

Application Details:

Version: Demo
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Bronze
Latest Wine Version Tested: 0.9.25.

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Test Results

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Selected Test Results

What works

* Running the Apocalyptica.exe to start the game which is included along with the Setup.exe file.
* When running the Apocalyptica.exe file:
(a) Splash screens in windowed mode and left-clicking mouse during a black splash screen to
continue to the initial in-game menu, initial in-game menu options (but with incorrect text
for menu button text, see what doesn't work below)
(b) Starting the game from within the initial in-game menu
(c) Playing the game; sound/music gameplay

What does not

~ Running the Setup.exe file brings up an installer window but the normal secondary window which is smaller that normally comes up during such an install doesn't, and while I can alt+tab cycle through tasks on my desktop already loaded, the installer window's sub-window cannot be selected from the alt+tab cycle through selection process on KDE desktop, I had to ctrl+alt+f1 and login to type "killall Setup.exe" without quotes to regain access to my KDE desktop at ctrl+alt+f7. I didn't continue from here to try and see if I could get Setup.exe to someone bring up the correct install window, someone may want to do that, so I just comntinued testing with the Apocalyptica.exe file which loads the game (see what works above).

~ When playing the game loaded from Apocalyptica.exe (without using Setup.exe to install) Pressing the "~" key (without quotes) in-game brings down a drop down menu but game seems unresponsive after this in windowed mode: mouse doesn't want to react to movement and pressing keys doesn't do anything either so I have to force quit

~ When playing the game loaded from Apocalyptica.exe (without using Setup.exe io install) text on in-game menus, in-game dialogue, etc. shows up like this: "#### not found" where #### is a different numerical value each time. I would venture to guess that this is so because I'm running the demo via the Apocalyptica.exe file I found when I unzipped the downloaded demo. I would speculate that playing the game following a successful install via Setup.exe would correct this issue with the proper text, but I wasn't able to do that (see above in what doesn't work).


What was not tested

- Playing the game following installation with Setup.exe (couldn't get the installer sub-window to come up to complete the process) (as described above in what doesn't work). Installation of the demo would likely correct the problem with the text on menu buttons, in-game dialogue text, etc. (as mentioned in what doesn't work above)

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

While I couldn't get the game to install, I was still able to play it because the .zip file contained a seperate .exe file to run the game demo (see what works and what doesn't above for more info)

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
CurrentUbuntu 6.10 "Edgy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 24 20060.9.25.No Yes NoBronzeGerry Cherry 

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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.