

add Tutor 56 Neural Network -Python Checker

add intenet radio:

1302 uPSI_ULog.pas

1303 uPSI_UThread.pas

1304 uPSI_UTCPIP.pas

1305 Synapse_OpenSSLv11

1306 PascalCoin configuration

Totals of Function Calls: 31475

SHA1: of 18200555A3407F8F7A40782618C9E4AE15590849

CRC32: 0113AD6D 27.1 MB (28,493,264 bytes)

Application Details:

License: Free to use
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 3.0

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Free Download maXbox

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Runs and starts from stick, share or net on linux systems
Softpedia, d3000, GIT, bitbucket, Udemy and heise award EKON best
COM, API, serial, html, xml, http, rest and ftp functions (indy sockets, wininet)
more than 31470 functions and 3105 units in V4.6.2.10
contains maXcom, maXbase, maXtex, maXnet, maXgeo, maXweb and maXbook
Units of JEDI,CLX,VCL,PCRE,SysTools,Indy,TurboPower in a Delphi VM
Units Explorer, WebServer, Browser and CryptoBox on Board
Search in Code Base with Ctrl F3 for examples, patterns and snippets
maXbox POBST means Precompiled Object Based Scripting Tool
Test script collection to refactor, test and build apps with scripts Sonar
4.6.2 digitaly signed with root certificate
2820 dcu units build compiled / preprocessed

What does not

not all filelinks with programs available, for example *.png to image viewer

performance problems during loops:

long running tasks, for loops and recursion should be started with 
or can be handled during runtime at /Menu/Options/ProcessMessages!


performance problems during loops:

long running tasks, for loops and recursion should be started with 
or can be handled during runtime at /Menu/Options/ProcessMessages!


Select at /Menu/Options/ProcessMessages! Off

Autostart of files with fileextensions depends on editors and external programs

What was not tested

- OpenGL


- Python API

- COM Libs

- IP Network Lib

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Nvidia
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

mobile programming, no installation administration or configuration needed
easy to deploy with text code, byte code or binary scripting in one EXE
big library of 800 examples and exercices of PEP - Pascal Education Program
debug, recompile, retype and decompile function (units are precompiled)
worldwide 55 tutorials with maXbox starter series, Arduino and Blix

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 18.04 "Bionic" i386 (+variants like Kubuntu)Feb 03 20183.0Yes Yes YesGoldMax Kleiner 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


Doc Short Manual with 65 Tips! Troublshooter - Errors
- Install: just save your maxboxdef.ini before and then extract the zip file!
- Toolbar: Click on the red maXbox Sign (right on top) opens your work dir or jump to <Help>
- Menu: With <F2> you check syntax with <F8> you debug and <F9> you compile!
- Menu: With <Crtl><F3> you can search for code on examples
- Menu: Open in menu Output a new instance <F4> of the box to compare or prepare your scripts
- Menu: Set Interface Naviagator in menu /View/Intf Navigator
- Menu: Switch or toogle between last 2 scripts in menu File/LoadLast (History is set to 9 files)

- Inifile: Set memory report in ini: MEMORYREPORT=Y :report on memory leaks on shutdown by dialog
- Inifile: Refresh (reload) the inifile after edit with ../Help/Config Update
- Inifile: Set VERSIONCHECK=N and MEMORYREPORT=N to speedup boot and shutdown of box

- Context Menu: You can printout your scripts as a pdf-file or html-export
- Context: You do have a context menu with the right mouse click

- Menu: With the UseCase Editor you can convert graphic formats too.
- Menu: On menu Options you find Addons as compiled scripts
- IDE: Menu Program: Run Only is faster, after F2 - You dont need a mouse use shortcuts
- Menu: Check Options/ProcessMessages! if something is wrong or you cant see graphics in a time
- IDE: Dragndrop your scripts in box or the model in use case editor (Cut,Copy,Paste always available)
- Editor: You can get templates as code completion with <ctrl j> in editor like classp or iinterface or ttimer (you type classp and then CTRL J),or you type tstringlist and <Ctrl><J>

