
Wild Earth: Photo Safari

Readme Text:

Application Details:

Version: Demo
Votes: 0
Latest Rating: Garbage
Latest Wine Version Tested: 0.9.36.

Maintainers: About Maintainership

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Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

* Installation; though no desktop shortcut icon was placed

* Starting the game via "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Super X Studios/Wild Earth$ wine WildEarth.exe" without quotes at the command line; brings up a small white window with the text "Decompressing Textures" without quotes, with an animated row of periods beneath and a percentage value below the animated row of periods, after the percentage value reaches 100%, the window disappears and another window pops up regarding checking for updates, following this window is another window which prompts to install Wine Gecko, after clicking install to install Wine Gecko, a new window pops up in the old window's place which is all white and says inside: "Play Demo", "Buy Full Game", and "Enter Purchase Code" with a url at the bottom of the window.

* Clicking the "Enter Purchase Code" option opens a page within the window with two entry blank fields where you may enter your purchase code (but I didn't test further because I didn't have purchase code)

What does not

~ Clicking on the "Play Demo" option in the window that launches (following the above in what works) doesn't do anything, you can click and click and it does nothing at all. [*]

~ Clicking on the "Buy Full Game" option in the window that launches (following the above in what works) doesn't do anything, you can click and click and it does nothing at all. [*]

~ Playing the demo (as mentioned above in what doesn't work, clicking the play demo option fails)

~ Uninstalling the game via "wine uninstaller" without quotes at the command line fails; it wants to install it all over again, I aborted this and removed the related files and directories manually at the command line


What was not tested

- Enter a purchase code in the "Enter Purchase Code" section, because I didn't have a purchase code

- Nothing further than the above was tested because the game fails to start when you click the "Play Demo" option

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

+ Used NVIDIA driver version: 1.0-8776 + I chose 'Yes' for 'Runs?' because it does start with an options menu but beyond that I can get nothing to continue as far as playing the game is concerned + These are the errors generated at the command line for the entries listed above in What Doesn't Work: fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetName default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetName default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetOriginCharset default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetOriginCharset default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetScheme default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetScheme default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetScheme default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetScheme default action not implemented fixme:mshtml:nsURI_GetScheme default action not implemented

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowUbuntu 7.04 "Feisty" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 04 20070.9.36.Yes Yes NoGarbageGerry Cherry 
ShowUbuntu 6.10 "Edgy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Feb 23 20070.9.31.Yes Yes NoGarbageGerry Cherry 
CurrentUbuntu 6.10 "Edgy" i386 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 30 20060.9.26.Yes No NoGarbageGerry Cherry 

Known Bugs

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Comments for this application have been disabled because there are no maintainers.