
Pegasus Mail

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Feb 14th 2022 - Pegasus Mail v4.80

Despite the apparently small version number increase, version 4.80 is a major release
with some extremely important changes and additions to the program:

Application Details:

Version: 4.80
License: Free to use
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 7.0

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results for this version are very old, and as such they may not represent the current state of Wine. Please consider submitting a new test report.
Selected Test Results

What works

A quick preliminary test indicates that most works as with previous version.

What does not

Crashes upon start.


Remove or rename the directory/file IERenderer.fff and IERenderer

What was not tested

Printing and more

Hardware tested


  • GPU: Nvidia
  • Driver: proprietary

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 20.04 "Focal" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Mar 05 20227.0Yes Yes YesGoldJonas Svensson 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
25870 Pegasus Mail: Column headers don't resize to fit text when double-clicked NEW View
52629 Pegasus Mail 4.80 crashes on start on certain systems NEW View
53364 Mouse does not move scroll bar in multiple applications (Framemaker 8, Audacity, Visio 2003) CLOSED FIXED View
53406 Had been running 7.10 Fedora version no problem, but today updated to 7.12 broke?? CLOSED FIXED View
53936 Wrong background colour CLOSED INVALID View
56046 Pegasus Mail 4.80 regression: Pointer does not change CLOSED FIXED View

Show open bugs

HowTo / Notes

Crash upon start on some systems

For some systems Pegasus Mail crashes on startup when loading IERenderer. A workaround is to disable IERenderer. This enables BearHTML for HTML-mail.

To disable IERenderer go to ~/.wine/drive_c/PMAIL/Programs/ if installed at default locations. Rename the directory IERenderer to disable_IERenderer, and also rename the file IERenderer.fff to disable_IERenderer.fff.

Also create a directory C:\TEMP\ like mkdir -p ~/.wine/.drive_c/TEMP

See also


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

winehq-devel 7.15 fixes scroll bar issue.
by Michael Setzer II on Sunday August 14th 2022, 15:19
7.13 and 7.14 versions had a scroll bar issues that affected a number of programs including Pegasus email.
The 7.15 has now resolved the issue. Scroll mouse wheel would work fine in windows and panels, but in some windows or panels,
Using the mouse to click on up/down arrows would do nothing, nor would trying to slide scroll bar.
So, 4.80 is working fine.
WINE and Pegasus
by Kenneth G. Gordon on Monday July 4th 2022, 12:59
My OS here is FreeBSD 13.1. My GUI is MATE. I have successfully installed WINE-Devel ver 7.1.5 and have built a win32 prefix for Pegasus. Pegasus appears to installs just fine, and I have the desktop Pegasus icon, but even after doing the suggested work-around, it crashes every time I attempt to start it. I'll work on it.

RE: WINE and Pegasus
by Michael Setzer II on Sunday July 31st 2022, 21:01
I have Pegasus working fine on Fedora (now 35) with 4.80. At some points the installation would fail if the IERender program was being installed, since it seems to use some feature that wine doesn't support. Doesn't use the iexplorer, but does use featured dll files.
Not sure what exact work arounds you have tried. I use XFCE.
Removing IERender can be done in a couple ways.
1. in PMAIL/Programs directory is an unins000.exe that will uninstall most of the IERender by running it.
That will remove the IERender DLL and most files, but somethings leaves the IER directory and a HTML file.
2. You can manually remove/rename the IERender files and directory.

If IERender doesn't exist, the Pegasus will fall back to using the BEARHTML renderer for html message, but the 4.80 has a bug with BEARHTML in that it wants to have C:\TEMP directory with user having read/write access. Depending of setup in windows that causes issues. I've always had the directory, so don't know exactly what? Solution is to just create the directory in drive_c and that will fix issue. The other option is to also remove the BEARHTML.DLL file. Pegaus default editor is the TER/HTS DLL files and they had major updates with 4.80, so I've taken that route. Only found one minor issue with emails from Amazon that display a little distorted. The have a table inside table inside a table?? Find a missing tag is problem, so have script that will fix that. But it is just a minor cosmetic issue.

Have run into problems with Fedora 35's wine 7.12 that has issue with spinning icon, but winehq 7.13 and 7.14 both work fine, but there is a issue with scroll bar not working with mouse buttons in some causes. Scroll wheel works fine, but is a little slow, so use imwheel to speed up scrolling.

Hope that helps.