Category: Main Games Epic Games Launcher Latest Version

Epic Games Launcher

The newest version of the launcher.

Application Details:

Version: Latest Version
License: Free to use
Votes: 6
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.3

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Free Download Direct official link to installer .msi

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installation using:

$ winetricks corefonts # install fonts which are required for the login screen

$ wine msiexec /i ./EpicInstaller-6.3.0.msi /q

Run with:

$ wine .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Epic\ Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win32/EpicGamesLauncher.exe -SkipBuildPatchPrereq

Using the -OpenGL Argument as described in other tutorials causes the Launcher to exit because of an Assertion

What does not

Probably because running the launcher using DirectX, some graphical changes like hovering over an input causes the window to disappear for a second before it comes back updated (especially noticeable in the login screen). Getting a Friend Request ensure using of the application is no longer possible (the popup-box causes continuous flickering).

Some Hover-Effects (like changing tab / install game) works, other ones causes flickering like on the login page.


You can login using Tab to navigate to the text inputs instead of clicking onto them. As long as you don't get friend requests the launcher is at least usable enough to install and run games.

What was not tested

* playing a game

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Intel
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

Launcher Version: EpicInstaller-6.3.0.msi

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowArch Linux x86_64Mar 08 20238.3Yes Yes NoPlatinumE. Y. 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Jun 07 20227.10-stagingYes Yes YesSilverIhor Yemaiev 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 9.x "Stretch" x86_64May 27 20227.9Yes No NoGarbageStephen Paul Weber 
ShowUbuntu 22.04 "Jammy" (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 23 20227.9N/A No NoGarbageNiklas Petersen 
ShowManjaro 21.2.5Apr 16 20227.5Yes Yes NoPlatinumRui Francisco 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
3548 .lnk file is created on the desktop together with the program icon... NEW View
32342 Multiple applications and games using 'Webkit', 'Blink' or 'CEF' (libcef) web browser engine crash on startup ('Arial' and 'Times New Roman' font face name validation) STAGED View
40376 Black window in Epic Games Launcher caused by d3d11 NEW View
43680 Epic Games Launcher crashes if tool-tip is shown in D3D11 mode NEEDINFO View
48406 Epic Games Store fails to install prerequisites with Wine Mono UNCONFIRMED View
49990 Multiple applications display empty windows (Minecraft Dungeons Launcher; Riot Client; StarCitizen; QQ Games) NEW View
50055 Epic games update crashes RESOLVED WORKSFORME View
51162 Xfce systray icons have a background of a next icon NEW View
54915 Some applications refuse to open if "emulate virtual desktop" and "NVIDIA PRIME render offload" is used UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Very high CPU usage
by Ken Sharp on Sunday August 25th 2024, 5:53
Simply opening the EGL causes my CPU to hit 100% on all cores. Tested under Windows 10 though and the result seems to be the same.

I'll keep an eye on it.
RE: Very high CPU usage
by Ken Sharp on Sunday August 25th 2024, 7:49
I see: it has very high CPU usage when the main window is open, but drops to practically nothing when minimised. There's something horribly wrong with it and I would guess it is due to CEF trying to use hardware acceleration.
CEF woes
by mirh on Monday January 15th 2024, 19:14
I call BS on anybody pretending to give a platinum rating to any chromium-derived application ngl.
RE: CEF woes
by Ken Sharp on Sunday August 25th 2024, 5:40
I fully concur with this. There's no way this app is Platinum with all the bugs logged against it.
How to create .desktop to launch game directly
by Andrey K on Wednesday January 27th 2021, 15:42
In Wine-6.0 creating desktop shortcuts directly from launche doesn't work because of:
IShellLinkW interface is not yet supported by InternetShortcut

So I found a way to create desktop entries manually:

1. Open C:\ProgramData\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher\Data\Manifests directory
2. Search/grep through *.item files and find one for wanted game, then copy its AppName field. For example, to find Rocket League:
$ jq 'select(.DisplayName | contains("Rocket League")) | .AppName' *.item
3. Create/edit .desktop file for EpicGamesLauncher.exe and add "-com.epicgames.apps/${AppName}?action=launch&silent=true" to command line, for example:
wine "C:/Epic Games/Launcher/Engine/Binaries/Win64/EpicGamesLauncher.exe" -SkipBuildPatchPrereq -opengl "-com.epicgames.apps/Sugar?action=launch&silent=true"
RE: How to create .desktop to launch game directly
by Andrey K on Wednesday January 27th 2021, 15:49
com.epicgames.launcher :// apps/
(without spaces. too lazy to fight the markup, sorry).
Crashes without DXVK. Black screen in main window, the friend list window is okay
by Dominik Adrian Grzywak on Sunday October 11th 2020, 6:32
After installation (fresh wineprefix) launcher was crashing during startup (with -SkipBuildPatchPrereq), installing DXVK 1.7.2 fixed it, but after completed logging-in the main window is black and completely unusable, just the friend list window is okay:

All the Visual C++ Redistributables and dotnet35 are installed.

Wine-staging 5.18.
Manjaro Linux.
Intel HD Graphics 520.
CLICK CANCEL when asked to install .NET or DirectX when first launching games
by Darren Wilkinson on Sunday November 17th 2019, 16:26
When you first launch a game after downloading many games will automatically start installing. NET and DirectX.

Unfortunately the .NET installation procedure fails under wine and installing DirectX messes with wine's own implementation. It is better to click cancel on these installers, and install .NET and DirectX/D3D libraries as needed via winetricks.

This is only needed the first time you click to launch a game.
Install dotnet 4.0
by John Porterfield on Tuesday October 2nd 2018, 3:01
Run winetricks dotnet40 and then go into winecfg and set it back to windows 10, it'll get past the error message. On the login screen it doesn't show any text, but the 4th one from the right is the button you press.