Category: Main Games Role Playing Games Gothic II Night of the Raven: 2.6/2.7

Gothic II

AddOn for Gothic 2; English title "Night of the Raven", German title "Die Nacht des Raben"

Application Details:

Version: Night of the Raven: 2.6/2.7
License: Retail
Votes: 1
Latest Rating: Gold
Latest Wine Version Tested: 7.22

Maintainers: About Maintainership

Test Results

Old test results
The test results you have selected are very old and may not represent the current state of Wine.
Selected Test Results

What works

well just erverything except music. you still have to disable music in you Gothic.ini but sound works!! so you hear the npcs talkin to you ;) something i really missed :D

What does not

music enabled leads to a crash


What was not tested

playin through the whole game... but should work

Hardware tested


  • GPU:
  • Driver:

Additional Comments

you have to disable music otherwise game will crash while loading the menu. i used the gothic gold version and the crack from gamecopyworld mentioned somewhere in the bugarea of gothic here at winehq

selected in Test Results table below
Operating systemTest dateWine versionInstalls?Runs?Used
ShowGentoo Linux x86_64Dec 11 20227.22Yes Yes YesGoldMichael B 
ShowArch Linux x86_64Mar 07 20227.3Yes Yes YesGoldJonathan Kompart 
ShowDebian GNU/Linux Unstable "Sid" x86_64Apr 27 20216.7-stagingYes Yes YesGoldHonki Tonk 
ShowManjaro Linux 18.0.0Apr 23 20194.5Yes Yes YesGoldFilip Sutkowy 
ShowManjaro LinuxMar 10 20183.3Yes Yes YesGoldMr Test 

Known Bugs

Bug # Description Status Resolution Other apps affected
30984 Some keys do not work in different games (Trine, Skyrim, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Star Trek Online, Gothic 2) STAGED View
34166 Fullscreen flickering on Mac RESOLVED NOTOURBUG View
43280 No music in Gothic 1 (incomplete dmusic/dmsynth implementation) NEW View
48483 Mouse cursor always visible in Gothic 2 with D3D11 renderer UNCONFIRMED View
48547 Gothic 2 with D3D11 renderer crashes on startup UNCONFIRMED View
50261 Gothic2.exe can't load native d3dcompiler_47 from GD3D11 dev12 or newer (application bug: wrong architecture) RESOLVED NOTOURBUG View

Show all bugs

HowTo / Notes


For working music, the following DLLs need an override with the "native" version (Microsoft's binaries):

  • dmband.dll
  • dmime.dll
  • dmloader.dll
  • dmstyle.dll
  • dmsynth.dll
  • dmusic.dll
  • dmcompos.dll

The easiest way is to use winetricks:

$ wget

$ sh winetricks directmusic

winetricks sets more DLL overrides than necessary. Remove the override for 'dsound', which would otherwise cause problems:

$ winecfg


When using SPINE to get HD textures and DirectX 11 rendering you might have to download SHW32.dll and vdfs32g.dll and copy them to C:\Windows\System32

Azerty keyboard layout / French version

Azerty layout has numbers accessible with the shift key so switching weapons was broken and there is nothing in the settings to change that.
The workaround was to switch to another layout using : setxkbmap us
Changing it in the Gnome 3.22 menu didn't work.

This is covered by bug #30984.


The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. WineHQ is not responsible for what they say.

by Nicodemo the Hippogryph on Wednesday February 21st 2018, 8:13
Take note: Vdfs32e.exe was infamous for crashing also on Windows at the time the game was sold in the shops; if it doesn't start is not an issue of Wine. A common fix at the time was to rename the file so it wasn't read at the startup from the game.
Just ignore the error, the games launches anyway.

by Sebastian Eckert on Friday May 15th 2015, 12:05
Oh, and I installed the dmusic/dsound stuff.
Sound lagging, Mod installation
by Sebastian Eckert on Friday May 15th 2015, 12:03

I got G2 running per se, but I got issues with the sound lagging behind a bit.

Also, I got problems with mods. ATM I can't see the Windows file system when running installers (which worked before), so I can't select the G2 folder. When it worked, I tried starting the mod via GothicStarter, but when I was starting a new game I basically entered a black-only world. Using another mod lead to the same issue.

I am using Gothic 2, steam version, patched to 2.6f.
RE: Sound lagging, Mod installation
by Sebastian Eckert on Friday May 15th 2015, 12:07
Oh, and I installed the dmusic/dsound stuff.

I am using wine 1.62 from the Ubuntu repos.

/Sry for 2x, can't edit my posts...?
Steam version works
by Konstantin on Friday May 9th 2014, 0:22
I can second the Mac test report (same OS version) and say, that it also works with the steam version of the game. I had to rename Vdfs32g.exe to Vdfs32e.exe and turn on Mac Graphics mode (flickered without it, even on 1.6rc4). Steam always tries to initialize directx on startup and throws an error that it can't find the setup.exe but you can just ignore that. It works anyway.
"no error"-error
by Johannes on Monday September 27th 2010, 16:26
well, i disabled music and vids, i tried overriding dlls, i used GothicStarter.exe... everytime i try running wine System/Gothic2.exe, it does just nothing, the command is accepted but there is no error message box and no message on th shell. with virtual desktops, the desktop pops up and closes instantly, and no message on shell or anything like a error.
so as far as i understand this means ghothic.exe runs abolutely flawless but decides to do just nothing.
guess there's a VERY stupid mistake.
by Michael B on Thursday October 21st 2010, 16:17
This happened to me too, very confusing. I solved it by.. err.. using a certain you-know-what-I-mean version of "Gothic2.exe" and "ar.exe". I might be able to help you finding them, by PM or so, of course.
Crashing at the start after applying crack
by i30817 on Thursday April 29th 2010, 23:43
I've avoided the crashing in the file vdfsg.exe and vdfse.exe. They don't appear to be needed and now the game starts always (and not only the first time).

I also needed to set the color depth to 32 in Gothic.INI
RE: Crashing at the start after applying crack
by i30817 on Thursday April 29th 2010, 23:43
Avoided, by deleting ofcourse.