
Microsoft Office (installer only)

This entry is just for testing the installer of Microsoft Office 2007 (aka Office 12) office suite.

Please see the individual AppDB entries for reports on running specific programs included in Office 2007.

Office 2007 is available in 8 editions and 3 different licenses:

  • Basic (OEM only)
  • Home & Student (Retail or OEM)
  • Standard (Retail, OEM, or volume license)
  • Small Business (Retail, OEM, or volume license)
  • Professional (Retail or OEM)
  • Professional Plus (Volume license only)
  • Enterprise (Volume license only)
  • Ultimate (Retail, limited edition student license)

When reporting test results, please follow the Guidelines for Submitting Test Reports below (scroll down to notes section).

For information on the individual Microsoft Office 2007 Programs see the relevant AppDB entry.

Application Name Description
Excel Number crunching for the masses...
Access Design your own relational database.
Word The largest and most well-known word processing software currently available.
Powerpoint Create slideshows with animation and sound.
FrontPage WYSIWYG HTML Editor from Microsoft.
Microsoft Outlook Email, Calendar, Contact Manager, and more.­
­OneNote­ Note-taking­


Application Details:

Version: 2007
License: Retail
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 9.12

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Installing MS Office

What does not

Slowdowns during the installation (I had to wait about 15 seconds to see EULA).


What was not tested


Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

Microsoft Office 2007 Trial Standard

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 22.04 "Jammy" (+ variants like Kubuntu)Jul 01 20249.12Yes Yes NoSilverRodri 
ShowLMDE 6Jun 24 20249.2Yes Yes NoPlatinumPaul Stenning 
ShowLinux Mint 21.2Sep 22 20238.0.2Yes Yes NoPlatinumAmogus Moltony 
ShowUbuntu 18.04 "Bionic" amd64 (+variants like Kubuntu)May 03 20194.7Yes Yes NoPlatinumRuaneri Portela 
ShowUbuntu 18.04 "Bionic" amd64 (+variants like Kubuntu)May 05 20194.1Yes Yes NoPlatinumRuaneri Portela 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
39810 Office 2007/2010/2013/2016 uninstallation fails NEW View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Guidelines for Submitting Test Reports


  1. Test in a clean wineprefix, using plain Wine. 
  2. Specify exactly which edition of Office you tested (Standard, Pro, etc.). This is crucial--bugs that affect one edition may not affect others.
  3. Specify exactly what type of install you tested (Typical, Custom, Minimal, etc.)
  4. Limit your report to the installer only. Reports on the performance of individual apps should be filed under their respective AppDB entries. Problems with running any of the apps should only be mentioned if it is clear that it is due to a problem with the installer.
  5. If you used any overrides during the install, please list them and explain exactly what problem each override was needed to solve.
  6. Test reports that do not follow these guidelines will be rejected.

A warning about outside HOWTOs

There are many howtos for installing Office 2007 floating about the internet. These howtos are rarely maintained by their authors, and because of the rapid rate of Wine development, even ones that were accurate at the time they were posted quickly become outdated.

In the case of Office 2007, many of these outside howtos call for installing a long list of winetricks that are unnecessary to install in current Wine. Some of these tweaks can, in fact, prevent Office apps from working properly. 

The only howto for installing Office 2007 that is supported here is the one on this page.

If you insist on following an outside howto, ask its author for help. If you ask for help on the forum/mailing list after following an outside howto, you will be told to reinstall in a clean wineprefix following the instructions on this page. Save everyone's time by doing that before you post a question.


­­­­­(Updated 2017-4-10)

These instructions assume you are familiar with the basics of using Wine and Linux, including running apps from the command line. If you are new to Wine and/or Linux, before proceeding further please familiarize yourself with the information in the FAQ, particularly the sections on creating a 32 bit wineprefix, running an installer, and using wineprefixes.

These instructions have been tested and verified to work on the English Enterprise, Pro, and Home & Student editions of Office 2007, installing from a cd. Other editions and/or languages may have issues not encountered in these tests.

Use the most recent version of Wine known to work for Office 2007 (see list of known bad versions above). In most cases this will be the latest development release. 

Make sure all dependencies of Wine are installed on your system, including winbind. 

Install to a clean 32 bit wineprefix (no winetricks or other tweaks, no other applications installed), and make sure the Windows version in winecfg is set to XP. Note that while the installer will appear to complete successfully in a 64 bit wineprefix, the installed applications will not be usable due to bug 30785.

If you are going to install any service packs, install them before setting the override below.

