Logos Bible Software is a digital library application designed for electronic Bible study. In addition to basic eBook functionality, it includes extensive resource linking, note-taking functionality, and linguistic analysis for study of the Bible both in translation and in its original languages. It is developed by Faithlife Corporation. Logos Bible resource catalog includes more than 43,000 titles related to the Bible from 200 publishers, including Baker, Bantam, Catholic University of America Press, Eerdmans, Harvest House, Merriam Webster, Moody Press, Oxford University Press, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale House, and Zondervan. Logos also recently published its own Lexham Bible Reference series, featuring new scholarship on the original Biblical languages. (edited from Wikipedia)
Application Details:
Version: | 9 |
License: | Retail |
URL: | http://www.logos.com |
Votes: | Marked as obsolete |
Latest Rating: | Silver |
Latest Wine Version Tested: | 7.18-staging |
Maintainers: About Maintainership
What works
Versions: Logos Version - Wine 7.0 RC5 Staging
Tested (i.e. completed a task using): (*problems)
Basic Features
* Main Toolbar (panels, options, settings, shortcuts): Works, but after using a selection like Docs � the Toolbar will �blink� when trying to access it again *** New to Versions of Logos from 9.10 onwards (not a regression in wine)
Keyboard Shortcuts & Navigation: Works
About Logos Panel: Works
Home screen (inc clicking layouts and links): Works
Library panel: Works
Opening and closing resources
Books: Works
* Read Aloud with System Narrator: Opens, clicking play results in the feature rapidly scrolling to the end of the resource without any audio. (Using David Heath as Narrator in the ESV causes a crash)
* Read Aloud with Audio: Can't see option
* Audiobooks: Opens, clicking Play allows the player to advance at normal speed � no audio
* Videos: Opens but clicking Play does nothing
New tab panel: Works
Downloading and indexing new resources: Works with AutoComplete workaround
Factbook: Works
Search Panel (inc each type of search): Works
* Printing: Opens, but clicking Print only works with Win 7. Win 10 allows Print to be clicked, but nothing happens.
Draw on Screen: Works
* Updating - In app update from previous version: (usually deletes user data) Only works on Win 10
History: Works
Themes (Light and Dark Mode): Works
Notebook: Works
Passage List: Works
Reading Plan: Works
Sermon: Works (Proclaim integration not tested)
Collections: Works
Visual Filter: Works
Wordlist: Works
Bibliography: Was able to successfully create a new Bibliography from Open resources
Canvas: Works
? Handout: No option Available
Clippings: Works
Morph Query Doc: Works
Prayer List: Works
Sentence Diagram: Works
Syntax Search: Works
Word Find Puzzle: Works
Information Panel: Works
Cited By: Works
Factbook: Works
Notes: Works
Text Comparison: Works
Sermon Manager: Works
Atlas: Works
Canvas: As Above
Highlighting: Works
Bible Sense Lexicon: Works
Timeline: Works
Faithlife Assistant: Works in both Win 7 and Win 10 *** New to this version of wine-staging
Media (As in Designing Media tool): Works
Search: As above
Copy Bible Verse: Works
Favourites: Works
Passage Guide: Works
Exegetical Guide: Works
Audio Pronunciations: Works
Word Study: Works
Theology Guide: Works
Topic Guide: Works
Counseling Guide: Works
Sermon Starter Guide: Works
Workflows: Works
What does not
See items with asterisk above
The work around DLL overrides mentioned in the comments of the Video issues for Logos 8 by Louis Lenders does prevent the crash on opening of Video Resources - it does not allow video to play (with or without Media Foundation installed via winetricks)
Installing sapi via winetricks eliminates some Read Aloud crashes, but does not play audio - only allows the player to appear in the Logos Task Bar
Logos Indexer is able to complete only if the logosindexer.exe is set to Vista in Winecfg - any other setting leads to a crash, as the Indexer never gets past the Autocomplete portion of its function.