- Menu: In menu output (console) you can set output menu in edit mode by unchecking <read only output>
- Editor: After the end. you can write or copy notes or descriptions concerning the app or code
- Code: If you code a loop till key-pressed use function: isKeyPressed;
- Code: Macro set the macros #name,paAdmMaxinistratorth, #file,funclmaxbox_functions.txtist5.pdf
- Code: change Syntax in autoboot macro 'maxbootscript.txt'
- Editor: - <F11> Click on Word in Editor search amount of words with highlighting, Dbl Click on Bookmarks
to delete and Click and mark to drag a bookmark
- Menu: To start handling from CD-ROM (read only mode) uncheck in Menu /Options/Save before Compile
- IDE: A file info with system and script information you find in menu Program/Information
- IDE: After change the config file in help you can update changes in menu Help/Config Update
- IDE: Make a screenshot of the content and environment in menu Output/Save Screenshot
- IDE: Use a boot loader script 'maxbootscript.txt' (as auto start) to change box each time start it.
- IDE: With escape or <Ctrl> Q you can also leave the box or stop a script in menu program - stop program
- Editor: Set Bookmarks to check your work in app or code
- Editor: With <Ctrl H> you set {$Active Line Color} and F11 you get Word Count Statistic on Output too
- Editor: With {//TODO: some description} or DONE you set code entries for ToDo List in ../Help/ToDo List
- Editor: With <Ctrl W> you set active URL links in your code to test availability in Context Menu
- IDE with menu /Options/ADO SQL Workbench you can manage your Database
- Context Menu: You can write your docus with RichEdit RTF printout /Editor Form Options/Richedit
- Menu: Set Interface Naviagator also with toogle <Ctrl L> or /View/Intf Navigator
- Toolbar: In menu /View switch Off Toolbar and Coolbar to get more coding space
- Code: Put some resources in your code /Help/Resource Explorer like bitbtn, forms, dialogs;
- Code Editor: Compile with <F9> but also Alt C in case <F9> isnt available;
- Code: if you cant run a function try the second one, for ex. Voice()-Voice2(),inc() - inc1()
- IDE set bookmarks with <Ctrl Shift> (0..9) and jump with <Ctrl> (0..9)
- IDE menu /Help/Tools/ write with RTF Editor or open a DOS Shell or browse
- IDE menu /Help/Tools/ open the Task Manager
- new Style: menu//Output/Darkcolor

- Add on write your Requirements in RTF Docu with <CTRL ALT R> in context menu
- Add on when no browser is available start /Options/Add ons/Easy Browser
- Add on SOAP Tester with SOP POST File
- Add on IP Protocol Sniffer with List View
- Add on OpenGL mX Robot Demo for android
- Add on Checkers Game, Add on Oscilloscope /View GEO Map View3

- Menu: Help/Tools as a Tool Section with DOS Opener
- Menu Editor: export the code as RTF File
- Menu: Help/Tools/Syn Export your code as available in HTML or RTF
- Menu: Help/Tools/ with <Alt H-S-D> you start the DOS Shell
- Context: Auto Detect of Syntax depending on file extension
- Code: some Windows API function start with w in the name like wGetAtomName();
- IDE Close - if you cant close the box then reset it <Ctrl F2> in menu /Debug
- IDE File Check with menu ..View/File Changes/...
- Context: Create a Header with Create Header in Navigator List at right window
- Code: use SysErrorMessage to get a real Error Description, Ex.
RemoveDir('c:\NoSuchFold;writeln('System Error Message:'+SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
- IDE getWebScript from a URL with menu ..Help/Get Web Script/...
- Editor: with <Ctrl W> you can click on hyperlinks in Code - CTRL Click on link
- Editor: with <Ctrl+Alt+R> you can write in RTF format with RichEdit link
- Menu: Check Help/Tools! you can use richedit, DOS Shell or Explorer
- Menu: Start View/MyScript of ini file maxboxdef.ini [MYSCRIPT]= path of script
- Indent: close you doc lines with //} for {...}
- Menu: Help/ToDo List add prio and user with {/1.......//}
Name#Prio# example:

{/1 TODO (maxname#7#): do the new task one34 then mX4' //}


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

by Max Kleiner on Saturday February 3rd 2018, 11:08
new code indent guide INDENT - stop in inifile INDENT=N
TFannNetwork encapsulates a Fast Artificial Neural Network-
DLL needed: fannfloat.dll

While training the ANN is often the big time consumer, execution can often be more time consuming, especially in systems where the ANN needs to be executed hundreds of times per second or if the ANN is very large. For this reason, several measures can be applied to make the FANN library execute even faster than it already does. One method is to change the activation function to use a stepwise linear activation function, which is faster to execute, but which is also a bit less precise. It is also a good idea to reduce the number of hidden neurons if possible, since this will reduce the execution time. from *)
Byte Code
by Max Kleiner on Saturday February 3rd 2018, 10:49
maXbox source code is compiled into bytecode, the internal representation of a script in the mX4 interpreter. The bytecode is also cached in .psb files so that executing the same file is faster the second time (recompilation from source to bytecode can be avoided – menu…/Options/Save Bytecode¦Load Bytecode) or to run several times without recompilation on menu…/Program/Run Mode.

This “intermediate language” is said to run on a virtual machine that executes the machine code corresponding to each bytecode or take the same exe as a virtual machine on Wine (Wine 2.4 see pic below). Do note that bytecodes are not expected to work between different virtual machines (because different libraries / modules /policies), nor to be stable between releases.