What works
- menus
- main menu, configuration/settings menu, gameplay menus
- maid creation
- general gameplay
- including saving & loading
- mods (via sybaris) including translation
What does not
- game takes an unreasonable amount of time (~10 minutes on an ssd) to load to the main menu and sometimes freezes during this time, with no way of telling whether it has frozen or is still loading
- game occasionally crashes in maid creator when browsing presets
- sybaris (and any other mods that require loading of a hacked dll) will not work without setting a dll override environment variable or setting a
dll override in your wineprefix config
- DXVK 1.3.1 was installed, because this is a DX11 game
- i did not test this without DXVK
- japanese locales must be generated
- sudo nano /etc/locale.gen
- uncomment ja_JP.UTF-8
- sudo locale-gen
- game must be launched with LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 environment variable
- if using mods that require a dll override (windows does this automatically) you must launch the game with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="DLL_NAME=n,b" environment variable
- alternatively, if you have a separate wineprefix for this game, you can set a permanent dll override in your wineprefix winecfg. i just dont think its worth having a separate prefix for a single game.
if you want to launch the game with sybaris, you would use the following command:
LANG=ja_JP.UTF8 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="opengl32=n,b" wine CM3D2.exe
What was not tested
- running the game without DXVK
- full playthrough of the game start to finish
- playsessions longer than 1 hour at a time
Hardware tested
- GPU: Nvidia
- Driver: proprietary
Additional Comments
test computer hardware specification:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700x (stock clock)
- GFX: NVidia GTX 960 2GB (stock clock)
- RAM: 16GB 3000mhz (xmp profile 1 in bios)
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