
GameMaker: Studio

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GameMaker Studio 2, version 2.3. 

IDE version, runtime version

Application Details:

License: Retail
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 5.19

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

  • Installing and running the software.
  • Modifying object properties, GML scripting, building rooms
  • Compiling and running a GMS2 game.
  • Built-in graphics editor.
  • Mostly everything.

What does not

  • Using winetricks is required for installation and running - see Workarounds.


This thread on the official GameMaker forums contains information on the workarounds used. It's a year old, but the workarounds described still work.

.NET Framework 4.5.2 and 4.8 are both required to be installed under a Wine prefix in order to install and run GMS2. Without 4.8, the program ignores the mouse.

Additionally, to be able to compile/run your game under Wine you must modify your shortcut to contain the following line:

Exec=gnome-terminal -- bash -c 'WINEPREFIX="<YOUR WINE PREFIX DIRECTORY>" WINEARCH="win64" wine64 "\GameMaker Studio 2\GameMakerStudio.exe"'

The thread also contains some fixes for bugs that may be encountered.

What was not tested

  • GMS2 Marketplace.

Hardware tested


  • GPU: AMD
  • Driver: open source

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Oct 10 20205.19Yes Yes YesGoldRhedmat Satobin 

Known Bugs

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Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.