Default must be set to Win 7 for Printing to work
What was not tested
Proclaim Integration
Hardware tested
Additional Comments
Operating system | Test date | Wine version | Installs? | Runs? | Used Workaround? | Rating | Submitter | ||
Show | Ubuntu 22.10 "Kinetic" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Oct 10 2022 | 7.18-staging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Frank Sauer | |
Current | Ubuntu 22.04 "Jammy" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Jan 09 2022 | 7.0-rc5-staging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Frank Sauer | |
Show | Ubuntu 21.10 "Impish" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Oct 11 2021 | 6.19-staging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Frank Sauer | |
Show | Ubuntu 21.10 "Impish" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Oct 11 2021 | 6.19-staging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | Frank Sauer | |
Show | Ubuntu 21.04 "Hirsute" (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Sep 11 2021 | 6.17 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Silver | John Goodman |
Bug # | Description | Status | Resolution | Other apps affected |
47837 | Logos 8 Bible Software (.Net 4.7.2 app) has graphics glitches | UNCONFIRMED | View | |
47905 | Logos 8 Bible Software (.NET 4.7 app) fails to play media (crashes in MF/EVR) | NEW | View | |
47922 | Logos 8/9 Bible Software (.NET 4.7 app) crashes when using 'Read Aloud / System Narrator' on selected passage | NEW | View | |
49767 | Logos 8 Bible Software (.Net 4.7 app): All existing resources are deleted during app update | NEEDINFO | View | |
49920 | wine: could not load ntdll.so, and more | RESOLVED | NOTOURBUG | View |
50227 | Logos 8.x - 9.x Bible Software (.Net 4.7.2 app) indexer crashes | NEW | View | |
52379 | Logos 9 Bible Software (.NET 4.7 app) crash when opening Faithlife assistant AI tool | NEEDINFO | View | |
52380 | Logos Bible Software (.NET app) menus glitching, flickering and not showing | UNCONFIRMED | View | |
52778 | Logos Bible Software: Crash on Read Attempt | UNCONFIRMED | View | |
52943 | Logos 9 crashes with stack overflow? | UNCONFIRMED | View | |
53317 | Logos 9: Crash When Indexing: Invalid String Format | UNCONFIRMED | View | |
53580 | Logos 9 Bible Software printing doesn't work in Win10 mode | UNCONFIRMED | View |
Please communicate with us on telegram. Support and shared files on the Running Logos Bible Software on Linux group found at - https://t.me/linux_logos
If you just want it to work please use wasta or the ferion11 script
as many hours have been spent to make those as painless and easy as
possible - enjoy.
The app is a bit like kindle in so much as the engine is free but the resources cost so there is a free download. Unlike kindle it has many advanced research features and books link together etc. The main app is free but there are paid features, resources and subscriptions. To use the app you need a free account https://www.logos.com/product/194909/logos-9-basic. It uses a downloader app which doesn't work with wine. The actual msi link is https://downloads.logoscdn.com... (change version number for latest version).
If you are looking to get Logos working on Linux there are 2 easy choices, a legacy option and manual instructions below:
Manual instructions for 32bit - Please use 64bit where possible because 32bit is deprecated by faithlife.
enable multi-arch on an amd64 system:
dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
Download and install the winehq repository key:
wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add wine repos with: for other versions see: https://wiki.winehq.org/Download
Ubuntu (change focal according to the version you have installed)
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ focal main'
sudo apt-get update
Choose wine (6.4 devel known to work)
sudo apt-get install wine-staging winetricks winbind patch cabextract
Set up 64 or 32 bit wine bottle:
env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-logos sh winetricks arch=32 prefix=$HOME/ .wine-logos -q dotnet48 corefonts fontsmooth=rgb drr=gdi win7
click "Cancel" to avoid installation of Mono and Gecko neither are needed. (may take 30mins to finish even on a fast machine with ssd)
drr=gdi has been buggy in winetricks due to a change in the way the reg key was changed. Newer versions of winetricks should do it correctly but if you get graphical glitches (more likely on older hardware) then you can edit the registry accordingly.
run Logos x32 download from https://downloads.logoscdn.com/LBS8/Installer/ (or x64) the latest version number can be found from the forum at community.faithlife.com/forums
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-logos/ msiexec /i $HOME/Downloads/Logos-x64.msi
run Logos
WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-logos/ wine64 $HOME/.wine-logos/drive_c/users/$USER/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Logos/Logos.exe
"Download your Logos Library" - it is recommended to choose minimal install and download the rest later.
"Downloading resources" (could take hrs)
"Preparing Library" (probs a few mins)
"Indexing" (could take a couple of hours depending on library size and hardware)
To enable/disable Logos own verbose logging which can be useful for any troubleshooting:
On: wine64 reg add "HKCU\\\\Software\\\\Logos4\\\\Logging" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0001 /f
Off: wine64 reg add "HKCU\\\\Software\\\\Logos4\\\\Logging" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0000 /f
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.
by Derrick on Sunday September 18th 2022, 15:04
A workaround for some of these is to use the keyboard shortcuts. However, I had to press and hold the keyboard shortcuts for the menu items to open. So press and hold alt-O for Docs, alt-G for Guides, and alt-T for Tools. Unfortunately, alt-A doesn't work for the Layouts.
by Anthony Zurlo on Wednesday August 31st 2022, 14:27
Open passage guide. Select any particular text, especially one that calls up more than a dozen resources, and upon trying to open the commentaries list logos crashes.
terminal output:
by Andy on Wednesday May 12th 2021, 21:11
The program ran fine once open, but the terminal window just kept going and going and going....
Then something happened, the term closed and Logos closed and I have nothing to indicate it installed.
What happened?
by John Goodman on Thursday May 13th 2021, 4:06