Category: Main Games Role Playing Games Deus Ex 1.002f ... 1.112fm

Deus Ex

All versions of the Deus Ex game

Application Details:

Version: 1.002f ... 1.112fm
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 5.7-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

The game starts, after a significant delay, possibly related to the sound? (see error messages below)

What does not

Sound is not working at all. This is a regression; the sound worked fine under the last version I tested (1.3.11)


What was not tested

A full playthrough of the game
Installing the game (this worked before, and no changes have been made, so I say yes)

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

The following error message was received that may be relevant to the sound problems: err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x6e9164c "waveform.c: WINMM_Device.lock" wait timed out in thread 0026, blocked by 0027, retrying (60 sec) err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x1067b670 "?" wait timed out in thread 000d, blocked by 0026, retrying (60 sec) The sound problems may be Mac OS X specific, I am not able to test Linux at this time. The game works best in Windows 98 as the Windows version in winecfg.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowDebian GNU/Linux Unstable "Sid" x86_64May 05 20205.7-stagingYes Yes YesGoldSki-lleR 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 7.x "Wheezy" x86_64Feb 09 20131.5.22Yes Yes NoGoldMorgawr 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 7.x "Wheezy"Jul 29 20131.4.1Yes Yes NoPlatinumLaKoon 
ShowMac OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion"May 19 20131.4.1Yes Yes NoGoldAl Biheiri 
ShowUbuntu 12.04 "Precise" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 20 20121.5.4Yes Yes NoPlatinumSalomon Aquino 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Install Guide for Deus Ex (CD retail)


  1. Install Wine
  2. Configure Wine
  3. Setup your environment variables:
    export WINEARCH=win32
    export WINEPREFIX=" ... "
    (for a 32-bit Wineprefix - the WINEPREFIX folder should not be pre-created)
  4. Check your CD-ROM drive is mapped using:
  5. Launch the setup:
    wine "D:SETUP.EXE"
    (Replace D: with whatever drive letter you have your CD mapped to in winecfg)
    The default installation folder is C:DeusEx.
    This will install Deus Ex version 1.002f as it was initially released in 2000.
  6. Download the final release (GOTY) version 1.112fm update.
  7. Launch the patch:
    wine ~/Downloads/DeusExMPPatch1112fm.exe
    (for example when you save the patch to a "${HOME}/Downloads" folder)
  8. Remove the CD check when launching the game:
    sed -i "/^CdPath=.*$/d" "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/DeusEx/System/DeusEx.ini"
    The above command replaces CdPath=D: with a blank line in the DeusEx.ini file.
  9. Launch the game:
    export WINEPREFIX=" ... " && cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/DeusEx/System" && wine DeusEx.exe ; xgamma -gamma 1
Using the Stock OpenGL Renderer

Out-of-the box the stock OpenGL renderer will generate a segmentation fault:

double free or corruption (!prev)

This BASH script will fix the DeusEx.ini file settings to correct this. Note it is recommended to use the newer OpenGL renderer (which is significantly better)

  1. Create this script (credit to Morgawr, his original script was used as a basis for this):
  2. #!/bin/bash

    #export WINEPREFIX="❚❚❚❚❚❚"

    export DEUS_EX_PATH

    # Read install path for Deus Ex, from the Wine Registry.
    # Note: this requires a first run, when DeusEx is installed under Steam.

         wine reg query 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Unreal Technology\Installed Apps\Deus Ex' /v Folder 2>/dev/null \
            | awk '{ if (sub("^[[:blank:]]*Folder[[:blank:]]*REG_SZ[[:blank:]]*","")) print $0 }' \
            | dos2unix

    # Fallback to 'C:\DeusEx'


    printf "Using DeusEx (Windows) install path: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}"

    # Convert path from Windows to Unix format

    DEUS_EX_PATH="$(winepath -u "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" 2>/dev/null)"

    if [[ ! -d "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" ]]; then
         printf "DeusEx install path: '%s' ; does not exist\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}" >&2
         exit 1

