

Classic SmartMusic is an interactive music learning software that will help you, your students, or your children have fun while rapidly improving music-making and practice skills. Whether you have the guidance of a music educator, or are setting your own course, classic SmartMusic provides the practice tools, accompaniments, and repertoire to transform your playing.

Classic SmartMusic software enables students to practice their music and get feedback. Unlike the new SmartMusic, teachers and students must purchase a subscription and install the software on their computers.

Application Details:

Version: 2017.1.27
License: Subscription
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 4.0

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Free Download Link to download SmartMusic (requires subscription to use)

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Couldn't find anything that didn't work! :)

What was tested:

- Splash screen

- login

- browse libraries

- playback

- sound (both in and out)

- showing music on screen while playing

- load and play finale-created files

- record

- practice tools (tuner, metronome)

- export as mp3

- adjust tempo, volume, "follow me", turn on and off both my part and accompaniment

- full screen mode

What does not

Smartmusic will NOT WORK before you install some native libraries with winetricks.


I probably installed WAY too much extra DLLs/components, but I didn't have the time to go through all them in separate, so... 

To make it work, you need winetricks.
To start with, open winecfg and, if not installed, install Mono. Close winecfg.
Open winetrick, select the default wineprefix (or create a new one - you will probably need to do some extra stuff then) and then select the following packages under "Install a Windows DLL or component":all d3dx9, d3dx10 and d3dx11 packages (probably an overkill - you may test this on stages, maybe starting with the newer ones and then adding others until it works)
directx9 (again, probably an overkill)

Click on OK, follow the instructions to install all them. Close winetricks.
Download SmartMusic Classic from the official website (.msi installer)
Double click on it to run it on wine. Finish the installation and open SmartMusic
Insert your credentials. Should work like a charm! :)
When you play something for the first time, SmartMusic will download its sound bank.
When you play something WITH SCORE for the first time, the music fonts may not display correctly. Just close SmartMusic and open it again, and it will work fine from now on.

What was not tested

nothing relevant

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Intel
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

I've installed it in two different machines. Running on Linux Mint 18.3, sound was perfect. However, under Linux Mint 19.1 there were some sound artifacts popping up at non-regular intervals. Didn't have time to investigate, but I guess it is fixable.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentLinux Mint 19.1 TessaFeb 14 20194.0Yes Yes YesGoldThomas Piraja Hansen 

Known Bugs

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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.