
Battlefield 2142

Version 1.50 released by EA, on May 30th, 2008, as two separate patches.

This patch was offered in 2 main versions:

  • as a incremental update to version 1.40
  • larger version that rolled-up fixes and features of patch 1.40


  • Added community maps, Wake Island 2142 and Operation Shingle
  • Added the ability to use widescreen resolutions.
  • Added No Vehicles mode.
  • Added Conquest Assault mode.
  • Changed the volume control for the Commander Voice Over on request of the esports community.
  • Changes made to pod steering mechanism to improve control while limiting pod surfing.


  • Fixed the loading issue caused by corrupt Radial.cdb file
  • Various changes made to prevent cheating.

Application Details:

Version: 1.50  
License: Retail
URL: http://www.battlefield2142.ea....
Votes: 14
Latest Rating: Silver
Latest Wine Version Tested: 1.3.11

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

Note that this is under wine version 0.9.22 (the version Ubuntu's "Add New Programs" menu gave me) so newer versions probably work better.

Installer works with some issues (see below)

Game loads, login and menu system work, it's possible to load a single-player map, but all of these have various severe issues (see below)

What does not

During install, any windows opened by the installer do not close and sometimes cover up the window you need to be accessing (you have to drag the active window to a clean space on the desktop in order to see it). You must install to somewhere under C: rather than /.

In order to load, the game requires a Direct3D DLL file which can be gotten from or from the System32 directory in your Windows partition if you have one.

The copy protection is also messed up, as mentioned elsewhere; you can only load the game once per Linux session, after which you have to restart the computer before you can load the game again (it tells you to insert the DVD even though it's already in there.)

When the game loads, the mandatory logo movies (EA Games, Dice, Copyright) are insanely jerky and slow; they take around 5 minutes to run past when they should normally only take 30 seconds. Error messages about buffer underruns print continously to the wine console.

In the menus, the jerkiness is not present but the mouse pointer is invisible. The buttons light up when you mouse-over them so it's a game of wiggling the mouse around until the button you want lights up. Running the game in windowed mode (+fullscreen 0) helps since you can see the mouse pointer when it's outside the game window, and you can line it up and bring it in straight toward the button you need.

The Multiplay menu doesn't list any servers, which may be because I was running the game unpatched.

The version 1.10 patch available from the EA website does not work -- it complains that it cannot find the BF2142 install directory.

Single Player loads a map fine, but as soon as you click "Join Game" the jerkiness sets in and is completely unbearable. It took 5 minutes just for the initial voiceover help popup to say "The white dots on the map are spawn points; select one and click Done to enter the game." Another 2-3 minutes for it to register a mouseclick on the "Customize" button.

Unless there's a trick to getting rid of the jerkiness, BF2142 is unplayable under Wine 0.9.22. I'm running an AMD Athlon 64 3400+ with 1GB RAM and a Radeon X1300 video card so my system hardware isn't the issue (plus the game runs great if I boot to Windows).


What was not tested

Anything beyond installing, loading, login, the menu system and loading a single-player map. So, no actual gameplay was tested and no multiplayer connectivity was tested.

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

I'm not entering a bug report despite the Garbage rating because chances are whatever was causing these issues has been fixed since then anyway. :) I just entered this entry to show what an improvement there has been between 0.9.22 and 0.9.29. I'll try it under 0.9.29 tomorrow morning and enter a report then.

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowDebian GNU/Linux 6.x "Squeeze"Jan 22 20111.3.11Yes Yes NoSilverArtur h0m3 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 24 20101.3.6Yes Yes NoSilverRob 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Sep 11 20101.2Yes Yes NoSilveran anonymous user 
ShowUbuntu 10.04 "Lucid" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)May 15 20101.1.42Yes No NoGarbageCaltagirone 
ShowUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic" amd64 (+ variants like Kubuntu)Nov 17 20091.1.33Yes Yes NoSilverphantom_ch 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes

Test Submissions ... how to avoid a rejection notice!!

These notes were last updated: 20 February 2018

Follow these guidelines to avoid embarrassment when your Test Submission is immediately rejected!!

