Petr Pošvic on Friday April 15th 2016, 13:51
Hello, if you want to play Diablo 1 on linux, try my simple script:

Menu really doesn't display anything, but works! If you know how the game menu looks like you can move in it "by blind". After run is Blizzard logo, then intro and then menu:

single player
some character (if any)
load game
new game
new hero
enter name
enter name
enter name
multi player
replay intro
show credits
exit diablo

Listen sounds! Movement in menu does specific sound and confirmation in menu does different sound.
New DLL fix for the blank menus problem
by A. Corvinus on Thursday February 11th 2016, 3:12
The previous ddraw.dll fix at is currently inaccessible (site is down), so it would be greatly appreciated by Diablo fans if somebody could host these files and post the link here.

Meanwhile, another DLL fix was posted by galaxyhaxz on WineHQ Forums. While menus won't animate and update properly, each screen does appear, and it is sufficient for navigation.

The link is here:
Diablo 1 HD mod
by Peter Fox on Saturday November 15th 2014, 7:39
Those that are interested in playing Diablo 1 on a modern mac should check out . Bezelbub is a modern interface for Diablo 1 while providing cool enhancements like: menus that work, additional character classes, the ability to greatly improve the screen resolution. It's still beta and there are bugs. I currently have no game sounds beyond the movies. You must also go into Advanced > Tools > Config Util > Libraries and add OpenAL32 or it will crash during your first monster encounter. I found the last fix in their forum. I would rate the experience as Gold (due to lack of sound). While I have been playing Diablo/Hellfire under Wine without much problem before this mod, but I never got the menus to work for me. This is a great upgrade for Diablo fans.
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Joël on Tuesday August 25th 2015, 4:08
i'm trying it right now (i'm sad that i didn't find your post earlier).
i also cannot get the sound to work, all sound setting gliders are stuck at disabled in game options.
i tried various dlls overrides both in wine and wine-staging to no avail, i'm going to read the official mod forum to see if some windows users have that problem.
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Joël on Tuesday August 25th 2015, 5:02
i even dared creating a win32 wineprefix, i installed the game in it.
i installed the whole oal windows thing in that prefix, and everything is the same.
i'm fresh out of ideas :(
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by ext on Sunday December 13th 2015, 7:14
remove override for openal and replace wrap_oal.dll witn soft_oal.dll (Win32 one) from openal soft
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Joël on Monday December 21st 2015, 4:09
Your method works, thank you.
I'm just adding details for anyone who'd have any trouble applying your method.

i downloaded the OpenAL 1.1 from (Windows zip Installer) and installed it (i don't know if that step is necessary).
i downloaded the "Win32 and Win64 binaries" from "" (
in that zip i copied the file "/openal-soft-1.17.1-bin/bin/Win32/soft_oal.dll" into the game directory and i renamed it as "wrap_oal.dll".
i removed any dll overrides in winecfg for Belzebub.exe
Now sound and music works flawlessly :D

(i tried the 64 bits dll too, it doesn't work)
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Nick Stefanov on Saturday June 30th 2018, 15:27
Thank you, ext, Joël! It works great!!!
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Matt Bovett on Saturday April 13th 2019, 13:23
Just wanted to say this step *IS* necessary

- downloaded the OpenAL 1.1 from (Windows zip Installer) and installed it (i don't know if that step is necessary).

Until I did this, I didn't have sound in Diablo mod Tchernobog on Mac. Using 4.3 engine.
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Malik on Tuesday January 14th 2020, 12:50
At first the game didn't launch at all. Once I went through all these steps it works perfectly in all regards except for the sounds. The music plays well, the opening intro plays well with sound. But when I try to talk to people, the dialogues are simply unclickable. When I enter the church, I click on the dying man and he just dies without saying anything. Then I try to pick up gold and I finally realise there's no SFX. I dunno what I did wrong. I have no DLL overrides in my wine cfg. I installed and copied all the files that were described in the thread. Help please!
RE: Diablo 1 HD mod
by Steve on Tuesday January 14th 2020, 17:49
I was trying to reinstall Diablo with the belzebub mod using CrossOver since my Wine install stopped working once I upgraded to Catalina.
And I found out that CrossOver 1.19 is able to run win32 apps on Catalina which no longer supports 32-bit apps.
After installing from CD (by mounting the Diablo.iso file) and copying the DIABDAT.MPQ file from the .iso mounted image, and then copying the Belzebub resources from the archive, the game didn't get passed the initial video cut scene due to some "Create Video Stream Sound OpenA Error".

And this post helped me figure it out, so thank you ext!

I didn't have to install OpenAL as suggested by others, all I had to do was to replace the existing wrap_oal.dll with soft_oal.dll found inside the Windows Installer (path: openal-soft-1.20.0-bin/bin/Win32) from and it worked like a charm!

Then copying my save files from the Wine install and bingo Diablo on Mac foreger!
At least until Wine supports win-32 bit apps on Catalina, I will have to pay for CrossOver.