
Myst IV: Revelation

Application Details:

Version: 1.03
Votes: 2
Latest Rating: Platinum
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.9.12

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Game installation, introduction movies, menu

What does not

After the introduction movie when the game begins, there are a lot of black spots on the screen. You see clouds where you should see other images. The game itself is not running correct, it has messed up graphics.


What was not tested

All the ages except for the starting one.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowopenSUSE 13.1 x86_64Jun 19 20161.9.12Yes Yes NoPlatinumMikael 
ShowLinux Mint 17.3 "Rosa" x86_64May 27 20161.9.10Yes Yes NoPlatinumAsgeir 
ShowArch LinuxJun 29 20141.7.19Yes Yes NoPlatinumMatt Keefo 
ShowLinux Mint 16 "Petra" x86_64Apr 16 20141.7.16Yes Yes NoPlatinumMarc Even 
ShowSlackware64 -currentFeb 22 20141.7.9Yes Yes NoPlatinumsteelwing 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

HOWTO install a patched Wine and install&configure Revelation
STEP 1: Install a patched version of Wine

The installation process of Myst IV - Revelation is a bit tricky. Revelation will need a little patch to Wine, but it seems that this patc­h could affect other applications in a bad way. The way to go is to place the patched Wine somewhere in /opt, so it will not affect other applications.

If you use ArchLinux and have 'yaourt' installed, it is as easy as just typing "yaourt -S wine-revelation". It will do everything for you, so you just need to wait some time until Wine is compiled. It will be installed in /opt/wine-revelation.

If you use another distribution, this will be generic instructions that should work on every distribution.
+++NOTE: This way, your package manager will know nothing about the new Wine. If you are able to, please use the package build process for your distribution.+++

1. Download the Wine 1.1.1 tarball from here: and the MystIV patch from here:
2. Unpack the Wine tarball, copy the patch in the new Wine folder and apply it using 'patch -p1 -i mystIVstartupfix.patch'
3. Configure Wine with '--prefix=/opt/wine-revelation', for example:
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/wine-revelation --with-x
4. Run 'make depend' and 'make'. This will take a long time.
5. Install Wine using 'make prefix=/opt/wine-revelation install' as root.
6. Create a new file, and copy these lines:
> export PATH=/opt/wine-revelation/bin:$PATH
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wine-revelation/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
into it. Rename the file to '', and copy it to /opt/wine-revelation, again as root.
7. You can now switch to the new Wine using 'source /opt/wine-revelation/'. This will only apply for the terminal you typed it in, so if you open a new terminal it will use your normal Wine there.

STEP 2: Install Myst IV - Revelation

I strongly recommend you to use a new WINEPREFIX for Revelation, see the Wiki for more details.

Revelation comes on 2 DVDs, so you have to switch the disk in the installation progress. Wine implements the eject feature for that, but it seems that it does not work well here.
So you have to create an image of at least one disk. It is very easy with dd, for example:
$ dd if=/dev/sr0 of=revelation-dvd1.iso
where /dev/sr0 is your DVD drive. It is /dev/hdX on many distributions, try /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd if you are not sure.
DD does not show the progress, just wait a moment.

Mount the image and the second DVD somewhere(eg., ~/revelation/disk1 and ~/revelation/disk2), cd to disk1 and execute 'setup.exe' using Wine. Don't forget to 'source /opt/wine-revelation/' before calling the setup, you want to use the Revelation-patched Wine!
Do the setup as you normally would. The setup will throw a few error messages at the end, but thats okay.
The next step is to patch Revelation to version 1.03. Here are a few mirrors:,1000000375,39350306s,00.htm
Again, execute the .exe file using Wine. Be sure that you are in the same terminal where you sourced, if you closed it already source it again.

So, now comes the worst step. Wine does not support Revelations copyprotection mechanism, you have to override it with a "crack".
+++++BIG NOTE: This is __NOT__ allowed in many countries! I do only know the situation in Germany, where it is allowed to do everything to make your stuff work, IF you buyed it legally. Please buy Revelation, I bought mine for ~5.
If you live in a country where it is not allowed to use a crack, __STOP HERE__!+++
I can not a provide a link to a crack, that is even not allowed in Germany. You are allowed to use a crack, but not allowed to distribute it.
You will need a crack which contains the files "m4_thor_rd.dll" and "Myst4.exe". Copy them to the bin folder in the Revelation folder. Here are the md5sums of mine:
d9bb4502321f362a1b75f2181d3dc17f m4_thor_rd.dll
eefc145967f43451c1303abc3f3c83e0 Myst4.exe

The last step is to adjust the file "ares_config.xml" a bit. Open it with your editor, and add the line
"<directx per_pixel_projected_textures="false">"
below "<texture must_be_pow2="false">".

Hurray, Revelation is now installed and will work correctly(well, most times...).
To start it, open a new terminal and source /opt/wine-revelation/ CD to the revelation/bin folder, and execute Myst4.exe using Wine.
A few issues will remain:
- Atrus will be black in the first cutscene if you started a new game. Save before that scene(right after the intro with Yeesha completes), restart Revelation and load the savegame. Atrus will show as he should.
- In the scene where Yeesha shows that green gecko thingy, Yeesha and the gecko will flicker if you look to far left. No known workaround yet.


Comments Disabled

Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.