  • Ensure the version of Wine you have installed is update-to-date and supported (hint: if it isn't - then it won't be in the drop-down list).
  • Put your PC specifications in the Extra Comments section e.g. like your CPU and system memory.1
  • When adding test results please specify video card and driver version you are using.2
  • It's also useful to mention what Desktop Environment you are using (e.g. KDE/Plasma, Gnome, Xfce, Budgie, Mate, Cinnamon, ...)
  • Specify if you installed the Battlefield 2142 into a fresh Wineprefix (or not), and what other programs and games you have installed (for existing Wineprefix's).
  • Specify what version of the Windows compatibility you use for your Wineprefix (e.g. Windows XP, Windows 7). Specify if you override this for the Steam client executable.
  • Specify whether you installed into a 32-bit or a 64-bit Wineprefix.
  • Add detailed comments about what is not working for you.
  • Please check known issues which may vary by graphics card vendor / driver version.
  • Please indicate if you've applied additional patches to the version of Wine you are using.
  • Please, don't submit test results like "Everything is working" or "Everything isn't working".

These guidelines ensure your submitted test results are actually relevant to other users of Wine and WineHQ.

1 The console version of the lshw utility is your friend. This command will dump your System hardware specification in a clean format. Post command and output in the Extra Comments section:

sudo lshw -short | egrep -v '(volume|disk|bus)'

2 glxinfo can be used to display your OpenGL and graphics driver versions. Post the command and output in the Extra Comments section:

glxinfo | egrep '^[[:alpha:]]'

Install Guide for Battlefield 2142 (DVD retail)
  1. Ensure you are using a 32-bit Wineprefix on a 64-bit OS (see Wine FAQ if unsure how to do this).

  2. Ensure your Battlefield 2142 DVD is mounted within your Linux filesystem. You can do this quite easily, in most Desktop Environments, via udisks 2.

  3. Wine should map this drive to '${WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices/d:'
    (the mapped drive letter may vary depending on how many drives your system has).

  4. Check drive is mapped using:


  5. Open a Terminal and launch the setup:

    wine 'D:\setup.exe'
    (Replace D: with whatever drive letter you have your DVD mapped to in winecfg)

  6. ☐ Uncheck  GameSpy Comrade installation

  7. When the main (disc) installer has finished do not launch the game!

Battlefield 2142 should now be installed successfully (hopefully). The Battlefield 2142 DVD uses SafeDisc v4 disc check. This DRM mechanism is supported under Wine. The game should run without a no-DVD crack - but will require your disc to be in the drive and mounted.

If you subsequently patch Battlefield 2142 to version 1.51 this disc check will be removed. The game can be launched without the disc being present in your optical disc drive. This is highly recommended and required for online play!

Online play will not be possible without following the steps to set up a Revive account and patching your copy of the game to version 1.51. This follows the shutdown of all the Gamespy Master Servers on May 31st, 2014.

Patching Battlefield 2142
  1. Update the game to version 1.50 using the BF2142_Update_1.50.exe , e.g.:
    cd ~/Downloads
    wine BF2142_Update_1.50.exe

    Note: this is a full patch and can be applied to any previous / earlier version of Battlefield 2142

  2. Update the game to version 1.51 using the BF2142_Patch_1.51.exe , e.g.:
    cd ~/Downloads
    wine BF2142_Patch_1.51.exe

    Note: apply the 1.50 patch first!!

Launching Battlefield 2142

Ensure your WINEPREFIX variable is set correctly before following these instructions.

Wine Virtual Desktop


  • select the Graphics tab
  • check Emulate a Virtual Desktop
  • set your native monitor resolution (or a suitable lower resolution) in the Desktop Settings

or manually add the registry entries:

wine reg.exe ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Explorer" "/v" "Desktop" "/t" "REG_SZ" "/d" "Default" 
wine reg.exe ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Explorer\Desktops" "/v" "Default" "/t" "REG_SZ" "/d" "1920x1080"

... replace resolution with your native screen resolution.

Launching Battlefield 2142 Game

Ensure that you use the same resolution (as your Virtual Desktop) when you launch the actual game, as in:
cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2142/"
wine BF2142.exe +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080

Widescreen support requires at least version 1.50 of Battlefield 2142.

If you have a 4:3 aspect monitor then omit widescreen parameter.