After installing:

  1. Set riched20 to native, builtin in winecfg to enable Powerpoint to start and selection boxes to display correctly. 
    • Do not use winetricks; Office installs its own riched20 to a private directory.
    • This override may be set globally if Office is installed to a separate wineprefix (recommended).
    • If other applications are installed to the wineprefix (strongly discouraged), either set the override individually for each Office application, or set riched20 to builtin individually for the non-Office applications, as non-Office applications will not be able to find the riched20 installed by Office.
  2. (Optional) If you want bullets to look the same as they do on Windows, install wingdings.ttf.  Most of the default bullet characters are from this font; if it is not installed on your system, Wine will substitute characters from a font that is installed on your system. (They will work, but will not look the same.)
Known Regressions

(Updated 2018-01-07)

The Wine versions below are known to have regressions that affect the Office 2007 installer. Do not try to install in them:

  • 3.0-rc3: installer hangs toward end
  • 1.4-rc1: SP2 & SP3 do not install correctly
  • 1.3.30
  • 1.3.21: SP2 does not install correctly
  • 1.3.16-1.3.17
  • 1.3.7­­­
  • 1.3.2
  • 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 (Ubuntu and other distro packages compiled with fortify)
  • 1.1.17 throug­h 1.1.23
  • ­
  • ­all versions prior to 1.1.3 ­(i­ncludes 1.0.1)


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

by arn on Thursday September 5th 2019, 8:43
Applications cannot save files to a network share
work for me
by Lalo Torres on Friday April 19th 2019, 16:17
Succesfully installed Office 2007 Enterprise, Word and, for basic and some advance stuff, Excel work too, but PPoint doesnt open, just keep in recovery. wine 4.0
It worked for me
by Captain Packers on Thursday September 13th 2018, 15:36
I managed to successfully install Office 2007 once I saw that it works with Wine 3.13 on this page. I was given the options to let the installer install Mono and Gecko, and I chose to let the installer do so. My media was copied to a folder on my hard drive.
Migration from ArchWiki
by Svito on Saturday December 23rd 2017, 19:43
You can move useful information to HowTo/Notes and remove this comment:

==Install 2014 update==

[[Install]] {{pkg|winetricks}}, {{pkg|wine_gecko}}, {{pkg|wine-mono}} and {{pkg|lib32-ncurses}}.

create a 32 bit wineprefix e.g. directory win32
$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winecfg
A pop up will appear, set it to Windows XP.
{{Note| Do not manually create the directory before running that command; Wine must create it.}}

Install msxml3
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks msxml3

Install office
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine /path/to/office2007image/setup.exe

Install SP
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine /path/to/office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe

Set riched20 to native
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winecfg
Libraries -> add riched20 -> native

{{Note| To work with JPG images (i.e. in PowerPoint) install {{ic|lib32-lcms}}.}}

The following has been reported to work, using wine-1.5.0. See these forum posts for details:


Or have a look at the install instructions on Wine's Application Database


{{ Warning| You should never run Wine commands as root. Only run Wine as your user. }}

To get office 2007 working, install bin32-wine, winetricks. This is necessary if you are running a x64 Arch, but are using a 32bit Office installer

# pacman -S wine winetricks wine_gecko wine-mono

Then run:

$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winecfg

A pop up will appear, set it to Windows XP, then run: (this download is ~1gb so be prepared)

$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks msxml3 gdiplus riched20 riched30 vcrun2005sp1 allfonts

Mount the installation image, then run:

$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine /path/to/office2007image/setup.exe

To actually use any of the executables you must cd to the directory. IE:

$ cd ~/win32/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine ./EXCEL.EXE

You could set WINEPREFIX in your {{ic|.bash_profile}}, or make 32bit wine your default (then you only have to do {{ic|WINEARCH=win32 winecfg}}).
Two reported issues are accidentally emulating 64bit Windows instead of 32 bit and that the programs hang if you don't {{ic|cd}} into the directory, probably because the dlls are linked with the local directory.

===Office 2007 SP3===

To upgrade to Service Pack 3

Download from:

Install with:

WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine office2007sp3-kb2526086-fullfile-en-us.exe

===Office 2007 Fonts===

To install the Office 2007 Fonts, (this probably isn't necessary)

First download {{AUR|ttf-office-2007-fonts}} from the AUR

Change to the directory you will be building the package, then run

$ cabextract --filter *.TTF /path/to/office2007image/Enterprise.WW/

Then proceed to install the package as usual.