    # Patch settings to make the game work properly on OpenGL devices
    # Uses the default DeusEx install path (for the current WINEPREFIX)
    if ! sed -i -e '/FrameRateLimit=60/d' \
                  -e 's/^GameRenderDevice=.*$/GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice/g' \
                  -e '/^GameRenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice$/a\FrameRateLimit=60' \
                  -e 's/FirstRun=.*$/FirstRun=1100/g' \
         printf "Unable to update DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini" >&2
    exit 1

    printf "Successfully updated DeusEx.ini file: '%s'\\n" "${DEUS_EX_PATH}/System/DeusEx.ini"

  3. Make the script executable & run it:
    chmod +x
    (ensure your WINEPREFIX env variable is set)


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Very easy way to fix everything
by Phlum on Wednesday October 3rd 2012, 11:22
There's a Windows program called Deus Exe that was meant to fix all problems with Deus Ex. All the issues people are having seem to be the same as the issues on Windows, so I'll link the tool here.

It also allows easy mod loading, which is lovely :D

Just dump all the files from the archive into your Deus Ex/System directory, and make sure DeusEx.exe has been replaced by the one from the archive. Sowted, san.
Some screen trouble
by Simulman on Tuesday October 2nd 2012, 19:28

Deus Ex runs just fine but... the screen seems to be flipped.
These 2 are actual screenshot from the game (taken using the * key) : &

But what I really see is this: &

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, my video card is an (OLD!) GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 with NVIDIA Video Driver 304.51.
I hope I've provided enough info so someone can help me.
ubuntu 12.04; wine 1.4; sound dies
by nathaniel smith on Wednesday May 23rd 2012, 19:30
Deus Ex was working just fine; apparently something in a system update caused the sound to play terribly (staticy and sped up) or normally, but in both cases will cut out 30 seconds - 2 minutes into loading the game.

i ran winecfg; the driver is set to winealsa.drv. the test sound is also corrupted.
by das_Urmel on Tuesday August 16th 2011, 8:26

I've got a problem adjusting the brightness on a Mac running DeusEx in Wine - it doesn't work from within the game and the system brightness is already maxed out. The xgamma doesn't do it either. I've looked around and found the tip:;tips=1

but it doesn't work for me (I'm not running crossover). Is there anything similar i could do?

Thanks in advance for any help!
RE: Brightness
by doh123 on Sunday August 28th 2011, 18:52
Codeweavers will work, they have a custom X server

Xquartz and all other X11 builds for Mac OS X do not have the proper extensions to handle gamma correction in any game.
RE: Brightness
by Al Biheiri on Sunday May 19th 2013, 11:27
i used winetricks/winebottler and selected ddr=gdi. prob is youll be running in windowed mode instead of fullscreen, but it will fix the brightness issue
cut-off voices
by lemming on Saturday July 2nd 2011, 6:04
I successfully installed Deus Ex in wine-1.3.23 along with dxglr20 and the 1112fm patch.
However, the voices were not fluent and sometimes cut off.
Setting `Latency` from 40 to 80 in the `Galaxy.GalaxyAudioSubsystem` section in `System/DeusEx.ini` solved the problem for me.
working and graphics
by Zsolt on Tuesday June 14th 2011, 1:09
Now. First of all, i have Ati Mobility Radeon HD 2600, so other cards might have different troubles. Based on previous tries with other games for example WoW, it should be more than enough strong to run the game.


1. If I just simply run it on Wine (1.3 is the current one), the screen flashes, and I can't do a damn thing. As -for some wierd reasons- there is no alt+ctrl+del or something alike in Ubuntu, and -for some even more wierd reasons- there is no reset on my laptop, the only solution is turn it off/on.