Gamespy Master Servers

Gamespy, which provided the Master Servers for many games, including Battlefield 2142, was officially shutdown in May 2014. See Gamespy Wikipedia for more information about this.

Various community supported efforts have sprung up to provide alternative Master Servers for the various games affected by the server shutdown.

Detailed below are installation instructions for various alternatives - to use in place of the original Gamespy Master Servers. Sadly no alternatives, to the previously excellent Revive Network servers, are currently available.

(1) Battlelog Servers

Update: the Battelog/Revive crew were served a takedown notice by EA. So this only remaining solution, to full online play for Battlefield 2142, is no longer available...


  •  Supply reliable alternate Battlefield 2142 Master Servers
  •  Transparent/simple command line wrapper executable to your original BF2142.exe
  •  Works with Punkbuster
  •  A few active Servers still remain online


  •  The Battlelog Launcher client frontend applications is a bit unstable under Wine
    (see Wine Bug 41925)

Getting Started

  1. Visit Website
  2. Setup an account

Guide to Installing the Windows 7 Revive Launcher

The installer for the Revive Launcher doesn't currently work under Wine. This issue can be worked around however.

Ensure you are using a 32-bit Wineprefix on a 64-bit OS (see Wine FAQ if unsure how to do this).

Download the Revive Launcher installer.

Then manually extract the installer - to use it:

winetricks win7
winetricks 7zip dotnet452
cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c"
mkdir -p
mv ~/Downloads/Setup.exe .
wine 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip/7z.exe' x Setup.exe
wine 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip/7z.exe' x bf2battlelog-*-full.nupkg

Then to run the Revive Launcher:

cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/"
wine 'Revive-Launcher.exe'

The Revive Launcher largely works:

  •  you can set BF2142 launch options
  •  you can download and install the full BF2142 game (including all expansion packs)
  •  Revive Network status, etc. works
  •  Applying CD Keys crashes when the Revive Launcher calls: BattlelogBootstrap.exe
    See below for a manual workaround.
  •  The Revive Launcher consistently crashes - when you exit it

Tested with Wine Staging - version 2.3.

Revive Game CD Keys

It is necessary to edit (specific) Registry keys, to set a special (allocated) Revive CD-key, for your Battlefield 2142 install. This step will become mandatory when the Revive team enable game key verification on their Servers.

Refer to this forum post: How to fix CD-Key issues (applies to both BF2 & BF2142).

  1. Enter Wine registry editor:
    wine regedit
  2. Backup existing Wine registry:
    Click on Registry (menu)
    Select Export Registry File...
    Select All checkbox
    Save backup registry file
  3. Exit regedit
  4. Visit your Revive Personal Profile page to obtain your personal Revive CD-key
  5. Insert your Revive CD-key into the (Wine) Registry for Battlefield 2142:
    export REVIVE_KEY="❚❚❚❚-❚❚❚❚-❚❚❚❚-❚❚❚❚-❚❚❚❚"
    wine reg.exe ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2142\ergc" \
        "/v" "" "/t" "REG_SZ" "/d" "x9392${REVIVE_KEY}" "/f"
Singleplayer / Offline Patch

(1) Singleplayer / Offline Patch (Gamespy Master Server Shutdown)

With the shutdown of the Gamespy Master Servers it is not even possible to play Battlefield 2142 offline in Singleplayer mode... A game that you have (hopefully) legally paid for!!

Well this mini-guide will fix this... Tested with all available versions of the Battlefield 2142 retail DVD (1.00-1.51).

Note the executable patch will NOT work with the DEMO version of Battlefield 2142 (as this does not offer an offline gameplay mode / requires Internet access to work).

