Application Details:
Version: | Demo |
License: | |
URL: | |
Votes: | 0 |
Latest Rating: | Bronze |
Latest Wine Version Tested: | 0.9.25. |
Maintainers: About Maintainership
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What works
* Installation; but no shortcut placed on desktop by installer
* Starting manually via "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Global Star/Airport Tycoon 2 Demo$ wine Airport\ Tycoon\ II\ Demo.exe" without quotes at the command line
* Splash screen graphics when game appears on screen
* Initial game menu, options menu(s), etc.; sound effects/music work here
* Starting a game
* Playing the game; sound works graphics works and everything seems like it's going well, until (see what doesn't work below)
What does not
~ While some buildings placed look correct, placing an airstrip and a few other objects showed up as white shimmering lines or flat white texture looking things
~ Uninstall via "wine uninstaller" without quotes; title is listed twice in the wine uninstaller menu and fails to uninstall, I tried uninstalling this way twice and the same uninstaller menu pops up for the game and gives you three options, I choose remove but it doesn't do it, so I removed the installed files and directories myself, manually, as well as the files created in windows/temp.
What was not tested
- Gameplay past ten minutes
Hardware tested
Additional Comments
Tested with NVIDIA driver version: 1.0-8776
Operating system | Test date | Wine version | Installs? | Runs? | Used Workaround? | Rating | Submitter | ||
Current | Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu) | Nov 24 2006 | 0.9.25. | Yes | Yes | No | Bronze | Gerry Cherry |
Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.