

Application Details:

Version: 5.9.7
License: Free to use and share
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Garbage
Latest Wine Version Tested: 4.6-staging

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Free Download SHA-256: f1adbfb1a0fc3ec6d774114b606ebddd0d5a68c7f72aedf8697af6065ebdbac4

Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installer help.

Some tools, like qmake (I have not used them for anything except making CMake satisfied).

What does not

The installer. Installer is completely unworkable. Since the installer is likely built on Qt own Installer Framework, I expect other installers using it to be also broken.

Some tools like windeployqt don't work, because they cannot find c:\Users\qt\work\ . Seems like a default value, which have not been overriden by installer because I have unpacked Qt without using an installer (see in workarounds).


To unpack an installer using Qt Installer Framework there is a dirty solution (we would need a clean one, involving finding all the necessary info in the installer, but it is not implemented yet). Anyway, QIF relies on 7zip toncompress the data.

  1. install binwalk
  2. install CarvFS
  3. scan the binary for signatures
    binwalk -b
  4. parse the output for offsets
  5. compute the sizes by subtracting series of offsets. For the last size use the size of the file.
  6. mount the binary using CarvFS
  7. create a folder and symlinks to 7z files within the binary (offset+size.carv in CarvFS)
  8. unpack the 7z files (which are symlinks)

What was not tested

Anything else.

Hardware tested


  • GPU: AMD
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

To make Linux-native CMake satisfied one needs to create a shell script `qmake` calling `qmake.exe` via Wine. Also some cmake scripts in the unpacked distro need to be patched to point to Linux-native Qt tools (for example the ones installed from packages).

The apps using Qt can be cross-built with CMake + CLang + toolchain file.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 19.04 "Disco" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 14 20194.6-stagingNo Not installable YesGarbageKOLANICH 

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