  1. Create the following BASH script:

    	search="$(echo "$2"  | sed -e 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/\\x&/g')"
    	replace="$(echo "$3" | sed -e 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/\\x&/g')"
    	sed -i -e "s/${search}/${replace}/" "$1"
    mkdir "Backup" &>/dev/null
    cp "${exe}" "Backup/${exe}"
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "0083c1158bc1"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "000067616d657370792e636f6d004f6e6c696e650000"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "7374656c6c612e70726f642e67616d657370792e636f6d2f007374656c6c612e70726f642e67616d657370792e636f6d"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "65617075736865722e646963652e7365"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "617661696c61626c652e67616d657370792e636f6d"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "6f74642e67616d657370792e"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "3235352e3235352e3235352e323535"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "6d61737465722e67616d657370792e636f6d"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "7075626c6963706f7274"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "7075626c69636970"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "2e67616d657370792e636f6d00ffff"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "6665736c2e6561"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "2e65612e636f6d002e6665736c"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "67616d6573746174732e67616d65737079"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "6770636d2e67616d657370792e636f6d"\
    hex_search_replace "${exe}" "677073702e67616d657370792e636f6d"\

  2. Run your script in the main Battlefield 2142 install directory:

    cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2142"
    chmod +x "${HOME}/"

    This script will create a Backup directory ( "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2142/Backup" ) with the vanilla BF2142.exe executable backed-up in it.

  3. Download a pre-made Battlefield 2142 Singleplayer Profile.
  4. Extract Singeplayer profile into your WINEPREFIX user profile directory.
    Set PLAYER_NAME variable to the name of your desired in-game solider (your dummy EA account name will also be changed to this).

    cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/users/${USER}/My Documents"
    rm -rf "Battlefield 2142"
    unzip ~/Downloads/
    export PLAYER_NAME="singleplayer"
    find . -type f -name "*.con" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s/singleplayer/${PLAYER_NAME}/g"
  5. Launch Battlefield 2142 (see above). The game will think you are offline (even if you are online).
  6. Sign in with your dummy EA account name (pre- completed field) and just leave the password field blank. The game should give you the opportunity to play with your Singleplayer Profile.
Battlefield 2142 Tweaks

To disable the Battlefield 2142 introductory video:

cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2142/mods/bf2142/Movies"
mv Intro.bik Intro.bik.bak

To disable the Battlefield 2142 Dice, EA & Legal information videos:

cd "${WINEPREFIX}/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2142/mods/bf2142/Movies"
mv Dice.bik Dice.bik.bak
mv EA.bik EA.bik.bak
mv Legal.bik Legal.bik.bak

Moving any these 3 videos may cause issues launching Battlefield 2142.

See also PCGamingWiki: Battlefield 2142 Guide for further tweaks.

Recommended Video Settings

These are the currently supported, maximum, in-game Video settings.

Note: for older AMD (<5xxx)/Nvidia GPU's (<8xxx) and Intel GPU's it is recommended to set:


Note: for all GPU's it is recommended to set:


Turning on AA may cause the game to crash or may result in it running with a completely black/blank screen
(all in-game elements will therefore be invisible!)









████ High
████ High



















Last updated 09.12.2016 Wine-Staging 1.9.23, Nvidia GTX 970M, Nvidia Driver 375.10 (Gentoo GNU/Linux)


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

Battlefield 2142 is BACK!
by Luna Crane on Sunday December 21st 2014, 23:17
As a winter solstice present, you get to play Battlefield 2142 Online again! Thanks to the Dethklok Clan, who are also responsible for Battlelog alternate master server on Battlefield 2.

Here are the instructions for entering the Public Alpha Testing, which actually works perfectly, and, unlike Gameranger, includes Stats and ALL UNLOCKS! (Note: Beta came before Alpha for them ... weird.):

Check above this post in case this link changes.
RE: Battlefield 2142 is BACK!
by Rob on Monday December 22nd 2014, 7:41

I've been waiting for a way to avoid using the (god awful) Gameranger client!!

Don't I will be updating the instructions for BF2142 (and BF2) on how to get around the lack of Gamespy Master Servers... Especially since the games are running pretty well under Wine. I'll try and do that this week - now that I've got some more incentive!!

RE: Battlefield 2142 is BACK!
by Rob on Wednesday December 24th 2014, 9:00
@Luna Crane,

Just got round to trying out the modified Dethklok Clan Alpha client. Yup, that works a treat doesn't it!!

Shame my ancient graphics card isn't up to the job of pushing all the pixels on my new 2560x1440 monitor though (have to run windowed)!!