2. If I run it Wine, but turn of the option that lets it control windows (in graphic tab), the screen is oke, and the game starts. But cant control it, because pushed keyboard buttons doesn't work in it. Intead it works outside of it. (For example, in one of my opened windows)

3. If I use alt+tab it sometimes crashes

4. If I use it in window mode, and on high resolution it crashes.

5. If I use it in window mode, but on low resolution (640*480 or 800*600), it works and if I continually push alt+tab I can move out the cursor, and turn off 'the control of windows' in Wine, than release alt+tab, and move the coursor back to the game it works. Finally it works. But...

6. If the game crashes, the nex time it starts it gives me a menü to change thing like graphics settings.

a.) Now, if I choose 'Direct rendering', the graphics is corrupted, and -in time- it will become ridiculously slow.

b.) If I choose software rendering, grapshics will be corrupted, though speed looks ok.

c.) Anything else will crash the game.

7. During the -now working- game If I alt+tab, and move the cursor out (for example to answer a massage in Pidgin), and move it back to play, many of the keyboard keys don't work. (I press "I" for Inventory and nothing happenes, etc.) But Esc does bring on the Menu, and going 'Back to the game' keys start working again.

Thats all folks!
RE: working and graphics
by Peter Norell on Saturday July 9th 2011, 8:29
1) Alt-F1/F2/etc - change to console, login, kill deus ex process shift back to your x session (usually alt-F7 or F8)

Always useful trick to have for many purposes - not only games.

Not experienced the other issues.
by ts on Sunday October 10th 2010, 11:18
The game runs fine on Wine 1.0.1, Debian Squeeze, had to do few things though:

1) The application didn't work in xmonad, tiling window manager. Solved this by running other WM (fluxbox) on second X server.

2) Encoutered the shifted-screen issue on 1024x768 resolution described somewhere above. Solved by unchecking "Allow the window manager to control windows" option in winecfg.

3) Sometimes, sound stopped to work and I had to exit and re-run the game (pretty annoying). This can be apparently fixed by setting "DirectSound Hardware acceleration" option in winecfg to "Emulation". This occasionaly produces minor sound glitches, but still much better than having to restart the game every once in a while.

With this configuration, the game runs great (well, twice it locked up the computer so that i had to reboot it, but i'm not sure wine is to blame here). The only thing that does not work I think are the small screenshots displayed in the "load game" menu.
ATI + Deus Ex
by Long John on Sunday June 6th 2010, 15:00
Posting this to save some other poor souls days of their time.

I'm running Deus Ex on lucid, latest wine and an ATI gfx card with fgrlx.

I had the problem of cut-off voices/speach, and the schedtool fix wasn't working. Apparently the fps varied too much, jumping between 120 and up, bringing the voice and speed of the game out of sync. What helped was limiting the fps with FrameRateLimit=x in the DeusEx.ini file in the appropriate section (OpenGL for instance). However, this command only works with the updated opengl libraries which you can get from .

His new DirectDraw didn't work for me, probably related to fgrlx. dxglr19 gives me a black screen, but dxglr20 works perfectly! Limit your framerate to whatever you want. You can check whether it works by typing stat fps in the console, which you can bring up by binding a key to 'talk' in the User.ini file (for instance T=talk). Remember to remove Say before giving any console commands.
To anyone having problems with Dual-Core and Deus Ex.
by Aaron Bianchi on Tuesday April 27th 2010, 18:36
Here is the fix that leeched 30 minutes of my time.

Make sure you have "schedtool" installed first then run this command

schedtool -a 0 -e wine "/path/to/deusex.exe"

And voila no more skipping. Have fun!
Gameplay video
by Jake ward on Friday March 19th 2010, 3:19
hdtp.ini stops keyboard from working
by wilbefast on Saturday March 13th 2010, 10:47
I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 with wine 1.1.37, and I've followed all the steps to install DeusEx and the HDTP. The former works perfectly, but whenever I run HDTP.exe it's either exactly the same as DeusEx.exe (if I don't use "AINI=C:/deusex/system/hdtp.ini") or the keyboard doesn't work:

cd "$HOME/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/DeusEx/System" && wine HDTP.exe QINI=C:/deusex/system/hdtp.ini USERINI=C:/deusex/system/hdtpuser.ini ; xgamma -gamma 1

