Category: Main Productivity Office Utilities eFormFiller 2.5 v6 Release


Latest version prefered by Lithuanian EDS.

Application Details:

Version: 2.5 v6 Release
License: Free to use
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 0.9.59.

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Free Download 2.5 v6 Release

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installation works almost fine - only one bug is not showing interface languages in language choosing listbox.
Basic operations, displaying of forms, entering data, saving also works with wine 0.9.54

What does not

Embedded VBScripts. To make them work you need to set windows version to 98 and install native Dcom98 and native Wsh56Vb (vbscript.dll).

Editing form with builtin RICHED20.DLL also doesn't work perfectly -- entered text shows, but when you press Tab (go to another input entry) then entered data is lost :(.
So, you need to load native version of RICHED20.DLL.


What was not tested

Advanced operations, printing

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

There are one small wine bug in installation - some Lithuanian characters are not displaying, for example "į". This is because wine included "buildin" tahoma font in 0.9.47 and this font still doesn't have some Lithuanian letters. Look at bug #10025 for more info.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 8.04 "Hardy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Apr 30 20080.9.59.Yes Yes NoBronzeAlbertas Agejevas 
CurrentUbuntu 7.10 "Gutsy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Feb 02 20080.9.54.Yes Yes NoBronzean anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 7.10 "Gutsy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jan 23 20080.9.53.Yes No NoGarbagean anonymous user 
ShowFedora Core 6May 16 20060.9.33.Yes Yes NoBronzeSaulius Krasuckas 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


Main steps to setup and run eFormFiller successfully:

  • patch Wine with a small hack;
  • install native Dcom: sh winetricks dcom98;
  • install native VBScript: sh winetricks wsh56vb;
  • set windows version to win98;
  • install eFormFiller v2.5 itself
    (using native ADVPACK.DLL);
  • copy native RICHED20.DLL into a system directory;
  • force Wine to load native RICHED20.DLL for the eFormFiller.

Patching Wine 0.9.33

This is not needed, but otherwise you won't get standard message boxes about whether do you want to save changes and the like.
The hack actually makes Wine don't return any handles for any applications at all and thus prevent normal functioning of some console Wine applications (for example winedbg):

--- a/dlls/kernel32/environ.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/environ.c
@@ -373,12 +373,14 @@
 HANDLE WINAPI GetStdHandle( DWORD std_handle )
     switch (std_handle)
         case STD_INPUT_HANDLE:  return NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ProcessParameters->hStdInput;
         case STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: return NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ProcessParameters->hStdOutput;
         case STD_ERROR_HANDLE:  return NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ProcessParameters->hStdError;

To bring it live:

  • install GIT;
  • clone Wine source;
  • download the patch and apply it:
    $ wget -nv 
    $ git-branch eFormFiller master
    $ git-checkout eFormFiller
    $ git-am -3 0001-kernel32-Temporary-GetStdHandles-fix-for-eFormFiller.txt
  • build Wine.

Script to set up eFormFiller

Once Wine starts running, lets try installing some stuff.
S. Krasuckas uses following shell script for a clean install
under Wine 0.9.33 (which depends on winetricks script):


# Set the folder where you have extracted eFormFiller setup archive:
echo " * Extracting native RichEd20.dll from an MSI installer."  &&
  rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/richtmp/                                &&
  wine "$EFF_SETUP_PATH"/instmsiA.exe /q /c '/t:c:\richtmp\'     &&
  cp -pf ~/.wine/drive_c/richtmp/riched20.dll                    \
         ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/                       &&
  rm -rf ~/.wine/drive_c/richtmp/                                &&
echo " * Installing DCOM98"                                      &&
  sh winetricks -q dcom98                                        &&
echo " * Installing Windows Scripting Host"                      &&
  sh winetricks -q wsh56vb                                       &&
echo " * Setting version of win98 "                              &&
  cat < win98.reg                                                &&
  wine regedit win98.reg                                         &&
  rm win98.reg                                                   &&
echo " * Installing ABBYY eFormFiller"                           &&
  WINEDLLOVERRIDES='advpack=n'                                   \
  wine "$EFF_SETUP_PATH"/setup.exe /q                            &&
echo " * Importing eFormFiller overrides and resetting version"  &&
  cat < eff_overrides.reg                                        &&
  wine regedit eff_overrides.reg                                 &&
  rm eff_overrides.reg                                           &&
echo " * Launching eFormFiller to register its stuff"            &&
echo "   (Just close the app now)"                               &&
# This makes some changes to a registry so FormFiller later doesn't
# error about VBS.  Assume launched app as an indicator of success.
  wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ABBYY\ eFormFiller\ 2.5/FormFillerLight.exe &&
  echo " * Setup script finished successfully"                   ||
  echo " * Setup script failed"
  exit 1

As the former makes some global changes to your current Wine setup, it may be not approriate for every user.
There is a more kind version of the script which creates a separate Wine configuration directory (equal to a separate Windows setup) using WINEPREFIX environment variable and so isolates existing Wine applications from unwanted changes.

If you have your eFormFiller v2.5 setup binaries in a place other than /tmp/eFormFiller25_2007_03_07/, then set it as parameter number 1 of the script you choose.

10 commands of QuickStart

You can do installation using only several commands in your shell.
Prepare of setup binaries and installation scripts:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget -nv
$ unzip

$ wget -nv
$ wget -nv 
$ wget -nv 

Install in an intrusive way:

$ sh
$ sh /tmp/eff/eFormFiller25_2007_03_07/ 

Or in an unintrusive one (to use it, quit any running Wine applications before):

$ export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine-eff/
$ sh
$ sh /tmp/eff/eFormFiller25_2007_03_07/ 

Then run the app:

$ wine 'c:\Program Files\ABBYY eFormFiller 2.5\FormFillerLight.exe'
$ wine 'c:\Program Files\ABBYY eFormFiller 2.5\FormFillerLight.exe' 'z:\mnt\antras\FR0001.mxfd' 

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(arba paštu lietuviškai).


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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.