RE: Battlefield 2142 is BACK!
by Luna Crane on Wednesday December 24th 2014, 12:46
That must quite ancient. I'm running it fine fullscreen with Intel i5 integrated graphics card, using

wine explorer /desktop=BF2142,1920x1080 ./BF2142.exe +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080

Virtual Desktop is also enabled. I'm pretty sure it should stretch it. I think it's more that it has a very limited resolution listing in the BF2142 video options. Maybe typing it directly into the video config file might work?
RE: Battlefield 2142 is BACK!
by Rob on Wednesday December 24th 2014, 14:51
@Luna Crane,

Well the card's ancient - but the monitor is 2560x1440 (plus it's dual screen with the old one @1600x1200)!! I can crank the resolution up to 1920x1080 (windowed) but I think I'm simply running out of VRAM above this!! Mind you Black Mesa did run @2560x1440... Anyway I'll do some more testing... Gotta hold out for the 980 Ti - it's going to be a beast!!

Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Jim on Sunday March 24th 2013, 15:08
The demand for BF2142 is probably no longer what it once was, but I'd like to share a couple of tips.


To get fullscreen working:

First enable the "Emulate a virtual desktop" option in the "Graphics" tab of wineconfig and set the desktop size to your resolution (ex. 1920x1080)

Now add the "+fullscreen" flag to your resolution flags when launching BF2142, like so:

cd "${WINEPREFIX}"/drive_c/Program\ Files/Electronic\ Arts/Battlefield\ 2142
WINEDEBUG=-all wine BF2142.exe +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080


To fix punkbuster, download pbsetup.exe from the punkbuster site:

Run pbsetup.exe from your BF2142 wineprefix, click "Add a Game" and select "Battlefield 2142" from the list of games, then click "Check for Updates" and BF2142's version of punkbuster will be updated.
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday March 14th 2014, 18:07

I was really interested to read your comment about Punkbuster. I thought - is multiplayer finally fixed - or not??!!

I am using a 64-bit Wineprefix on Arch Linux (wine 1.7.14). I have Steam installed and Battlefield 2 from my account. So I install the Windows version of the Punkbuster utility. It detects the Battlefield 2 install correctly. So I can update Punkbuster to the "correct version". However the service doesn't run so I still get kicked when trying to play online...

* Does your fix work for online multiplayer?
* Are you using Steam or a disc install (I do have both BF2 Deluxe & BF2142 on DVD as well)?
* Are you using a 32-bit or a 64-bit Wineprefix?
* What version of wine?
* 32-bit/64-bit Linux OS?

If it's actually working then I'll bash through sorting out the Wiki pages for these 2 games!! Otherwise it's not worth the bother - as they are pretty useless without the online multiplayer support.

One thing that does work for me is fullscreen support (using the "radeon" driver) ironically...!!

RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 7:56
I tried the pbsetup.exe and Battlefield 2142 isn't on the list.
I tried adding the path, but the program asks to select a game on the list.

I'm not sure what to do at this point?
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 9:45
I'm on my phone just now... You need to use an older version of Punkbuster. You can hunt around on the Battlelog forums... or I'll post a link/ update the Wiki later on!

BTW do you own / still play BF2?
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 9:49
Awesome, I'll do some searching. do you know what version of Punkbuster I should be looking for?

Yes, I still play Battlefield 2, but only in my 6-computer LAN parties. its all offline, but still a lot of fun. Trying to get Battlefield 2142 running in my LAN as well.

RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 11:06
I'm selfishly trying to get "recruits" fire my campaign to fix the texture pack in the version of Battlefield 2 that Battlelog are using ;-) A mod crew fixed the Terrain textures f-ing years ago. I've tested it under Wine, and it works!! It's also easy to modify the Punkbuster config files to support it. But their online Servers would need to be using an updated Shader pack. All very annoying!!😠
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 11:15
That is GREAT!

I test Windows games for fun in PlayOnLinux/Wine and then post step-by-step guides on how to run them.

Battlefield 2 always ran just fine, except some flashing shapes on the ground textures.

Does Dethklokk have an online service for BF2?

Its great for BF2142 and provides everything you need, including more maps. I was surprised to see how much work has been done to keep BF2142 running.