fixme:process:GetProcessWorkingSetSize (0xffffffff,0x32f394,0x32f38c): stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32c7e4,0x00000000), stub!
err:ddraw:PixelFormat_DD2WineD3D 16 bit RGB Pixel format does not match
err:ddraw:PixelFormat_DD2WineD3D 32 bit RGB pixel format does not match
err:ddraw:PixelFormat_DD2WineD3D Invalid dwRGBBitCount in Pixelformat structure
err:ddraw:PixelFormat_DD2WineD3D Invalid dwRGBBitCount in Pixelformat structure
err:ddraw:PixelFormat_DD2WineD3D Invalid dwRGBBitCount in Pixelformat structure
fixme:keyboard:RegisterHotKey (0x2003c,49243,0x00000001,27): stub
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {92fa2c24-253c-11d2-90fb-006008a1f441} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {92fa2c24-253c-11d2-90fb-006008a1f441} could be created for context 0x1
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x1de588,0x1de488): stub
fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x21f950,0x21f850): stub
fixme:keyboard:UnregisterHotKey (0x2003c,49243): stub
-> Red 1.000, Green 1.000, Blue 1.000
Framerate limiting...
by Charles Huber on Saturday January 23rd 2010, 16:38
When using the new OpenGL plugin, changing the following option seems to help far more with evening out the in-game framerate than altering the CPU frequency scaling or processor affinity (taskset/schedtool):

In DeusEx.ini:

If you want to show your current framerate, just hit 't' in-game and erase the "Say". Then enter "stat fps".
1.1.23 breaks Deus-Ex
by Plüss Roland on Sunday June 14th 2009, 10:04
When you try to start the game a fatal engine error happens ( general protection fault ). The logs tell nothing except the failure happening somewhere in the UWindowsClient or alike class. It doesn't matter which which graphic driver I try it always crashes at this point.

Downgrading to 1.1.22 makes the game working again.
RE: 1.1.23 breaks Deus-Ex
by Hans Tovetjärn on Friday September 4th 2009, 9:59
I'm using 1.1.29 and this issue is still present. I was using 1.0.1 prior to this but upgraded because of issues with Gecko in other applications.

I try to launch it from the terminal, but it exits at once without any information. Is this related to bug #219? Should this be reported as not working (garbage)? I'm new to this. :-)
RE: 1.1.23 breaks Deus-Ex
by Plüss Roland on Friday September 4th 2009, 11:07
Works on wine-1.1.28 . Have not tested it with 1.1.29 yet. Seems to work in some versions and in some it's broken.
Sound problem
by david lachance on Friday November 21st 2008, 20:35

I installed Deus ex 112 with wine 101 on my debian lenny,the install,launch of the game and play worked fine.The problem is when i stopped my computer and try to reload my game the day after the sound is not here!!!
I launch the game the music is on , the bips from the menu are here but no in game sound.
Please help me i love that game so much!!!
fullscreen problem
by tribunal on Friday June 27th 2008, 2:31
Hi all!
version: 1.0
Everything is ok in desktop mode, but in fullscreen mode DeusEx starts and... I still see Kicker, I loose control, but I see picture, I can hear music...
in other apps, like Disciples II or Arcanum, everything is ok :(
Can't fix the run too fast cpu scaling problem
by luke on Monday June 23rd 2008, 21:08
I tried stopping powernowd to disable cpu scaling (I don't even think that is doing anything, as it says that cpu scaling is not supported when I start it back up again) as stated in the cedega link in the wine how-to, and I tried using schedtool to set the affinity to only one cpu core, neither of which worked. Does anyone know of any other ways to stop the game from speeding up? Also, what is the command (using "talk" to get to the console) to show fps?

