
Adobe Animate

Version 8 of Macromedia's Flash animation program.

Application Details:

Version: Flash 8
License: Retail
Votes: Marked as obsolete
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 8.13-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works


What does not



What was not tested

Some advanced features

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowantiX Linux 21 �Grup Yorum�Aug 09 20238.13-stagingYes Yes YesSilverAleph Diallo 
ShowUbuntu 21.04 "Hirsute" (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 24 20216.9Yes Yes YesGoldAleph Diallo 
ShowLinux Mint 18.2 "Sonya" x86_64Dec 19 20172.21-stagingYes Yes YesGoldTeheeFB 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 05 20101.3.4Yes Yes NoPlatinuman anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 17 20101.1.42Yes Yes NoBronzean anonymous user 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
44051 Rendering compressed .avi outputs error on program or crashes it UNCONFIRMED View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


2013-05-03 Admin note: the instructions below are old and may not apply to current Wine. They are being left here for the benefit of anyone who may wish to test and/or update them.

 After a few hours of trying I got Macromedia Flash 8 to work with thecurrently most recent version of wine. It took some time because the originalinstaller fails with various "FixMe" wine errors.

So instead I started upWindows XP in a VMware workstation and used a tracker to compare snapshots ofthe windows registry and the file system.

After installing Flash, I couldtrace which files were installed and copy them to the correspondingdirectories in the ~/.wine/drive_c/ structure.

I'm using absolute paths here.
Of course look for the equivalents of your windows installation, for example if you use a different language.

copy the Macromedia folder from c:Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data -> windows/profiles/All Users/Application Data/*

copy the folders Macromed and QuickTime from
c:windows/system32 -> windows/system32/*
c:Program Files/Common Files/Macromedia -> program files/Common Files/Macromedia/*
c:Program Files/Macromedia -> program files/Macromedia/

These are all files installed by the Flash installer.
Now you only need thecorrect registry entries.
I'm not 100% sure about some video components butbasic Flash functions work with the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Macromedia/key.
Note that you have to correct the WinXP paths to the wine equivalents.
Also, Windows XP exports the .reg file in UCS-2 encoding while wine doesn'tlike that.
You can convert it with "$ recode ucs-2..ascii yourfile.reg".Here's what my .reg file looks like:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaCommon Files]@="""emlaunch.dll"="C:Program FilesCommon FilesMacromediaemlaunch.dll""gemstone.dll"="C:Program FilesCommon FilesMacromediagemstone.dll""extensions.dll"="C:Program FilesCommon FilesMacromediaextensions.dll"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaExtension Manager][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaExtension Manager1.7][HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaExtension Manager1.7Installation]@="""InstallPath"="C:Program FilesMacromediaExtension Manager""Language"="En""Default Editor For"="mxi,mxp"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaFlash8Installation]"InstallPath"="C:Program FilesMacromediaFlash 8""HelpPath"="C:windowsprofilesAll UsersApplication DataMacromediaFlash 8enConfiguration"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaFLVEncoder]@=""
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMacromediaFLVEncoder1Installation]"InstallPath"="C:Program FilesMacromediaFlash 8 Video Encoder""LangCode"="en"

You can import this with "wine regedit yourfile.reg".

Help system: Now Flash itself should work though the help system is based on the InternetExplorer ActiveX control.
You either need IE running in the same environmentor the Mozilla control as a replacement which can be obtained here:

For installing the mozilla control itself, you need the Visual C++ 6redistributable package:

That's about all.Wolfgang Frisch, [email protected]


Thanks Wolfgang to point on the help system. Is so important.

NOTE ( from Sorin - to developers and other peoples that want to help find a workaround for large files handling ) I try Flash 8.0 Professional Trial with any new wine release. All OK. But on large files ( larger than 1 mb - many objects on library, many mc's ) Flash work slow - I see they put their own dll's ( gdiplus.dll, etc) on instalation folder - I think to solve the same problems under windows.

Can we find wich dll's must be used instead of wine dll's ? - to solve this one and for ever ?.

Respect for all,

Sorin - [email protected]

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