My username on reddit is: brianinthered
Shoot me a private message
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 11:57
Yup I'm talking about the "flashing shapes" (aka broken terrain textures - they don't align correctly)... But why should Wine users have to put up with old Windows bugs??! It's annoying when a simple fix has been floating about on the Internet for years!!

I tend to do lots of gardening (allotment) in the summer... But I'll try and shoot you a pm. I used to do spend hours playing BF2 and BF2142 😀
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 12:20
Strange, I never had that bug in Windows, but only in Linux with PlayOnLinux/Wine. What is the fix? I would love to add it to my guide.

No problem, like I said, I only play offline with friends.
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 12:35
Well it was a thing - but annoyingly AMD and Nvidia patched it with their drivers. You can still produce the bug with a copy of XP and the old drivers!

I'll update the BF2 wiki tonite... TBH I was hoping to do it in a "one'r" ie get Battlelog to patch it in for "official" online play first. But that may never happen 🤔
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 12:37
Good to know, I will have to test Battlefield 2 again and see if its fixed in Wine. Specially with the new stable 1.8.3
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 13:13
NOOOOO, you misunderstood!! Why would I being tried to get the Battlelog folk to accept a fixed Shader pack - if wine was fully working w/BF2 now!!

AMD and Nvidia fixed their WINDOWS drivers with an update to "paper over" the Battlefield 2 texture mess... So EA/Dice never had to release an "official" update to fix the issue. THEIR TERRAIN TEXTURES ARE BROKEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE.

The problem will always be there under Wine... Why would Nvidia or AMD release a Linux driver update to fix a game that doesn't run natively under Linux?? The Wine developers don't care about misaligned terrain textures either - it's a game bug...

Unless I can get Battlelog to push out the shader pack fix - then BF2 online multiplayer will always have this annoying bug - when run under Linux/Wine...
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 13:17
Aaaah, Ok, its all making sense now.
Yeah, patching games that are 12 years old is hard to push on developers.
Specially for the Linux gamers. I don't think it will ever happen. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 13:26
But that's the wrong attitude...!!

The Gamespy Servers are shutdown. The ( is the #1 community run replacement. They do their own launcher and updates to BF2... They have the clout to push out a "semi-official" update to all the Servers under their "wings".

I'm also pushing for Windows XP compatible Battlelog launcher - so that can be run under Wine as well!!

The terrain shader fix is one tiny .fx text file in a zipped shader pack. It's hardly a major update (like Kbytes)!! Damn Dice and EA - criminals!!
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Booman on Friday July 8th 2016, 13:41
Ok, what is the next step?
I would love to see this bug fixed for Linux.
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Friday July 8th 2016, 14:28
So first, firstly... I've got to go water my plants :-)

Get your fixed Punkbuster from the link on this thread...

You can safely use the native (Linux) unzip command, on the archive, in your root "Battlefield 2" / "Battlefield 2142" game directory. It's all the same case (damn NTFS)!!

If you give me a bit longer with the terrain thingy... I want to test out whether I can get the MEDIUM quality terrain textures fixed as well (I've just tested the HIGH ones).

I might try and cheekily attach the Shader files to a forum thread or something like that :-) At least then they'll not disappear from the Internet!!
RE: Punkbuster, fullscreen
by Rob on Saturday July 9th 2016, 7:21
Ahhh... Things get worse!! More "researches" :-)

Fallen Hope - a BF2 mod released way back in 2007 (!!)

Has a single (!!) text file: TerrainShader_Hi.fx
in their shader pack that fixes both the MEDIUM and HIGH terrain textures - when running the unmod'd BF2 maps under Wine... Arggggg!!

Pulls eyes out...

I was also going to add there are a few older copies of PunkBuster floating about on the Interwebs... E.g.

If the Punkbuster link I suggested doesn't work with your server. Always backup first!!

Btw have you had any issues running BF2142 with newer versions of Wine...?? Wierdly my BF2142 Wineprefix (yup retail release - patched up to 1.5.1 - nothing else in there) appears to have "blown up" and refuses to run... :-(

I dropped back to Wine 1.8.3 - but still no dice ??!! My last test drop was with Wine 1.7.55 - a while back...

BF2's running fine - via Wine - so it's definitely not a Wine build / graphics driver issue.

Puzzled 8->