I have an amdx2 5k+
RE: Can't fix the run too fast cpu scaling problem
by luke on Monday June 23rd 2008, 22:19
I managed to fix the speed problem by going into nvidia settings and enabling vsync, but at the same time this makes the frames per second get a bit jumpy at times. This doesn't affect the speed, but having the game pause frames for a fraction of a second every few seconds is somewhat annoying, so I'd still like to find a better solution. From what I can tell from the nvidia settings, I think my gpu (7950gt) might be using adaptive throttling. Could this be the cause rather than the cpu?
Also, when it does speed up, it's never very consistent. It only goes fast when I am looking at a corner of a room, but never really when I look at people from far away or when there is a lot of objects on screen.
Segmentation Fault
by Egon Boiffard on Friday June 6th 2008, 4:06
I'm trying to run Deus Ex under Wine 1.0-rc3 (amd64) and it works good with no graphics acceleration. But when I try to activate the OpenGL it crashes (Segmentation Fault) just a second after it loads the splash screen, and it shows no info at all. The latest Nvidia property drivers are installed and running.

I'm using Ubuntu Studio 8.04. (Could be the real time (rt) kernel the problem?) I've tried downgrading to Wine 1.0-rc1 and it's the same.

Could anyone help? Thank you very much.
RE: Segmentation Fault
by Egon Boiffard on Friday June 6th 2008, 4:39
Ok it was the real-time kernel.
Deus Ex fails to work at all with 0.9.54
by Samir Benahmed on Saturday January 26th 2008, 9:35
I've tried running the game on OpenSUSE 10.3 x86 with 0.9.54 and with every renderer the game fails to load and I get a General Protection Fault. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Deus Ex fails to work at all with 0.9.54
by Jerry on Tuesday January 29th 2008, 9:38
I ran it with software rendering and virtual desktop and it runs great with me. Same version of wine as yours but OS: SL 3.4 Mini Edition ;]
RE: Deus Ex fails to work at all with 0.9.54
by Samir Benahmed on Tuesday January 29th 2008, 10:55
Did you follow any special instructions or did it all work out of-the-box? What graphics card have you got? I've got an Intel X3100 :(
patch link
by dylan deziel on Saturday December 22nd 2007, 18:55
The download link should be changed to something that doesn't require registration, something like :
RE: patch link
by dylan deziel on Saturday December 22nd 2007, 19:15
RE: patch link
by Loki Satyr on Monday December 24th 2007, 11:47
How To updated, thanks.

by everett on Thursday December 6th 2007, 20:28
Thank you for the suggestion, but it's even worse with 0.9.50. Now I get a general protection fault upon launch, when it looks for 3D drivers...
by everett on Thursday December 6th 2007, 20:30
So posting a comment before signing in, then signing in when prompted makes it forget the thread to which one is replying...
General Protection Fault
by Nicholas Lee on Friday November 2nd 2007, 13:50
Gutsy with .46 here.

DX runs fine for a limited time. It crashes with a "General Protection Fault" error. I'm going to try re-installing DX.
Color depth is changed when game starts
by Skiski on Monday September 24th 2007, 15:13

The game runs pretty well, but when I lauch it, the color of the screen change, like if it only had 256 colors.

Once I quite the game, if I use Direct3D, the colors stay that way and I have to lauch nvidia-settings to make them "normal".
If I use opengl, everything comes back after the game exit, but wine produce the following "critical error" in the "windows desktop":
Asserted failed: wglDeleteContext(m_hRC)[File:\OpenGL.cpp][Line:2562]

History: UOpenGLRenderDevice::UnsetRes
RE: Color depth is changed when game starts
by Loki Satyr on Monday September 24th 2007, 15:43
The "256" colors is probably the gamma being set, notice the "xgamma -gamma 1" part of the command line in the How-To at the top of the page.
RE: Color depth is changed when game starts
by Skiski on Tuesday September 25th 2007, 1:54
Congrat, it seems to be that. The command didn't work, but adjusting gamma in the game solved the problem. Thanks.
Saving a game
by D4rky on Sunday September 16th 2007, 7:50
While trying to save a game, everything glitches and there's no way to come back to the system (except Alt+SysRQ+E of course). It also happened once while trying to run RedSun 2020 mod, but I dunno if this is happening more often (I gave up after trying to save)
RE: Saving a game
by Loki Satyr on Monday September 17th 2007, 16:58
Wine is entirely a user space program, so it should not be able to debilitate your kernel.
Are you over clocking your CPU?
Does Ctrl+Alt+F1 give you a virtual console?
RE: Saving a game
by everett on Sunday December 2nd 2007, 22:06
This happens to me as well.