See [[MS Fonts]] for more details


The Droid, Lucida and Tahoma fonts will fail to download due to broken URLs or IP addresses. To fix these perform the following steps:

{{Note|''Both'' steps must be performed ''prior'' to installing the allfonts package using winetricks}}

====Droid fonts====

Edit the winetricks script:

sudoedit -w /usr/bin/winetricks

and search for {{ic|load_droid()}}

You should see this:

# See
# Old url was;a=blob_plain;f=data/fonts/'

do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf "Droid Sans Bold" 560e4bcafdebaf29645fbf92633a2ae0d2f9801f
do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf "Droid Sans Fallback" c5e4f11e2f1d0b84e5f268a7ebfd28b54dc6bcdc
do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf "Droid Sans Japanese" b3a248c11692aa88a30eb25df425b8910fe05dc5
do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf "Droid Sans Mono" 133fb6cf26ea073b456fb557b94ce8c46143b117
do_droid DroidSans.ttf "Droid Sans" 62f2841f61e4be66a0303cd1567ed2d300b4e31c
do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" 41ce5fef1bd0164caed6958885d7285c841c95f1
do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf "Droid Serif Bold" 2775e9b8e96a3e9593acb5cf6923abb2e6008187
do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf "Droid Serif Italic" e91cc6c1ae9a6699683bcee024551cb58d1be790
do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf "Droid Serif" a689ce25a4063cf501c12d616f832f2235b5b93b

Since both the download URL and the checksums for the Droid font files have changed, replace


do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf "Droid Sans Bold" 560e4bcafdebaf29645fbf92633a2ae0d2f9801f
do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf "Droid Sans Fallback" c5e4f11e2f1d0b84e5f268a7ebfd28b54dc6bcdc
do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf "Droid Sans Japanese" b3a248c11692aa88a30eb25df425b8910fe05dc5
do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf "Droid Sans Mono" 133fb6cf26ea073b456fb557b94ce8c46143b117
do_droid DroidSans.ttf "Droid Sans" 62f2841f61e4be66a0303cd1567ed2d300b4e31c
do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" 41ce5fef1bd0164caed6958885d7285c841c95f1
do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf "Droid Serif Bold" 2775e9b8e96a3e9593acb5cf6923abb2e6008187
do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf "Droid Serif Italic" e91cc6c1ae9a6699683bcee024551cb58d1be790
do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf "Droid Serif" a689ce25a4063cf501c12d616f832f2235b5b93b



do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf "Droid Sans Bold" ada4e79c592f3c54546b7587b48f2b232d95ce2f
do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf "Droid Sans Fallback" 2f8a266389a8e22f68f402b775731eec6b760334
do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf "Droid Sans Japanese" d2db187953a457d7791f03a50ceda4aecc389dcd
do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf "Droid Sans Mono" f0815c6f36c72be1d0f2f5e2b82fa85c8bf95655
do_droid DroidSans.ttf "Droid Sans" de95860690f2b1d72f567b01a5ee18dd0f1f1c1f
do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" c1602dc11bf0f7131aec21c7c3888195ad78e486
do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf "Droid Serif Bold" d7896b9c0723299553e95a00d27cbe52f7515c8c
do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf "Droid Serif Italic" 117941be102c8f38a86a70ebccaecb8078f7027e
do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf "Droid Serif" 7f243858e496ed1bb1faca9f3a7bbe52defcbb5d

====Lucida and Tahoma fonts====

Attempts to download the Lucida and Tahoma fonts will time out due to a broken IP address.
Still in the winetricks script, search for {{ic|ftp_microsoft_com}} and replace




Save and exit, then install the fonts:

$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks allfonts
RE: Migration from ArchWiki
by Svito on Saturday December 23rd 2017, 19:50
Talk page for article above:

I was able to set this up using the following instructions on the wiki (arch64 but a 32bit office). works fine for the most part. The only issue with this install guide is why are we download the win7 sp1 installer? I assume it's tied up with vcrun2005sp1 but I'm not sure why it's necessary - can anyone confirm? Lugubrious (talk) 10:26, 8 October 2013 (UTC)

Is it necessary to download the 2007 fonts package from the aur if we're already installing it normally through wine? I've left it up there regardless Lugubrious (talk) 10:43, 8 October 2013 (UTC)

Agreed. The provided official documentation does not work with Office 2007 SP2. The docs on this wiki page does work. Graysky (talk) 20:47, 20 February 2014 (UTC)

I can confirm winewiki how-to does not work with SP3 as well. I installed it following these instructions in "Install" section, but also some packages was required: lib32-libwbclient, lib32-gnutls, lib32-libxml2, samba, lib32-libxslt. I can't say if they all are necessary, but some of them prevent installer from most of errors. In other case some dlls hadn't been installed though installer exited clearly. --Jqrsd (talk) 09:10, 23 April 2015 (UTC)
RE: Migration from ArchWiki
by Rosanne on Sunday December 24th 2017, 7:22
I have no intention of moving any of this to the Howto here and have no idea why you bothered to copy and paste information that is obviously years out of date: the reference to wine-1.5.0 alone should have told you that. The URLs in current winetricks are up-to-date, and not what is in your post, but if they weren't, the proper place to report the problem is at, not here. Finally, distro-specific instructions do not belong here; our howtos must be generic enough to work for all distros.
RE: Migration from ArchWiki
by Svito on Sunday December 24th 2017, 10:34
Sorry for that. You can remove whole thread as it has nothing useful then.