Game runs fine (installed following the instructions above) using wine 0.9.46... until I try to save.

I'm not overclocking my (Core 2 Duo) CPU.

I *can* get a virtual console, at which time htop shows me that there are three DeusEx.exe processes running, one of which is using 100% of my CPU.
RE: Saving a game
by D4rky on Tuesday December 4th 2007, 12:05
consider upgrade of wine. I have tried switching from software rendering (which works on older versions) to D3D and on .49 it works.
RE: Saving a game
by everett on Thursday December 6th 2007, 20:30
Thank you for the suggestion, but it's even worse with 0.9.50. Now I get a general protection fault upon launch, when it looks for 3D drivers...
Dealing with SafeDisc
by Jack on Monday June 18th 2007, 16:02
This doesn't completely remove the CD-checking, but it does make it something that Wine can handle (as opposed to SafeDisc). Download the 1.112fm multiplayer patch, run it and install it. I found that the patch applied even though I should've had the most recent version to begin with and the new version had a CD check wine could deal with.
deleted screenshots and notes
by Michael Ploujnikov on Monday May 14th 2007, 16:42
If you would like any of the deleted screenshots/notes to show up in this game's appdb entry, please re-submit them.
Deux Ex upon starting renders the screen completely black
by Gian Paolo Mureddu on Monday April 2nd 2007, 20:42
I don't know what might be happening, but upon launching Deus Ex (and it doesn't matter if it is in a WineDesktop window or fullscreen) the screen goes completely black and even though exiting the game blindly (pressing esc, press up enter and enter again, so the game exits) the screen remains black. Ctr+C on the console the game was launched from only returns the mouse pointer, nothing more on the screen is visible, I can "return" my screen to normal when running nvidia-settings (again blindly) from the command line the game was launched from.


Fedora Core 6 x86_64

kernel 2.6.20 stock.

NVIDIA driver 1.0-9755

Wine version 0.9.32 (latest Fedora release)

This problem has been happening for some time now, and I have been unable to pinpoint the reason why this is so. Other games run just fine and have no apparent problems. Any suggestions?
RE: Deux Ex upon starting renders the screen completely black
by Gian Paolo Mureddu on Monday April 2nd 2007, 20:43
Forgot to tell, it doesn't matter if I run the game in D3D or OpenGL, other 3D applications (like Age of Mythology) have no problems.
RE: Deux Ex upon starting renders the screen completely black
by Gian Paolo Mureddu on Monday April 2nd 2007, 21:04
After carefully reading the .ini file, one thing bumped up right away: The brightness was 0.0 in the [WinDrv.WindowsClient] section of the ini file, so now I when I run the game, I can see my desktop, the window the game *should* be on and I can hear the game sounds... But there's no game on the screen... Very wierd. As previously I can exit the game "blindly" by hitting esc->up->enter+enter... I'm lost here, dunno what to try next...
Works fine - Edgy + wine 0.9.30
by frogzoo on Saturday February 3rd 2007, 3:38
A few gotchas:

Select OpenGL as renderer (note: game defaults to DirectX).

Patch the game to 1.112f or OpenGL won't run.

If you use Gnome, and have panels set to autohide if the keyboard won't work in game, disable the panel's autohide function.
RE: Works fine - Edgy + wine 0.9.30
by frogzoo on Saturday February 3rd 2007, 3:45
Keyboard again not working, so the problem's not related to autohide.
RE: Works fine - Edgy + wine 0.9.30
by frogzoo on Saturday February 3rd 2007, 4:03
Keyboard not responding is fixed by resetting game settings back to defaults from startup menu.
RE: Works fine - Edgy + wine 0.9.30
by frogzoo on Saturday February 3rd 2007, 8:03
Keyboard works only with winecfg option: "Allow window manager to control windows"
sound problem
by slimani sami on Saturday January 20th 2007, 7:05
Everything seems working with the new wine version exepted the sound, i have a delay (1 or 2s) between the sound and the video, do i need some hack/patch to make it synchronize?
RE: sound problem
by Jack on Wednesday June 20th 2007, 5:37
Try using the JACK driver with the realtime kernel module. Have a look at I had the same problem and the JACK driver fixed it for me.
"Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error"
by Gian Paolo Mureddu on Sunday September 17th 2006, 4:17
I get a window with this title after starting the game and just before the "DE" logo appears. The music keeps playing, but the animation stops. This happens with the OpenGL renderer. I have not yet tried the D3D renderer yet. nvidia graphics with latest driver and latets stable Fedora kernel.

Wine 0.9.20, Fedora Core x86_64, DeusEx with latest patch. Help?

I'll provide more details as time permits.
by Gian Paolo Mureddu on Sunday September 17th 2006, 15:00
Well, apparently this has to do with the OpenGL renderer, I'd rather use that (for speed reasons) than the D3D one (which in the end is OpenGL, anyways), I'd still have to see if the game runs properly with the Direct3D renderer, though. I'd really appreciate it if the game was playable with the OpenGL renderer, though.
by Lukasz Hejnak on Friday December 15th 2006, 6:24
Seems like the same error I had when by mistake I built my wine without OpenGL support, I'd sugest trying with a newer verion of wine (>=0.9.26)

by Patrick Thomson on Wednesday August 2nd 2006, 9:47
wine version 0.9.18
When I start deus ex, it exits immediately with the following error - it should not be rated platinum if it will not work!

err:module:import_dll Library ntoskrnl.exe (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\SECDRV.SYS") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\SECDRV.SYS" failed, status c0000135
err:module:import_dll Library ntoskrnl.exe (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\SECDRV.SYS") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\SECDRV.SYS" failed, status c0000135
by killertux on Wednesday August 2nd 2006, 10:12
-it's Safedisk error.
-aparently testers did not read what is needed for platinum rating (no cracks/hacks/tweaks and need to run fine)
-get no-cd fix
by Patrick Thomson on Wednesday August 2nd 2006, 11:48
For future reference, a crack may be hard to come by. Loki has a very good installer which will take your game CD and generate a cd-free local install of the game which runs fine under wine, at
by Sami Hoppula on Friday August 11th 2006, 7:49
Deus Ex doesn't need any no-cd hacks, you only need to change one line in Deus Ex's configuration file. I hope this doesn't break any rules, but in deusex.ini file modify "CdPath" line to "CdPath=..\" and it won't look for CD any more.
by Patrick Thomson on Friday August 11th 2006, 17:32
I actually tried this and it was still attempting to load the copy protection dll - dunno what's going on, I'll try your exact lines and see what happens
My "success'
by jeff on Tuesday June 20th 2006, 16:27
The game installs and plays, including mouse control, but no fullscreen.

The biggest problem is that the game tends to disconnect from the controls at random times. There are no specific movements, or keypresses that trigger the bug, it just happens randomly (anywhere from about 3 seconds after loading a saved game to an hour or more). The only way to "fix" it is to kill the game/wine.

Also there's a wierd bug where starting the game makes the rest of my screen brighter, which happens with other games, in Linux and Windows, but here, it doesn't go away after closing the game.

Wine version 0.9.15, Ubuntu 6.06, Athalon 64 and a Geforce 7900gt with the nvidia drivers.
RE: My success
by Oli on Thursday May 29th 2008, 8:49
For the dodgy colour I'd suggest running it in desktop mode. You can do that on-the-fly by prepending this to the launcher command:

wine explorer /desktop=DeusEx,1600x1000 deus-ex-exe-path

You might want to change the resolution too =)